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I’m a straight white Christian conservative. And for my political commentary, I trust this occultist libertarian more than ANYONE else:

I’m not going to go round and round with you today.

I'm not trying to start a debate. I just found it refreshing for someone to use MSM in reference to both sides.
Many on here would have you believe that every network is the evil lying MSM - except for Fox and OAN.


Straight, white, agnostic, fiscally conservative/socially liberal
Rush was right about everything that’s going on. You’re a pretty nice guy, I think. At least you come across that way, but I’m not going to go round and round with you today. I’ve got too much work to do. You’re a big time liberal. Fine. Hope Biden and Kamala are giving you everything you want! They sure are doing a bang up job. Fox News sucks. I like OAN, though.
Donnie “The Rat” Belanger is not a nice guy and he worships the liberal government because he leeches off them. He’s a 61 year old man with TDS, posting delusions 24/7 in almost every thread. Admitted to wanting to bang Rachel Maddow as well. Pathetic.
Donnie “The Rat” Belanger is not a nice guy and he worships the liberal government because he leeches off them. He’s a 61 year old man with TDS, posting delusions 24/7 in almost every thread. Admitted to wanting to bang Rachel Maddow as well. Pathetic.
What's funny is the 61 year old keeps changing his avatar picture. Clearly he takes this forum stuff seriously. So seriously that in his post above where he wrote "Straight, white, agnostic, fiscally conservative/socially liberal" in red. Clearly his race and sexuality are important factors and needs to flaunt it. He's RT's poster child for homophobia and racism.
Will you guys find someone else to obsess over?

It's getting creepy.
I’m a straight white Christian conservative. And for my political commentary, I trust this occultist libertarian more than ANYONE else:

It's absolutely refreshing to see and hear people waking up.
Just listened to that hippy dude's little expose.....

My takeaway from it?
He really needs to get laid.
Just listened to that hippy dude's little expose.....

My takeaway from it?
He really needs to get laid.
Dude, all you do when it comes to political stuff is call names and insult. You don’t offer any kind of intelligent or rational argument as counterpoint. Like I said earlier, you seem to be a nice guy. I’ll bet if we sat down and played guitar and nothing else, it’d be a good time. But I do feel sorry for you that you’re so bought into and invested in the establishment that you cannot engage in or undertake rational and unbiased analysis.
Dude, all you do when it comes to political stuff is call names and insult. You don’t offer any kind of intelligent or rational argument as counterpoint.

I have not insulted a single person on here who didn't come at me first.
Let's be really clear about that.

I've also offered up my ideologies over and over again.
Shoot me a PM when you have time if you want to have an honest discussion.
It's impossible to do that here in public. WAYYYYYY too polarized.


Anyone wanna talk guitars and music? - I'm game.
You wanna talk shit about 1/2 the country? - I'll defend my 1/2.
Wanna go base level with 3rd grade insults? - Can do that too.
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If you look at the first tower footage, prior to its vertical collapse, the top of the building began a lateral slide to the left.

Hey, just remembered this cause at the time it was eerily similar how it collapsed - brought 9/11 memories back in a flash.

The section above her head started falling sideways based on her momentum, but a split second later it just came straight down.


AND YES, at the last second I realized what was about to happen and covered her head!! :D
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If you find anything that guy says enlightening it just means you haven't been paying enough attention.

Nice that he can articulate the problem down to the details but doesn't offer up anything in the way
of sound and workable solutions.
Just the typical "I'm smarter than THE MAN" snark.
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Dead from excess Lung Butter.
Well at least he stayed true to his mission statement & didn't use socialized health care before he died ..... oh wait :rolleyes:
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Dude, all you do when it comes to political stuff is call names and insult. You don’t offer any kind of intelligent or rational argument as counterpoint. Like I said earlier, you seem to be a nice guy. I’ll bet if we sat down and played guitar and nothing else, it’d be a good time. But I do feel sorry for you that you’re so bought into and invested in the establishment that you cannot engage in or undertake rational and unbiased analysis.

Parroting imbecilic, childish mainstream media talking points - like it's some "intellectual" coup de e'tat, lol - and then, completely ignoring every piece of countervailing evidence that he's provided, attacking strawmen he created in his head... This is the way of Donkey B. Ironically, it generally just makes his side look bad, and what he's apparently arguing for, look idiotic.

For a fun time, count the logical fallacies he commits in each thread. Petitio principii, ignoratio elenchi, in addition to the stock ad hominem and reductio ad absurdum. It's actually a good way to keep track and remember the classical logical fallacies in your head, because he commits the same ones over and over again in different threads.

I'm sure he's otherwise a good guitar guy, but he's suffering from a serious case of globohomo propaganda overload. If you actually *believe* the bullshit that CNN, MSNBC, TYT, HuffPo, etc proffer, this is the end result; obvious derangement and instability.
lol really ? Wow im so disappointed.
Who are you again lol ?
Some people can't handle reality.
Someone said Rush was right about everything, well maybe not.
A "slime agent" is an operative who insinuates him/herself into conversations that his/her benefactor(s) want shut-down. Do not reply to blatantly inflammatory content.
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