Bud Light?

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What does the owner of a website have anything to do with anything . The fact is you admitted the story is accurate .
I admitted nothing of the sort. I’m pointing out that the purveyor of that propaganda is a crazy weirdo cultist who is also a well known self-professed “god” with no credibility because of all the times he’s been caught lying.

Credibility in journalism is important.
I admitted nothing of the sort. I’m pointing out that the purveyor of that propaganda is a crazy weirdo cultist who is also a well known self-professed “god” with no credibility because of all the times he’s been caught lying.

Credibility in journalism is important.
Another fail . You said it was true but it's a non story because who cares if Mulvaney moves out of the country . You lose
What? So she’s moving to Peru. Who gives a fuck if she does or doesn’t. How is that news? Is that supposed to make me feel a certain way?

See, you think people actually react to bullshit that’s tangentially related to anything you think might “own the libs”.

News flash pal. There are no libs in 2023 USA.
There’s regular people with real agendas and wackomagas and Qtards. Most of them are boomers and most will be dead in a decade.The right knows this too. The country is getting browner and younger. And all this circus stuff with Trump-maga-Q-fakenews bullshit is part of their desperate attempt to stay alive. The politicians will go first and when the people have the power again, their corporate masters will follow.
This is VERY true.

Look at the Arizona Republican party. They have like $50,000 in the bank. Their rich donors aren't going to give money to unelectables. They're putting their money on people who are going to be in power...like rich people have always done. And will continue to do until the tax laws are changed and they are forced to pay their fair share. Which won't happen as long as they buy the right politician(s). It's called a Plutocracy. Look it up if you have to.

Brace yourselves, below is an opinion piece written in a legitimate news source. Save me the laughs when you deride it as "mainstream news". Lol. Some of you have the hook, line and sinker swallowed so deeply it's caught in your colon.

Impeccable logic.
Mmmm pretzels. Yum.

Please enlighten us to what the lefts agenda is ?

The agenda is to kill Whitey and his family and fuck his daughters and then turn them out. Then redistribute all his money among the Mexicans and blacks so that they can spend it on Cadillacs and exotic cowboy boots.