A wizard to tie the rig together?

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These fanboys are going to recommend Wizard before you complete a sentence. I think an SLO is different enough to compliment, or maybe a Mesa flavor. Or, you could go for more of a British flavor. If you like the Bogners, a Helios would do, as would a Quick Rod.
I second the Slo 100 suggestion. Way more articulate and open than what you have and better than the Wizards -just sold my MC II Mk II
Headfirst alta is up next and hopefully ends my search but i want another Slo 100 at some point
Sounds crushing! Good tone dude.
Thank you ! You never know what others really think of your tone . Appreciate it . It sounds best on good headphones. So thick but good top end
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These fanboys are going to recommend Wizard before you complete a sentence. I think an SLO is different enough to compliment, or maybe a Mesa flavor. Or, you could go for more of a British flavor. If you like the Bogners, a Helios would do, as would a Quick Rod.

Wizard amps are being talked about because he specifically asked if a Wizard would be a good compliment to his current amps. People didn't just trample into the thread shouting "WIZARD!!" for no reason.

Considering the amps he owns, an SLO could work, but it would fill in the other end of the spectrum. Where a Wizard is tight and clear, an SLO's unfiltered gain is going to be pretty mushy and rounded off. I doubt the SLO is going to be aggressive enough for what he's looking for, considering his taste by looking at his other amps. The SLO will be big and wide sounding sure, but he's already got two 5150's which are already kind of more aggressive versions of the SLO to begin with.
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These fanboys are going to recommend Wizard before you complete a sentence.

this is why i had to ask in the other thread why Wizards get brought up by the dozen in "Marshall" threads when to me they sound nothing at all like marshalls, and then everyone basically said they dont sound like marshalls :dunno::LOL:
Wizard amps are being talked about because he specifically asked if a Wizard would be a good compliment to his current amps. People didn't just trample into the thread shouting "WIZARD!!" for no reason.

Considering the amps he owns, an SLO could work, but it would fill in the other end of the spectrum. Where a Wizard is tight a clear, an SLO's unfiltered gain is going to be pretty mushy and rounded off. I doubt the SLO is going to be aggressive enough for what he's looking for, considering his taste by looking at his other amps. The SLO will be big and wide sounding sure, but he's already got two 5150's which are already kind of more aggressive versions of the SLO to begin with.
SLO not aggressive enough? Mine sounds pretty pissed off with the right boost. And, I've found that preamp tubes can really address that wooly character. They used to ship with EH 7025's, (my last one did), as well as much larger bottle "Boutique" branded 5881's. The new one I got, has smaller stubby "Boutique" 5881's, and "Boutique" 12AX7's. The EH7025's are big and wooly to begin with, so 4 less makes a difference. I put a Tungsol in V1, left the 12AX7's in, and biased the 5881's a little warmer, (they were at 30mV). I'm closer to 65%, and it's night and day from my last one I owned. It's tight as shit, and absolutely screams. No mush here, and clear as a bell.

As for my Wizard comment, I was referring to the other 99% of threads were Wizards are suggested. This place is Wizard amp and all things EVH central. It's ridiculous.
this is why i had to ask in the other thread why Wizards get brought up by the dozen in "Marshall" threads when to me they sound nothing at all like marshalls, and then everyone basically said they dont sound like marshalls :dunno::LOL:
Mine sounds like a Marshall without all the stuff that sucks about a Marshall. Early AC/DC like TNT, Dirty Deeds on the rhythm channel and Highway to Hell/Back in Black on the lead channel. Kick in the extra gain and it is like Accept etc…or use a boost pedal for something different. Only thing it isn’t good at is country cleans or tuned down stuff.
Mine sounds like a Marshall without all the stuff that sucks about a Marshall. Early AC/DC like TNT, Dirty Deeds on the rhythm channel and Highway to Hell/Back in Black on the lead channel. Kick in the extra gain and it is like Accept etc…or use a boost pedal for something different. Only thing it isn’t good at is country cleans or tuned down stuff.
AC/DC especially the old stuff is very low filtering, saggy marshalls!
I doubt a wizard is able to do that.

As far as i known the first wizard used on an AC/DC record is "Black Ice" and i got to say, i don't like it as much. It's too articulate and therefore a bit thin and harsh.

To the OP: Seems you really like all those amps, and maybe you do like compression, and there are quite a lot amps out there, that are quite acontrast to those, just maybe don't pick the most expensive one?
this is why i had to ask in the other thread why Wizards get brought up by the dozen in "Marshall" threads when to me they sound nothing at all like marshalls, and then everyone basically said they dont sound like marshalls :dunno::LOL:
I’m thinking they’re referring to MC’s 99% of the time.
SLO not aggressive enough? Mine sounds pretty pissed off with the right boost. And, I've found that preamp tubes can really address that wooly character. They used to ship with EH 7025's, (my last one did), as well as much larger bottle "Boutique" branded 5881's. The new one I got, has smaller stubby "Boutique" 5881's, and "Boutique" 12AX7's. The EH7025's are big and wooly to begin with, so 4 less makes a difference. I put a Tungsol in V1, left the 12AX7's in, and biased the 5881's a little warmer, (they were at 30mV). I'm closer to 65%, and it's night and day from my last one I owned. It's tight as shit, and absolutely screams. No mush here, and clear as a bell.

As for my Wizard comment, I was referring to the other 99% of threads were Wizards are suggested. This place is Wizard amp and all things EVH central. It's ridiculous.
That’s because people who own them know how killer they are, thus the enthusiasm. The hype is real…
That’s because people who own them know how killer they are, thus the enthusiasm. The hype is real…

i wish one would pop up locally to me so i could try, kinda surprised one hasnt, i just have too many amps and they go for too much for me to want to try when im not sure im gonna dig
i wish one would pop up locally to me so i could try, kinda surprised one hasnt, i just have too many amps and they go for too much for me to want to try when im not sure im gonna dig
People still want 4K used.. Fuck that.
i wish one would pop up locally to me so i could try, kinda surprised one hasnt, i just have too many amps and they go for too much for me to want to try when im not sure im gonna dig
Totally understandable. I went ahead and took the leap based on the word of gearwhores that I trust, and I’m glad I did.
Just as the “fanboys” say, you need to experience one in the room. A Wizard at volume is a force of fucking nature. They hit like a wrecking ball and the clarity is off the charts.
My only experience with them is my 2016 MTL, and it’s a beast. IMO the MTL is reminiscent of a tighter, dryer Recto, especially in the lower mids. That being said it’s not nearly as dry sounding/feeling as I expected it to be from it’s reputation as such. With the saturation knob, it’ll get plenty saturated, and even more so with a boost.
They’ve also got a great feel. You feel very connected to the amp, especially when you really dig in.
The master is decent, but these really come alive when you give them some volume. This is true with all tube amps, but even more so with a Wizard imo. Admittedly, I don’t even play mine unless I’m home alone and can open it up. Lol
But it’s those times that justify the price! Hahahahahaaaaa
For whatever reason, most Wizard clips are mediocre and poorly represent them. Check out Soriris’ MTL clip, because that pretty much NAILS the in the room tones I’m getting.
If you have two amps that you’re NOT in love with, sell them for a Wizard, I doubt you’ll regret it.
Wizard amps are being talked about because he specifically asked if a Wizard would be a good compliment to his current amps. People didn't just trample into the thread shouting "WIZARD!!" for no reason.

Considering the amps he owns, an SLO could work, but it would fill in the other end of the spectrum. Where a Wizard is tight a clear, an SLO's unfiltered gain is going to be pretty mushy and rounded off. Also I doubt the SLO is going to be aggressive enough for what he's looking for. It will be big and wide sounding sure but he's already got two 5150's which are already kind of more aggressive versions of the SLO's to begin with.
AC/DC especially the old stuff is very low filtering, saggy marshalls!
I doubt a wizard is able to do that.

As far as i known the first wizard used on an AC/DC record is "Black Ice" and i got to say, i don't like it as much. It's too articulate and therefore a bit thin and harsh.

To the OP: Seems you really like all those amps, and maybe you do like compression, and there are quite a lot amps out there, that are quite acontrast to those, just maybe don't pick the most expensive one?
I have both the 70s jmp and wizards . And yes you can do acdc . But you can do more . I had a couple issues with wizard but I must say they are that good
i wish one would pop up locally to me so i could try, kinda surprised one hasnt, i just have too many amps and they go for too much for me to want to try when im not sure im gonna dig
Given the variety of amps you already and have and what you can get out of some of them I’d be very surprised if you didn’t like the wizards. I think worst case scenario maybe you’ll feel it’s a great amp, but shouldn’t be this expensive, but then you also have to ask yourself what other amp can do what this does (same with Cameron’s or iic+‘s) and all of a sudden it might not so easy to let go of it lol. If you find one at the right price used it could be worth it or sometimes even a guitar center gets one in used and is returnable from them, but one thing about Wizard is he seems to be the one guy that keeps making amps actually better (I think part of why many older ones go for sale) vs all these other guys getting it right the first time 30 or so years ago only to progressively keep getting worse (like Recto’s, iic+, Blueface, Uber, ‘80’s SLO)
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I have both the 70s jmp and wizards . And yes you can do acdc . But you can do more . I had a couple issues with wizard but I must say they are that good
Do they have sag?
We had this dicussion with the Diezels before. You can get an AC/DC type sound convincing enough for most people, but yeah not really, ask soloDallas;)
AC/DC especially the old stuff is very low filtering, saggy marshalls!
I doubt a wizard is able to do that.

As far as i known the first wizard used on an AC/DC record is "Black Ice" and i got to say, i don't like it as much. It's too articulate and therefore a bit thin and harsh.
IME Filtering doesn’t have that much to do with tone. Feel yes…ya can’t really make a blanket statement about a recorded tone being because of this or that. There is a whole recording chain that goes into any tone. First ACDC recording I know of was BallBreaker using a Wizard in ‘95. Which is when I first came across them at the winter NAMM show in 96. Rick built mine custom in ‘05.
The 67 SuperTremolo under the white one has the stock low filtering and doesn’t do the early ACDC tone really. More Boston sounding.
The base tone I go for is Back in Black with more bottom, gain and clarity in the chords and no ghost notes and to not change tone over the course of a 4 hour gig. My Wizard does this on the Lead channel. It is based on a Modern Classic but I wanted some things abit different. Can’t comment about newer models just mine.
Do they have sag?
We had this dicussion with the Diezels before. You can get an AC/DC type sound convincing enough for most people, but yeah not really, ask soloDallas;)
They can sag a bit if turned up loud enough (which is really loud LOL), I think all amps do to an extent at some point on the volume, but they're real forte to me is much more suited to the opposite (being very defined, punchy and clear). I never really cared for AC/DC's sound anyway (much preferred other famous Marshall tones of that era), but I think they can at least probably get a lot closer to that sound than any Diezel I've tried. Despite the AC/DC association I don't think many guys are getting these amps for that kind of sound at all lol