i wish one would pop up locally to me so i could try, kinda surprised one hasnt, i just have too many amps and they go for too much for me to want to try when im not sure im gonna dig
Totally understandable. I went ahead and took the leap based on the word of gearwhores that I trust, and I’m glad I did.
Just as the “fanboys” say, you need to experience one in the room. A Wizard at volume is a force of fucking nature. They hit like a wrecking ball and the clarity is off the charts.
My only experience with them is my 2016 MTL, and it’s a beast. IMO the MTL is reminiscent of a tighter, dryer Recto, especially in the lower mids. That being said it’s not nearly as dry sounding/feeling as I expected it to be from it’s reputation as such. With the saturation knob, it’ll get plenty saturated, and even more so with a boost.
They’ve also got a great feel. You feel very connected to the amp, especially when you really dig in.
The master is decent, but these really come alive when you give them some volume. This is true with all tube amps, but even more so with a Wizard imo. Admittedly, I don’t even play mine unless I’m home alone and can open it up. Lol
But it’s those times that justify the price! Hahahahahaaaaa
For whatever reason, most Wizard clips are mediocre and poorly represent them. Check out Soriris’ MTL clip, because that pretty much NAILS the in the room tones I’m getting.
If you have two amps that you’re NOT in love with, sell them for a Wizard, I doubt you’ll regret it.