Amps you want to try

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At this point, all I have left to try are

1. A real Jose A Marshall
2. 1966-67 GB 20s
3. A very early SLO; 87-92 range.

I've had all the others that I've wanted to try. A Hell Razor is intriguing; but at 6k the intrigue fades fast. Lol
Megalith Beta
Cameron Anything
Larry anything
Hermansson Marshall (his single recto wasn’t my thing, but maybe the Marshall? Maybe a triple? I probably tried making it sound too much like my usual recto shit)
Fryette ultralead eq
Mark IV (can’t believe I haven’t, curious if I’d like it more than my C++)

Probably won’t see most of these ever. Sure would be cool though.
An original Marshall JTM45/100 with matching cabs. (67 with Drake 1202-119 output transformer and Mullard EL34)

Hey. Wait. Despite empirical proof to the contrary, there are several here that say mark is a stand up guy that doesnt rip people off...
Then why has MC spent most of his adult life in hiding ???
Must suck living with eyes in the back of your head.
There isn't a ton that I haven't tried that would be interesting to me

Some of Larry's less common stuff like Rock Wizard, Wrecky, and Purist - Great dude, trust his ear, don't doubt they all have something special
GZ hellion 1000% - Jeremy is a great dude and I trust his ear, the MOAB+ i owned was incredibly good
Eddy Lenz hot chili - Love his playing and demos
Lickliter Scalpel - interesting and different type of tone, doesn't sound like it's copying anything blatantly
A legit Cameron CCV, played an atomica and it was incredible for lead stuff. Basically how a friedman SHOULD sound IMO
Wizard Hellrazor maybe, clips sound good, and like wizards, but unlike many here I think the metal and MC2 sound better on recording than in the room.
KSR Orion - they have a really cool take on the more modern sound, and I'd like to try one
Nick’s amps crush. Here’s an old video of my Nick Aldrich with Psychodave playing. Sad to hear Nick isn’t modding anymore. Every more of a reason mine won’t be leaving my hands.

Sounds killer
Honestly, I would love for someone to get to try the hermansson amp. I feel like as long as it has taken, he must be super intense about it.
Maybe once or twice, he thought he was there, then his ear changed like one of us on the forum that oh shit sells an amp because we fucked up the eq or something. Then he tears the thing down to the chassis in a drunken stupor and has to begin again.. This is purely speculation based on no fact and in no way insulting the guy. I think his demos sound great. I just don't understand how it could take 4+ years to design an amp when he has an established mod that is pretty fucking popular.
I Feel like almost every amp I own was listed here- if you ever are near NYC hit me up, and you can try anything you want :)

Id personally really want to try a Larry amp. I have a friend in germany with a PMM and a 962, but Im not gonna fly there just to make myself more jealous of him lmao
- Cameron CCV (not blown away by the clips, but I keep hearing the amp "feels" amazing)

- Wizard Hell Razor (haven't heard a bad clip or review yet and the clips indicate that this amp does aggressive better than most)

- PRS MT100 (Seem like an interesting tone that combines what I like about Mesa, Bogner and the 5150 series)

- Hermansson Rectifier (seems totally unique and unfamiliar. I'm intrigued)

- Marshall 410HS (Satriani model seems to have addressed some of the issues. Would like to compare to the standard edition)
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  • Gower modded Marshall
  • Hermanson and Ground Zero modded Rectos
  • All the Wizard models lol.. never seen one in Hawaii yet
  • Omega
  • Axe FX.. just curious but not that curious
  • And a Larry, cause why not...
All the Wizard models , sadly it will never happen , i live in France
I've had all the others that I've wanted to try. A Hell Razor is intriguing; but at 6k the intrigue fades fast. Lol
I was kinda disappointed in the recent clips that were shared of the Hell Razor compared to some of the Wizard clips @Techdeth and @TheGreatGreen shared a while back. Seemed too clean and crystalline, especially on the top end. Ear fatiguing.
I think the only ones I REALLY want to try anymore are the high priced/rare ones. I've owned so many amps at this point, that I mostly just want to know what the hype is about on some amps that I'd never actually buy:
  • Larry Dino
  • Wizard Hell Razor
  • Dumble ODS
  • Trainwreck Express
As far as more attainable amps are concerned. There's a few that pop up at good prices that sometimes pique my interest, but there's really only one amp I have GAS for right now - a PRS HDRX 20 to go with the matching cab I have. I've also debated picking up an Engl Fireball 25 at some point cause I'd love to try another Engl and see how it compares to my Savage, but I'm super happy with that amp and don't really need another high gain amp, so I'd probably only get one if a good trade opportunity arose.
Apart from wanting to visit Brian at Tophat and also go to England to Matamp and try everything and then pick one, I would like to try a primo versions of vintage pieces with their respective OG speakers, so that when looking for clones I can afford, I’d know I’ve found the real deal.
Not much in the realm of modern high gain that interests me, especially at their price points. Only new tweak I would like to try in person is the Pandora Ecstasy.