A wizard to tie the rig together?

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I'm one of those people that prefer classic amps vs Wizards. They have their own sound; some people like it and some don't. I'll take a Marshall over a Modern Classic and a Rectifier over a MTL any day of the week. They just sound better to me (and I've had both versions). It also helps that I could buy 2-3 amps vs a single Wizard. I only see them talked about and obsessed over on guitar forums.
I'm one of those people that prefer classic amps vs Wizards. They have their own sound; some people like it and some don't. I'll take a Marshall over a Modern Classic and a Rectifier over a MTL any day of the week. They just sound better to me (and I've had both versions). It also helps that I could buy 2-3 amps vs a single Wizard. I only see them talked about and obsessed over on guitar forums.
I would also take a good Marshall over an MC, but I didn't hear the MTL and Recto's I had being much alike at all when compared, almost polar opposites, only similarity I heard really being subdued uppermids. I sold my MTL ultimately, but the Hell Razor is a beast that the other versions couldn't approach IME. A pre-500 Recto or prime vintage Marshall would be a lot more expensive than used Wizard's anyway though, although it's not really set yet what used Hell Razor's would go for
IME Filtering doesn’t have that much to do with tone. Feel yes…ya can’t really make a blanket statement about a recorded tone being because of this or that. There is a whole recording chain that goes into any tone. First ACDC recording I know of was BallBreaker using a Wizard in ‘95. Which is when I first came across them at the winter NAMM show in 96. Rick built mine custom in ‘05.
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The 67 SuperTremolo under the white one has the stock low filtering and doesn’t do the early ACDC tone really. More Boston sounding.
The base tone I go for is Back in Black with more bottom, gain and clarity in the chords and no ghost notes and to not change tone over the course of a 4 hour gig. My Wizard does this on the Lead channel. It is based on a Modern Classic but I wanted some things abit different. Can’t comment about newer models just mine.
They did use them live early on (400W??? head for Malcolm, where called 'ARD, back then), but ballbreaker is vintage marshalls. There is an article by Ritchie Flieger where he talks about giving Malcolm's JTM100 and angus JTM45/50? new tubes...

Well there is a softness and give to the attack which makes it more organic, it's not only a feel thing.
I like higher filtering (yeah '67 is really low) myself, but there is definitely low filtering going on with the examples TNT, and dirty deeds.
If you would have given Black ice as example i wouldn't have bothered...
I myself would also go for a more "modern" interpretation of the AC/DC sound and i am easily convinced the Wizard can do it. Just not an 95% authentic one.

Yeah BiB is for sure one of AC/DC's bests. I actually despise the earlier rotten sounds a bit.
They can sag a bit if turned up loud enough (which is really loud LOL), I think all amps do to an extent at some point on the volume, but they're real forte to me is much more suited to the opposite (being very defined, punchy and clear). I never really cared for AC/DC's sound anyway (much preferred other famous Marshall tones of that era), but I think they can at least probably get a lot closer to that sound than any Diezel I've tried. Despite the AC/DC association I don't think many guys are getting these amps for that kind of sound at all lol
i won't argue with that. It's Techdeth who says he get's a convincing AC/DC sound out of his VH4, and i don't agree with that 100%. Maybe 50%
Totally understandable. I went ahead and took the leap based on the word of gearwhores that I trust, and I’m glad I did.
Just as the “fanboys” say, you need to experience one in the room. A Wizard at volume is a force of fucking nature. They hit like a wrecking ball and the clarity is off the charts.
My only experience with them is my 2016 MTL, and it’s a beast. IMO the MTL is reminiscent of a tighter, dryer Recto, especially in the lower mids. That being said it’s not nearly as dry sounding/feeling as I expected it to be from it’s reputation as such. With the saturation knob, it’ll get plenty saturated, and even more so with a boost.
They’ve also got a great feel. You feel very connected to the amp, especially when you really dig in.
The master is decent, but these really come alive when you give them some volume. This is true with all tube amps, but even more so with a Wizard imo. Admittedly, I don’t even play mine unless I’m home alone and can open it up. Lol
But it’s those times that justify the price! Hahahahahaaaaa
For whatever reason, most Wizard clips are mediocre and poorly represent them. Check out Soriris’ MTL clip, because that pretty much NAILS the in the room tones I’m getting.
If you have two amps that you’re NOT in love with, sell them for a Wizard, I doubt you’ll regret it.
I was in that camp of "they are overpriced and overhyped".....until I had a chance to play one at volume. Pretty much heard....and felt....what the Wizard fans ranted raved about.

I picked up a 2022 w800 from Clp45, a great dude and member here and now I am a huge fan: that amp can get so many killer tones, takes boosts amazing and actually felt better than my Ecstasy!! All while staying super tight, clear and punchy as all heck! Sold some more gear and got a 2016 MC1, updated by Rick to 2023 specs and with "C" transformers; equally amazing amp that reminds more of the Fryette/Hiwatt thing. And now thinking of moving some more gear to fund a new Rock Standard. Maybe a MTL. Either way, ya, they are expensive....but they are absolutely one of the best "new production" amps you can get IMO.
I was in that camp of "they are overpriced and overhyped".....until I had a chance to play one at volume. Pretty much heard....and felt....what the Wizard fans ranted raved about.

I picked up a 2022 w800 from Clp45, a great dude and member here and now I am a huge fan: that amp can get so many killer tones, takes boosts amazing and actually felt better than my Ecstasy!! All while staying super tight, clear and punchy as all heck! Sold some more gear and got a 2016 MC1, updated by Rick to 2023 specs and with "C" transformers; equally amazing amp that reminds more of the Fryette/Hiwatt thing. And now thinking of moving some more gear to fund a new Rock Standard. Maybe a MTL. Either way, ya, they are expensive....but they are absolutely one of the best "new production" amps you can get IMO.
Agreed, one of the only new production amps that actually has a more organic, raw sound and he seems to actually get better. If I were you I’d just get a hell razor if you get another Wizard. I’d bet money it could send at least one amp packing if not more
i won't argue with that. It's Techdeth who says he get's a convincing AC/DC sound out of his VH4, and i don't agree with that 100%. Maybe 50%
I have a Blueface and I mean it could probably sound quite good for playing ac/dc stuff, but if the goal is to copy that sound as close as possible it would not be a good choice. I’d probably just say get the right vintage Marshall or a Modern Classic if it has to be a Wizard. Maybe a VC or W800 could be better for AC/DC, but I haven’t tried those
Agreed, one of the only new production amps that actually has a more organic, raw sound and he seems to actually get better. If I were you I’d just get a hell razor if you get another Wizard. I’d bet money it could send at least one amp packing if not more
It's true! My benchmark for how an amp feels and responds is my old man's early 70's plexi. While I won't say my Wizards have the mids that just seem to get both meatier and aggressive when you crank it up, they do have alot of the qualities I love about that amp. Felt alot of those qualities in the 2C+ I have played as well, even though again...gain and tone structure were different. But like you said: how much are you paying now for an unmolested late 60's or early 70's superlead? 2C+? Rev C?

You know, I never thought much about the Hellrazor, but seeing some of the recent reviews does have me interested. I like how the gain controls influence different gain frequencies, which really could allow you to tune it how you like it.
It's true! My benchmark for how an amp feels and responds is my old man's early 70's plexi. While I won't say my Wizards have the mids that just seem to get both meatier and aggressive when you crank it up, they do have alot of the qualities I love about that amp. Felt alot of those qualities in the 2C+ I have played as well, even though again...gain and tone structure were different. But like you said: how much are you paying now for an unmolested late 60's or early 70's superlead? 2C+? Rev C?

You know, I never thought much about the Hellrazor, but seeing some of the recent reviews does have me interested. I like how the gain controls influence different gain frequencies, which really could allow you to tune it how you like it.
Agreed. I have a 1972 SuperLead 100 and 1967 50w tremolo. The 2C+ is up there too in my favorites. The Hell Razor is my clear favorite. Like you said with the MC you may still prefer a good Marshall or with a MTL too, but the Hell Razor just goes a lot further with what I liked about those other 2 wizards with also more gain and tightness/attack, so it becomes in a way more distinctive and becomes something no Marshall I’ve tried can achieve. Not better, just different to me than a great vintage Marshall
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I have a Blueface and I mean it could probably sound quite good for playing ac/dc stuff, but if the goal is to copy that sound as close as possible it would not be a good choice. I’d probably just say get the right vintage Marshall or a Modern Classic if it has to be a Wizard. Maybe a VC or W800 could be better for AC/DC, but I haven’t tried those
totally agree
Do they have sag?
We had this dicussion with the Diezels before. You can get an AC/DC type sound convincing enough for most people, but yeah not really, ask soloDallas;)
You can . It’s the user if they cant
I'll also say that my thoughts on Wizard amps also used to be "wow they're expensive" and that was it. Then I played an MC and MCII. I have still never heard any other amp able to be as touch sensitive and as tight and clear under high gain as this amp. Maybe some amps have better touch sensitivity, maybe some amps are better at tightness and clarity, and maybe some amps will have more gain, but I've never heard or played any amp that does all three at the same time better than a Wizard.

Are they expensive guitar amps? Very. Are they worth it? Well, like I said, I've still never heard anything do what a Wizard does better than the Wizard does it. And on top of that, they're built like tanks. If that's the kind of sound and build quality you want out of an amp, nothing else does it better.
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For whatever reason, most Wizard clips are mediocre and poorly represent them.

this is my concern as well as im basically a studio recording guy now, all the things guys say about wizards like "open" and "punchy" to me translates to "pain in the ass to record". like this clip i just listened to, im sure in the room this sounds really clear and is shaking your nuts being so dry and uncompressed, but its just so blah to me in the mix. the one real hellraiser clip in the other thread didnt sound much different to me. my hermansson in the room is more open and hits harder than any amp i have, great fun in the room but also a great pain in the ass to record.

Here's a clip from our own @Bxlxaxkxe. Sounds fantastic.

Here's another one, not sure exactly how it's recorded or who this is but it captures the sizzle pretty well.

Reza has a few Wizard clips. Here's one.
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this is my concern as well as im basically a studio recording guy now, all the things guys say about wizards like "open" and "punchy" to me translates to "pain in the ass to record". like this clip i just listened to, im sure in the room this sounds really clear and is shaking your nuts being so dry and uncompressed, but its just so blah to me in the mix. the one real hellraiser clip in the other thread didnt sound much different to me. my hermansson in the room is more open and hits harder than any amp i have, great fun in the room but also a great pain in the ass to record.

You’ve still though made some good clips with the Herm. Sounds like it just requires more tinkering. I’m a novice with recording (partly since I’m just not as interested in it), but with that said, I also struggled a lot to get good recorded sounds with my various Hermansson’s, but eventually was able to I think decently do them justice. I’d imagine it’s similar with the wizards

I will say the Hermansson Carlsbro CS100 I had slightly outpunched the MTL I had, but then I brought it over to compare with a Hell Razor KT150, assuming it would outdo it too, but boy was I wrong lol and that’s what got me to order one myself and sold the Hermansson Carlsbro. I only have 2 Hermansson Recto’s now
I'll also say that my thoughts on Wizard amps also used to be "wow they're expensive" and that was it. Then I played an MC and MCII. I have still never heard any other amp able to be as touch sensitive and as tight and clear under high gain as this amp. Maybe some amps have better touch sensitivity, maybe some amps are better at tightness and clarity, and some amps will have more gain, but I've never heard or played any amp that does all three at the same time better than a Wizard.

Are they expensive guitar amps? Very. Are they worth it? Well, like I said, I've still never heard anything do what a Wizard does better than the Wizard does it. And on top of that, they're built like tanks. If that's the kind of sound and build quality you want out of an amp, nothing else does it better.
Well said! The Hell Razor is also their tightest model it seems and is capable of gain levels beyond stupid (or that I think is necessary) lol. The only amps I’ve had that are tighter are my Hermansson’s and not by a ton, but I think the Hell Razor probably has more overall clarity and you hear the individual notes more distinctly in very fast palm mutes or machine gun type stuff even and they hit a bit harder even though the Hermansson’s are still tighter and faster. That’s what’s impressive to me: very high levels of gain that I haven’t yet heard as open, clear and defined

The way I look at it with price is simply that the other high gain amps I’ve liked similarly well aren’t any cheaper (mark iic+, Rev C Recto, Hermansson’s, Blueface VH4). Some of those are actually a lot more pricy. I think though all my favorite amps, like the wizards, have also a very strong blend of those qualities you mentioned (clarity, touch sensitivity, etc). The Wizard’s have more of it in clarity/definition and punch, while some of the others have more richness/complexity and growl on powerchords and are wetter/more saturated, more compressed. All amazing amps in their own ways
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this is my concern as well as im basically a studio recording guy now, all the things guys say about wizards like "open" and "punchy" to me translates to "pain in the ass to record". like this clip i just listened to, im sure in the room this sounds really clear and is shaking your nuts being so dry and uncompressed, but its just so blah to me in the mix. the one real hellraiser clip in the other thread didnt sound much different to me. my hermansson in the room is more open and hits harder than any amp i have, great fun in the room but also a great pain in the ass to record.

I agree 100%. That’s got excellent clarity but it’s bland af, no character or aggression to it.
As I mentioned before, Sotiris’ MTL clips kill and that’s the tone I get in the room. Thick, chewy, meaty and evil af.
If the Herm is a pita to record for you, I’m thinking a Wizard may be as well. Especially when it comes to capturing the girth and punch they have that so many fail to get in recordings. But you’re clips are pretty killer, so ya never know.
I'm one of those people that prefer classic amps vs Wizards. They have their own sound; some people like it and some don't. I'll take a Marshall over a Modern Classic and a Rectifier over a MTL any day of the week. They just sound better to me (and I've had both versions). It also helps that I could buy 2-3 amps vs a single Wizard. I only see them talked about and obsessed over on guitar forums.
I understand but wizard punch and harmonic richness is something mess with if you can . Nothing fills room like a wizard . And I’ve a could issues with them . But i got to be honest