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Thank you very much for your kinds words in regard to our deceased family member.

I won't vote for Trump. Period. He's too beholden to the religious reich. I don't want the government forcing my grandkids to live under GOP religious law.
Can you name a single thing in the last 150 years that even comes close to living under religious law ? I mean other than enclaves like Dearborn Michigan where you get the shit kicked out of you if you’re not wearing a hijab. Which you have democrats to thank for.
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I won't vote for Trump. Period. He's too beholden to the religious reich. I don't want the government forcing my grandkids to live under GOP religious law.

I wish someone other than Trump was running that would close the border. I don’t hate him but so many people do that it’s not healthy for the country. Nobody wins this fall.
I doesn’t really bother me, but didn’t some state mandate the 10 commandments to be hung in every classroom? Or they are trying to or something like that?
I won't vote for Trump. Period. He's too beholden to the religious reich. I don't want the government forcing my grandkids to live under GOP religious law.
He surrounded himself with the very worst of the evangelical community unfortunately. Paula White=prosperity preaching scammer. Kenneth Copeland=probably the worst of all of evangelical profiteers. Dude has a literal demonic look in his eyes. Unsurprisingly Trump is impressed because they both made a lot of money preaching. They live in mansions. Copeland has a private jet bought and paid for with donations. These are people who laid hands on him and prayed for him in the oval office. Guy is as dense as a hunk of live oak, biblically speaking.

Then there is the famous "I don't ask for forgiveness I just try to do better" remarks plus his favorite book being "Two Corinthians" No actual christian would say those things. Also, he claims Norman Vincent Peale brought him into the faith. Peele was a 33rd degree Scottish rite freemason (verboten in orthodoxy) and the author of "the power of positive thinking" which is nothing more than new age trash. So there is Trumps faith in a nutshell. He just knows how to talk to the common man and since most common men no longer have a solid grasp of any sort on scripture they cannot see through his thin veneer of Christianity. Maybe he truly considers himself Christian, I dunno, but his words and actions betray that IMO. As some of the church fathers warned "many who make the sign of the cross will not enter heaven".....
I doesn’t really bother me, but didn’t some state mandate the 10 commandments to be hung in every classroom? Or they are trying to or something like that?

Louisiana did that recently. South Dakota requires "In God We Trust" signs in every public school.
Do those signs equate to someone forcing their religion on you ?
They're forcing religion on kids in the Oklahoma public schools and I stated earlier that I don't want my grandchildren subjected to that. Aren't you aware of christian nationalism? Good grief, their proponents have been very vocal about turning America into a christian nation for years. It's not some hidden conspiracy, it's an massive open movement and they've been playing the long game for decades, just like the pro-life folks did in their campaign to overturn Roe v. Wade. What do you think Project 2025 is about? Christian nationalism!
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David Tallarico is a member of the Texas Legislature. He's also a preacher opposed to Christian nationalism.

They're forcing religion on kids in the Oklahoma public schools and I stated earlier that I don't want my grandchildren subjected to that. Aren't you aware of christian nationalism? Good grief, their proponents have been very vocal about turning America into a christian nation for years. It's not some hidden conspiracy, it's an massive open movement. What do you think Project 2025 is about? Christian nationalism!
My son went to public school and the walls there were plastered with LGBTQ flags and other stuff promoting homosexuality and the staff are all decorated in it. They encourage kids to wear it. They teach promiscuity in sex ed aka "just use a condom, it's fine". He dated hispanics because all the white girls are either gay or think they are boys I don't want my grand kids being taught that stuff either. I have to look at that trash draped over every street light and store front meanwhile shoved in my face but if they put up christian flags the other half of the country would be having a shit hemorrhage over it. It's all about molding the minds of the youth and the christian right is 50 years late to the game and now they are going for broke....truth is they took prayer and bible outta schools in the early sixties and it's been a total shit show on a steep downhlll run ever since. I would never send my kids to public schools but my old lady overrode me at the time. Nothing but trash in those places IME.

Trump allies prepare to infuse ‘Christian nationalism’ in second administration​

Spearheading the effort is Russell Vought, president of The Center for Renewing America, part of a conservative consortium preparing for Trump’s return to power.
So some nutbags say some shit and you all think it has fuck all to do with Trump ? Or ANY president for that matter ?

Have you seen some of the lefty nutbags ? Drag queen story time perhaps ? All those fucktards tearing shit up in the summer of 2020?
So some nutbags say some shit and you all think it has fuck all to do with Trump ? Or ANY president for that matter ?

I'll ask you the same thing you asked me earlier: Why don't you inform yourself?
Have you seen some of the lefty nutbags ? Drag queen story time perhaps ? All those fucktards tearing shit up in the summer of 2020?

Those things don't have fuck all to do with Christian nationalism.
They're forcing religion on kids in the Oklahoma public schools and I stated earlier that I don't want my grandchildren subjected to that. Aren't you aware of christian nationalism? Good grief, their proponents have been very vocal about turning America into a christian nation for years. It's not some hidden conspiracy, it's an massive open movement and they've been playing the long game for decades, just like the pro-life folks did in their campaign to overturn Roe v. Wade. What do you think Project 2025 is about? Christian nationalism!
Come on man. I don't think Trump gives a rat's ass about Christians or Christian values. He panders to them the way the left panders to queers, felonious thugs, minorities, illegal aliens, etc.. Trump and whatever idiots are pushing Christian Nationalism don't have the power to usurp the constitution. And I'm guessing less than half of the people voting for Trump are even Christian to begin with.

You should be worried about the Muslims. They want to kill your grandchildren.
You Trump supporters who aren't religious or the "right kind of Christians" are in for a rude awakening if Trump retakes the White House.
I'll ask you the same thing you asked me earlier: Why don't you inform yourself?

Those things don't have fuck all to do with Christian nationalism.
They do. Because those idiots are no one. Your news sources soup you up to think they are. Equating those people to conservatives or to Trump is like equating muslim terrorists to democrats.