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You Trump supporters who aren't religious or the "right kind of Christians" are in for a rude awakening if Trump retakes the White House.
Boy you got it bad don't you.

Listen, the fucking president can NOT just re-write the fucking constitution. You're fucked up Johnny. What you ought to worry about is the same government who lies to you and me and everyone, constantly and exists only to protect itself, the system, wants to disarm you. That ought to scare the fuck out of you. Instead you're worried a bunch of bible thumpers are going to force their religion on your grandkids ?
Come on man. I don't think Trump gives a rat's ass about Christians or Christian values. He panders to them the way the left panders to queers, felonious thugs, minorities, illegal aliens, etc.. Trump and whatever idiots are pushing Christian Nationalism don't have the power to usurp the constitution. And I'm guessing less than half of the people voting for Trump are even Christian to begin with.

You should be worried about the Muslims. They want to kill your grandchildren.
Brother look into Christian nationalism. Please. I'm respectfully asking you to look into this in depth. Your skepticism is very ill founded. I've known about this movement for almost 40 years now. They are not fuckin' around and they hold a lot of power.

Christians Against Christian Nationalism

You Trump supporters who aren't religious or the "right kind of Christians" are in for a rude awakening if Trump retakes the White House.
Shoot the last forty years of my life have been a continuous rude awakening. This life is a few sweet moments separated by long spans of total crap.

Brother look into Christian nationalism. Please. I'm respectfully asking you to look into this in depth. Your skepticism is very ill founded. I've known about this movement for almost 40 years now. They are not fuckin' around and they hold a lot of power.

Christians Against Christian Nationalism
If we are talking about a soon to appear antichrist then MANY christians and non christians alike will fall prey to this since antichrist is basically a fugazi of the real guy and will have many of his characteristics. Imagine the rabid followers....the past few elections have shown the level of idolatry people have for these leaders. People think Obama/Trump/etc are going to somehow right the ship and they have psychotic levels of allegiance to someone they do not know personally. It shows that the stage is being set in many minds. I have no doubt antichrist will appear to be an amazing christian guy and be beloved by the left and right both. Like the flood, most will be swept away.....
Boy you got it bad don't you.

Listen, the fucking president can NOT just re-write the fucking constitution.

I never said or implied that he could. Many of the Christian nationalists claim that the Constitution is biblically inspired.

I'm respectfully asking you to look into this issue in depth. The articles and videos I've posted here are a good start.
Christian Nationalism is the new bogeyman. The left took some dumbasses at the Jan 6 riot and equated them to all Trump supporters.

As this very forum has shown, a great many Trump supporters aren't even really Trump supporters. We would have backed nearly any republican over Biden. Biden has fucked all of us. You're tripping on some bullshit about Christian Nationalists while you're paying triple for literally every single thing you buy compared to 3 years ago.
I never said or implied that he could. Many of the Christian nationalists claim that the Constitution is biblically inspired.

I'm respectfully asking you to look into this issue in depth. The articles and videos I've posted here are a good start.
The constitution in really plain text is based entirely on religious freedom. It was Jefferson's coupe de grace.
Christian Nationalism is the new bogeyman. The left took some dumbasses at the Jan 6 riot and equated them to all Trump supporters.

Again, I'm respectfully asking you to look into this issue in depth. The articles and videos I've posted here are a good start.
And how are you so sure of this?

Again, I'm respectfully asking you to look into this issue in depth. The articles and videos I've posted here are a good start.
Have you ever met an actual Christian Nationalist ?
I'll look into it buddy, but I'm telling you it's just the next " Big scary thing" that's being used by politicians to divide us.

Let's say, for the sake of argument, that there is a threat to your personal liberty from a wacked out group bent on forcing people to conform to their beliefs. Does that sound like the sort of thing you want to face without weapons ?
Have you ever met an actual Christian Nationalist ?
Most protestants would get behind it. Most nominal christians would be swept along with it if it came to fruition. Like the vaccine most people would take the path of least resistance regardless of what it is being foisted on them.
Most protestants would get behind it. Most nominal christians would be swept along with it if it came to fruition. Like the vaccine most people would take the path of least resistance regardless of what it is being foisted on them.
Even if that's true, which I doubt, I think all y'all are seriously overestimating the number of people in this country who even identify as Christian.
I'll look into it buddy, but I'm telling you it's just the next " Big scary thing" that's being used by politicians to divide us.

Let's say, for the sake of argument, that there is a threat to your personal liberty from a wacked out group bent on forcing people to conform to their beliefs. Does that sound like the sort of thing you want to face without weapons ?

What you aren't aware of is that alarge percentage of the folks with weapons are committed Christian nationalists and a lot of them are ready and willing to kill people to reach their goal.
Funny a liberal has met a bunch, yet I have never met a single one. And I don't know anyone who has.
You're not a christian though so how much interaction and discussion about the topic do you have with those who are? Not much I doubt. You're like most Americans whose faith was stolen by the secularists doing the devil's work convincing you there is no god and that Christ isn't real.
Funny a liberal has met a bunch, yet I have never met a single one. And I don't know anyone who has.

Why is that funny? I know a lot of evangelicals in my area and more often than not they support Christian nationalism.
What you aren't aware of is that alarge percentage of the folks with weapons are committed Christian nationalists and a lot of them are ready and willing to kill people to reach their goal.
Listen to yourself man. That's some serious bullshit brother. It's more fucked up than thinking there were multiple shooters at the Trump rally. More fucked up than thinking queers are trying to brainwash kids with drag queen story hour. More fucked up than Biden raping children.