Anyone ever dealt with Zachary Guitars?

The only fault i can see with NYXL is the dumb message on the back of the package. I change my strings so infrequently that i always forget.

They should change their message to something more insulting like the handicapped asshole, that way i smile when i change strings instead of feeling disgusted.

"By making guitars entirely by hand, one at a time, I have gained complete control and freedom of design. I do not copy any other guitar design, nor do I subscribe to any trends, gimmicks or fads. I am not bound by tradition, nor am I limited or influenced by commercialism. My guitars are originals, and every aspect of their design has a single purpose; to make a better instrument."

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The entire site is a goldmine of hilarity:
Man, who'd willingly fuck up a BC Rich and then give it a worse headstock than Heritage!

Wrap tail is cool though.
Sad thing is, I still have a box of the things, of different gauges. I liked his gauge spread, and if I wanted to, I could duplicate the string gauge. They aren't "life altering" enough to bother though.
Hate to tell you this but I think the secret ingredient of these magical strings is Zachary’s own recycled tampon pull strings.
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So proud of no cnc. His hand work leaves lots to be desired based on the pics.