Well-known member
Yeah maybe so. I was looking at the royal overdrive cause though it's really just a single channe (?) it even has an EQ with presence control and a mid boost switch for leads but I don't think anyone has backtracked that circuit. In demos it does really sound swell even at lower volumes which would be helpful on cold weekends when I have to play indoors. I was looking at the Gladio. I was looking at Rockett HRM2 but they made it small with no 9v so I might as well look at big boxes that use a power supply of their own. I hate small pedals with tiny fiddly knobs. I want a big box with big knobs with mini switches and jewel lights that sounds killer with a Twin. I've kinda already entered the realm with some different value input caps and such internally last time the amp was in the shop....what circuit are you interested in??? or pedal ?? you looking for like a Steel String Singer kind of thing ?? Dumble -esque " ??