Are you addicted to buying gear ?

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Are you addicted to buying music gear ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 52.9%
  • No

    Votes: 24 47.1%

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I have a bit of a weird issue, I have a few specific things I like, and I collect many multiples of the same things lol
Im in the same boat. I’ve found I like Marshall style amplifiers that aren’t stock. Bogner, laney, Marshall, metroplex, etc. All similar but different. Thankfully I’m good for now - I don’t desire anymore. I do want to play others, but not necessarily own.

I also like Les pauls now. Specifically Les Paul customs. It would have been cheaper to fall in love with hookers and blow 😂
Yes... but I am starting to realize it is tied directly to me having free time to look and research lol. If I'm busy af I don't buy gear.

Guilty as charged. I've had a Sweetwater delivery to the house 4 times in the last week and a half, and one was an amp head. Wife not to pleased. But I've sold some things too.
Not anymore , Fractal Audio saved me :giggle:
I will say that having the Quad Cortex has cut off a ton of G.A.S. for me. I'm down to 2 guitars-- a gibson LP and a mayones regius which are so different that every time I pick up the other one its like playing a new guitar. I have an Aviator Custom super strat being built that Im hoping turns out the way Im expecting but I was hoping to have a death metal guitar that looks as classy as Pete Thorn or someone else's Suhr(not a pointy thing).

I would like to get a 26.5 or 27in baritone for the stuff I play in B Standard. But yeah as far as new amps and effects I will just wait on firmware updates.
I don’t know if it’s as much a addiction to buying as it is a search for tone. When I get a new amp I play it exclusively for a week or so. Some amps stay some amps sold. Sadly these days with the virus near me there aren’t any music stores that you can go play through anything other than your basic beginner fodder. And unfortunately with YouTube some amps sound great until you get it home. I’m not a hoarder. It it doesn’t have that magic it doesn’t earn a spot on a cabinet.
i was for a while there in the 00's. Gear flipping is kind of like a form of gambling, really. I'm not into like regular gambling (casinos, sports bets, stock market, etc), but the dual gratification of (maybe) making some money, and getting to try all sorts of cool gear was certainly addicting to me.
Yes, I go through waves though where I may go 6-9 months without buying anything. Then I may go overboard for a while. But I work a lot and this is my thing, other than college football games. I don’t waste money otherwise and my wife has never really said anything, she understands.
Nah, I spend far more time writing and playing than I do buying gear.

The Larry cured most of my amp GAS tbh

It's hard to justify buying anything when THAT is sitting in the music room.
I go through phases or being a total addict, and then long periods of not messing with it at all and being satisfied with what I own. I've noticed over the years that the periods of time where I'm writing less music and not playing as many shows, I tend to scratch my musical itches by diving deep into gear acquisition. If I'm keeping myself busy in active bands or writing fresh material, I'm far more utilitarian about my gear and don't really pine for more than I need to get the job done well. I do have some loose rules on myself these days, like typically only one amp and one guitar per year, and with amps if something comes in, something else has to go out. I've really downsized. I don't really let myself flip guitars anymore because it's always a major loss. I flip pedals, mics, etc smaller things like that far more often to scratch that GAS itch. I have to remind myself that I'm not a collector, so if there's no direct purpose for something, it gets booted.
I think I can say that I used to be....but these days I think it's a pointless endeavor.
I spend more time fixing, tinkering, tweaking, testing, etc than I do playing recently. As such I am taking a break from doing amp repairs for a bit to get back into playing more.
I own 10x the gear I did when I played live now that I only record…. Soooooo
Yeah, I had a few spurts over the last 15 years with the pricey stuff. Now I have it down to just pedals. I probably buy 1- 2 per week just to try :ROFLMAO: I end up keeping about 1 for every 6 I buy. What I really have a problem with is plug-ins. I know I know, this is RIG-TALK, not Gearslutz ( bad :jerkit:) but yeah, I've accumulated an embarrassing amount and use maybe a quarter of them. Yes, I usually demo first to try and if I like I buy. But overall its a big waste of money.
Lol I feel that on plugins. Back when Reverb was giving away pissloads of VST's I downloaded like 5GB worth of them, and have never used a single one :LOL:

At least those were free. I have bought at least one that I can't even really use without the full version of Kontakt :LOL:
I was addicted at one time for sure. 35 plus guitars and at least 25 amps.
When I moved, it was a great excuse to sell a lot of stuff. I let stuff go too cheap tho. I’ve always enjoyed giving people fair deals on stuff, but I went too far on a lot of what I sold. Oh well.

I have 7 guitars now and 7-8 amps I think? Still thinning out the herd.

The key for me was the realization that I sound like me no matter what I play through. I know I keep saying this in my posts, but it’s true and coming to grips with this is very freeing.

Single coils, P90’s, humbuckers…. Yeah they are all different flavors along with high gain and medium / low gain amps. One of each and your done……..
If you're looking to move that bad ass Tele in your avatar...please PM me. Love that pic !!!
If you're looking to move that bad ass Tele in your avatar...please PM me. Love that pic !!!
I bought that one from the late, great Steve K. Loved that one but it’s a goner. Sold it to some lucky soul on here.