A certain someone supposedly has a new shop in Cali and looks to be building amps again.....

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If Marshall were smart, they would have him design a new line of Marshalls. But I don't see that ever happening, so...

Marshall's sound better.

Dude neutered a Marshall
And everyone went ham.

Just dial the proper Marshall properly and don't inhale the whole cork anymore.👃
I’ve built a Plexi clone from scratch in a weekend if that means anything

This is why those new $4500 amps by ANYBODY is fucking reeeeeetaarrdedddddd. No matter how you want to justify it or like the builder. 🤣
Marshall's sound better.

Dude neutered a Marshall
And everyone went ham.

Just dial the proper Marshall properly and don't inhale the whole cork anymore.👃
Well, the last Marshall that I thought was worth a fuck was release in 1987. Haven't been really impressed with any of their newer offerings. While I don't own anything Cameron, and probably wouldn't pay the entry fee to that hot mess anyway... he does seem to develop a tone that a lot of people look for. But what do I know..? I'll just take my cork sniffing ass and sit back down.
Part of the magic comes from staring into the TAB on your Laptop, playing Def Leppard riffs, with a picking style that looks like your hand got caught in a wood chipper.
I can do it. So can many others. But I don't really want to because I got my own sound going on. I spent a lot of time learning and experimenting and arrived at my own take on it. Mark and I even played my fave build side-by-side with a few of his amps at his place a few years ago. He liked it and was nice enough to offer a few additional ideas/tips to try. But in the end, I lean toward a more modern prog-metal sound. Less compression, stiffer, more mid-range bark, less hair, angrier, more pissed off. I was able to take a peak at a few of his builds as well (I've also owned a few).

We probably have different tastes, which is totally ok. They Camerons I've owned were fine, just ultimately not my style. And I came to the same conclusion about the ones I got to play at his place. Well, actually there was one amp that did stand out. But it wasn't something he's ever offered to anybody before.
FourT6and2 builds GNARLY amps. I’ve played a couple of his amps and they are as good as the best builds out there. They have the perfect tightness, clear sound, yet high gain, great fretboard feel and are really fun to play.

The dude knows amps.
That's the road I'm on now. Mike knows Mike and both Mike's are right!!!

On another note, ChuggNorris got banned from RT...that takes work🤣