@VonBonfire thanks for the compliments! The clips I did were made with a Modern Classic II Mk II.
The thing about high gain guitar tone that's really deceptive though, is that while the amp seems to always take center stage as far as where people
think the tone comes from, the impact of the amp on the overall chain is actually more subtle than you'd think compared to all the other ingredients in there. Replace one high gain amp with another high gain amp in a given rig and the tone will change a bit, but if you keep the same amp and change the cab / mic / post-EQ, the tone can change so much it's like you're playing through an entirely different rig altogether. I don't mean to downplay the importance of a good amp though (I did spend the money on a dang Wizard after all, which I think was worth it for me to find what I think is pretty much the best heavy rock amp I've ever heard or played) but again it's only one ingredient in the stew.
I say all that to say that comparing person A's clip of amp 1 against person B's clip of amp 2 is kind of an exercise in futility and most of the time will not give you reliable info you can use due to the differences between the rest of the rig, which is part of the reason I was asking
@Bram576 to pretty please make some comparison videos of his Hell Razor against his MC and MTL.
He's one of the few people who has all three, and those clips, were he to make them, would all be done using the same guitar / cabs / mics. Putting amps in the same environment like that is kind of the only real way to truly compare them.
I almost hope he doesn't make them though because I have a feeling such a video will end up making me a lot poorer if the Hell Razor compares to the others in the way everybody says it does, lol.