Buyer drama, lets let rig talk decide.

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I wonder how many pages of comments this thread is getting on GAB?

It may be more popular that the El Jeffe bashing thread.
Guys - a LOT of damage has been done here and no doubt Jerry is not coming off at all well.

The guy makes a living out of this I suspect so in the interest of leaving it where it is because nothing else can be said
that hasn't already been said this thread should be removed ASAP by Brad.

Not taking any sides whatsoever and I obviously know who posted first but enough damage has been done.

Man With Gas":1e0hchg9 said:
Guys - a LOT of damage has been done here and no doubt Jerry is not coming off at all well.

The guy makes a living out of this I suspect so in the interest of leaving it where it is because nothing else can be said
that hasn't already been said this thread should be removed ASAP by Brad.

Not taking any sides whatsoever and I obviously know who posted first but enough damage has been done.

Jerry started it and is now bleeding out, why remove it ... lol.

Whats really baffleing is calling out a customer on a public forum, [when he's wrong] and thinking its gonna go well.

Jerry's PM'd me a few times about my posts like a whinny bitch and i always thought it was weird.

You get what you give.
Man With Gas":525zh1ji said:
Guys - a LOT of damage has been done here and no doubt Jerry is not coming off at all well.

The guy makes a living out of this I suspect so in the interest of leaving it where it is because nothing else can be said
that hasn't already been said this thread should be removed ASAP by Brad.

Not taking any sides whatsoever and I obviously know who posted first but enough damage has been done.



All sorts of shady behavior was put on display first hand.

Aside of any accused love or hate for gays, religion, politics that anyone may have, all that racist crap or not.... I could give a fuck less about all that drama.

When buying an amp you expect quality. You don't get it and then get insulted when asking a refund?

I damn sure care about that. Why would you want to cover that up? What possible motive do you have to not want future customers to know the transaction history?

I call total bullshit.

Not all small builders are bad. Let the good ones get a good rep and the others not. With the Cameron drama and now this, asking it be removed seems like you want RT to be the haven for shady builders with bad business practices.

If saying that is wrong, then please explain how...
I checked out on page 3 when it got a bit silly but i will say that it is safe to assume that Jerry's rep on this board is essentially trashed ..too bad, amps sounded good but shady business practice and cutting corners ain't cool.

As for Kate Upton, she might not have an ass but my god does she have a rack on her! I love a nice round @$$ but you can't take anything away from Upton, she's a total fox!
Man With Gas":1exp37a6 said:
Guys - a LOT of damage has been done here and no doubt Jerry is not coming off at all well.

The guy makes a living out of this I suspect so in the interest of leaving it where it is because nothing else can be said
that hasn't already been said this thread should be removed ASAP by Brad.

Not taking any sides whatsoever and I obviously know who posted first but enough damage has been done.

Man With Gas":mxwvs4vq said:
Guys - a LOT of damage has been done here and no doubt Jerry is not coming off at all well.

The guy makes a living out of this I suspect so in the interest of leaving it where it is because nothing else can be said
that hasn't already been said this thread should be removed ASAP by Brad.

Not taking any sides whatsoever and I obviously know who posted first but enough damage has been done.


Hey man,

As some of the guys said above, this is a small time thing. That takes an extreme amount of trust between the buyer/seller for an operation to go smoothly. Jerry fucked up big time by not only his handling of the situation but by sending an amp out in that condition.

Tell me this. If that were your amp and you aired your grievances, would you be asking to have this thread removed or would you want others to know what's happening in an attempt to help your fellow man?
Jerry, do some research on Scott Splawn. I challenge you to find anything negative about his quality of build, character, or service.
You can like his products or not but he has built his company and reputation on making every customer feel confident in every aspect of doing business with him. This is a man I aspire to emulate.

I think you posted a lot of things here that should have stayed between a business man and his customer. Venting about a bad deal is one thing. Doing it on a public forum, that you are tying to gain customers from, when you are in the wrong, and topping it off by using your customer's full name was probably not fiscally responsible. ;)

Build the best product you can and take care of each customer because both of these are your reputation.
People hear a great amp that they want but they won't buy from an asshole.
Same thing if you are the coolest dude in the world but ship out flawed products.

That said, everyone makes mistakes, has breakdowns, loses their temper occasionally. Just do it privately next time. :lol: :LOL:
Man With Gas":q1tamvmh said:
Guys - a LOT of damage has been done here and no doubt Jerry is not coming off at all well.

The guy makes a living out of this I suspect so in the interest of leaving it where it is because nothing else can be said
that hasn't already been said this thread should be removed ASAP by Brad.

Not taking any sides whatsoever and I obviously know who posted first but enough damage has been done.


Although I believe the thread should stay up, playing Devils Advocate, I'm sure if this was a Brad & Co. bashing about their screwing the Cameron amp guys it would get deleted pretty quick along with some bans... Just saying seems a little hypocritical.
If anything, this should be a sticky. "How to completely destroy a small company"
Mr. Burton":7etqy5e9 said:
If anything, this should be a sticky. "How to completely destroy a small company"

Seems to be a common theme here.
Man With Gas":3ko1d3wb said:
Guys - a LOT of damage has been done here and no doubt Jerry is not coming off at all well.

The guy makes a living out of this I suspect so in the interest of leaving it where it is because nothing else can be said
that hasn't already been said this thread should be removed ASAP by Brad.

Not taking any sides whatsoever and I obviously know who posted first but enough damage has been done.


NO....FUCK THAT!!!!!
Jerry Shot himself in the Foot,
Now let's see if he can walk off on his
own accord. He had every opportunity
to keep his Business between Mark and
Himself....Instead he chose Career Suicide!!!
This is the Straight Shit....The Harsh part
of Life, where one learn's a Tough Lesson!

Like I said before....$1600 is Peanuts,
Compared to your Business Name.
Should've taken the Amp back, refunded
the money in Full (Should keep enough in
the Overhead Account) for all situations
and keep your PRIVATE BUSINESS off of
a Public Forum.
Inca Roads":6o95c2v8 said:
Man With Gas":6o95c2v8 said:
Guys - a LOT of damage has been done here and no doubt Jerry is not coming off at all well.

The guy makes a living out of this I suspect so in the interest of leaving it where it is because nothing else can be said
that hasn't already been said this thread should be removed ASAP by Brad.

Not taking any sides whatsoever and I obviously know who posted first but enough damage has been done.


NO....FUCK THAT!!!!!
Jerry Shot himself in the Foot,
Now let's see if he can walk off on his
own accord. He had every opportunity
to keep his Business between Mark and
Himself....Instead he chose Career Suicide!!!
This is the Straight Shit....The Harsh part
of Life, where one learn's a Tough Lesson!

Like I said before....$1600 is Peanuts,
Compared to your Business Name.
Should've taken the Amp back, refunded
the money in Full (Should keep enough in
the Overhead Account) for all situations
and keep your PRIVATE BUSINESS off of
a Public Forum.

I 100% agree with what you're saying.

If Jerry had a real clue on how to save himself and his business he should do a FULL refund PLUS $500 RIGHT NOW for fucking Mark
over & around, especially in public.

My original comments were to give Jerry space to gather himself but the above suggestion is what he should be doing URGENTLY IMHO.

As you mentioned, for $1600 Jerry's business and name must be worth more than that, I again TOTALLY agree.
Mr. Burton":1fj99e10 said:
If anything, this should be a sticky. "How to completely destroy a small company"
I think the first time I witnessed something like this thread was when Zwengel Amps imploded. Carl Zwengel ran his business openly
on the forums. When a few questionable dealings were publicly aired instead of being discretely handled, it took him out of the game.

Bad decision to start this "public input" stuff. :no:
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