Bud Light?

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Most if not all empires turn "liberal" before their collapse.

The stages of the rise and fall of great
nations seem to be:
The Age of Pioneers (outburst)
The Age of Conquests
The Age of Commerce
The Age of Affluence
The Age of Intellect
The Age of Decadence.
(e) Decadence is marked by:
An influx of foreigners
The Welfare State
A weakening of religion.
(f) Decadence is due to:
Too long a period of wealth and power
Love of money
The loss of a sense of duty

Yep, 81,000,000 "legitimate" votes, Chuckles

Keep on selling your alcohol riddled dumbass self that :hys:
Your favorite news source that fed you that shit is in a back room begging for its life at this moment. You should feel cheated and used but you're too dumb to realize you've been ass fucked and tossed away.

You should plan on moving out of the USA.

Liberals won in 2016 by 4 million.
Liberals won in 2020 by 8 million.
Liberals will win in 2024 by even more.

And conservative politicians keep digging the hole they are already in upto their necks.

The United States is a liberal country.
Has been transitioning that way for a long time.
Each new generation brings more liberals while the old conservatives are dying off.

Simple math.
You are going to continue to be miserable living in the USA.

Donnie instead of ALWAYS believing what Google and the mainstream media say just use "BASIC COMMON SENSE" because that's all you need .

The below images are Hillary rallies compared to Trump rallies . Now get this , Biden is much much LESS popular than Hillary and Biden couldn't even get as many people to his rallies as Hillary did . Hillary barely got anybody to show up BUT the media says disregard all basic common sense and what your eyes are showing you and believe what we tell you instead . And you know what , exceptionally stupid people believe them .


Each one of these little sections is a US County that is responsible for their own vote tallies.
Each one is supervised and overseen by both DNC and GOP operatives.
Many of them did re-counts. Some did multiple re-counts.

Each county was certified and signed off on by both the DNC and GOP election officials.


There's over 3,000 of them and each was verified.

Here's the 2020 election results by county.


Way too many of those red areas simply don't have a lot of people in them.
If grass could vote the GOP would win every single election till the end of time.

Each one of these little sections is a US County that is responsible for their own vote tallies.
Each one is supervised and overseen by both DNC and GOP operatives.
Many of them did re-counts. Some did multiple re-counts.

Each county was certified and signed off on by both the DNC and GOP election officials.


There's over 3,000 of them and each was verified.
Oh Donnie , are you aware that there was OVER 1500 affidavits signed by people who witnessed massive voter fraud and much of it was caught on video BUT NO COURT in the country agreed to see any of it .

JB. Williams

According to democrat politicians, judges, lawyers, and the news media, “there was no election fraud in 2020.” This claim is made entirely on the basis that no court in the country has agreed to review any evidence of the fraud in their courtrooms. Every court has taken the Sergeant Shultz “I see nothing, I hear nothing, I know nothing” position, as if ignoring the evidence somehow discredits the evidence, or makes it vanish.

What the courts have actually done is deny due process of law on the most critical case of political corruption in our 244-years. They have violated their oaths, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and every legal American and in so doing, they have all but guaranteed the total collapse of the USA.

The courts, all the way to and including the U.S. Supreme Court, have eliminated themselves from the equation. They are no longer a legitimate active part of our constitutional form of government. They have removed themselves from the process of justice and placed justice in the hands of the American people. The Article III branch of the Federal government (the Judiciary) no longer holds any constitutional authority over anything! They have totally abdicated any lawful authority over anything at this point.

Everything we have witnessed in the 2020 election we anticipated long ago. We expected the fraud to be unprecedented and it has been. We expected the “deep state” to be totally prepared to steal the 2020 election via numerous methods and we have witnessed ALL of those methods in play.

At this moment, the United States of America is the laughingstock of the world as the visibly most corrupted country on earth. The entire world knew that empty vessel Joe Biden and totally unqualified Kamala Harris had no real chance in any honest election process. They also knew, as many of us did, that 2020 was going to be the most fraudulent election in the history of elections, anywhere on earth.

Americans DID NOT vote for higher taxes, less freedom or a return to $5 a gallon gas prices. We DID NOT vote for lockdowns and masks. Get real! It just didn’t happen! Don't make the mistake of thinking most people did vote for it because they did not , the overwhelming majority of Biden's votes are fraudulent , the evidence is overwhelming.

If this disaster is allowed to stand as-is,as-of this moment, the United States is GONE! No matter political partisan interests, NO AMERICAN can afford to stand idly by and allow brazen corruption and fraud to determine the future of this country. Not now and NOT EVER!


Peacefully and legally is the first option, but it isn’t the final option.
Just a small sample of articles that provide all the indisputable proof that the 2020 election was stolen to be found anywhere on the web. NWV.

Vote Fraud: I Thought I’d Seen It All Until…

Bombshell: CIA Officer Openly Confesses To Rigging 2020 Election for Joe Biden and Says They Would Do It Again​

Voter Fraud the Only Issue in 2020 Election

The Treasonous Reasons Behind the Theft of Our 2020 Election

November 2020 “Mail-In” Theft of the United States

How ‘they’ sell vote fraud as legitimate election totals

Did Joe Biden Use THE HAMMER to Steal the Election?

2020 Election Post-Mortem

Will The Treasonous 2020 Election Fraud Cause a Civil War?

Lying, Cheating and Stealing, Elected Joe Biden

Decertifying 2020 – Right the Wrong

Lying News Media Fakes Trump Election Recount Results

President Trump: You Won the Election

Stolen Election: States Must Act Now, Part 1

President Trump Has Been Re-Elected In 2020, the Media and Ilk Just Haven’t Reported It

Stop CIA Interference in Our Elections

2020 The Rule of Fraud and Corruption

Day of Reckoning Closing in On the Election Criminals – Appendix A

Despite the Democrats sworn lapdogs saying the election was secure – the evidence says otherwise in a big way

Subversion Factor: Electoral Fraud by Socialist Democrats

Longtime Democrat Strategist Masterminding the 2020 Election Steal

Socialists Are Stealing Elections And Destroying The Republic

2020 US Election: A Déjà Vu
By: Amil Imani

The insidious similarity between the 2020 rigged US presidential election and the 2009 Islamic Republic of Iran sham election, is striking and quite mindboggling. How could America, the beacon of freedom, the leader and the envy of the free world have an election resembling the most repressive country in the world? Allow me to explain.

Did Joe Biden Use THE HAMMER to Steal the Election?

According to Montgomery, the FBI, under Director Robert Mueller’s leadership, provided the computers for THE HAMMER super-surveillance system.

And now comes the revelation that this supercomputer (using the SCORECARD program) – capable of directly interfering in the election process via state computer systems data transfer points, is being used against Donald Trump to hand the election to Joe Biden.

This would explain then how Trump could be dominating as he was all across the country and then boom – Biden is suddenly w
Oh Donnie , are you aware that there was OVER 1500 affidavits signed by people who witnessed massive voter fraud and much of it was caught on video BUT NO COURT in the country agreed to see any of it .

Bottom line. 3,007 counties checked and double checked.
Results approved by both Democratic and Republican election officials.
Game over.

You've been Monday morning quarterbacking for over 2 years now with NOTHING
provable in a court of law to show for it.

The game was played and the officials tallied the score and called a winner.
None of the fraud claims held up under legal scrutiny.
Game over.

I'm out.
Bottom line. 3,007 counties checked and double checked.
Results approved by both Democratic and Republican election officials.
Game over.

You've been Monday morning quarterbacking for over 2 years now with NOTHING
provable in a court of law to show for it.

The game was played and the officials tallied the score and called a winner.
None of the fraud claims held up under legal scrutiny.
Game over.

I'm out.
Donnie , do you realize NONE of the numbers for Biden add up ? It's a mathematical and statistical impossibility for Biden to have won . The numbers show Biden got a maximum of between 44 and 48 million LEGIT votes . That's when all those trucks were filmed in the early morning hours dropping off box after box after box of ballots .

Why do you think those swing states shut down all at the same time ? That's never ever happened in America's 244 year history .

Then you got dem's using China printed ballots .

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Donnie ,do you realize NONE of the numbers for Biden add up?

3,007 counties. Each individually checked and signed off on by Republican election officials.
The GOP had about 2 months between election day and January 6th to present their claims.
Not only were most of them utter bullshit, but a number of lawyers were punished for filing such
BS in the first place. LOTS of Trump judges were included in the decisions.

I trust the courts and the 3,007 county sign-offs.
Prove them wrong or basically you should STFU.
3,007 counties. Each individually checked and singed off on by Republican election officials.
The GOP had about 2 months between election day and January 6th to present their claims.
Not only were most of them utter bullshit, but a number of lawyers were punished for filing such
BS in the first place. LOTS of Trump judges were included in the decisions.

I trust the courts and the 3,007 county sign-offs.
Prove them wrong or basically, you should STFU.

It doesn't matter who approved what and what Judges were involved dummy what matters is that NONE OF THE NUMBERS ADD UP . It's still a statistical and mathematical impossibility for Biden to have won . THATS THE BOTTOM LINE AND THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS .