Chuggnorris is a scammer

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I dont want to dox him, but I believe he lives in a storm affected area- maybe give him a few days extra- especially since you were the one who backed out
E5 E5 E5
G5 G5
A5 A5
D5 D5
Now this makes sense . I tried to tag him twice about how I’m going to destroy him and I got no response , he usually gives it back you know ?
We should be building each other up, not tearing each other down, my chugg brethren.

Can’t see the Police giving a shit criminally about a take backsies. Especially for such a small amount. They would just kick it to a civil thing. Guess it might depend on what was said in emails or recorded media. Chugg has shown you who he is through posts on the board and like they say, when someone shows/tells you who they are, believe them ?‍
Good luck with it all.
Yea I actually didn't either but
I dont want to dox him, but I believe he lives in a storm affected area- maybe give him a few days extra- especially since you were the one who he
I dont want to dox him, but I believe he lives in a storm affected area- maybe give him a few days extra- especially since you were the one who backed out
I've given him 5 days to respond finally he has communicated back. But now saying bc I messaged the account I sent money to his gf. She felt threatened bc I told her I filed a police report and her name is on it bc she is the person who received money. So now he's saying she's holding the money from me. Shits not adding up.
How did you even PM him without the necessary posts for the classifieds anyway? You sent him cash and then decided to back out. This is exactly the kind of crap we try to avoid in the classifieds by mandating a minimum post limit to get to know people first.

I hope you get your money back. Hopefully ol chug comes here to defend himself personally. Im neutral until he says his side of the story. I will say however id never personally deal with either of you. Red flags galore.

I drink a bunch of this and play guitar all day.

How did you even PM him without the necessary posts for the classifieds anyway? You sent him cash and then decided to back out. This is exactly the kind of crap we try to avoid in the classifieds by mandating a minimum post limit to get to know people first.

I hope you get your money back. Hopefully ol chug comes here to defend himself personally. Im neutral until he says his side of the story. I will say however id never personally deal with either of you. Red flags galore.
Like I said I 100 percent admit to backing out due to funds and made him wait awhile bf pulling out of deal. But for me to compensate him 150 and him saying he'll said 300 that night and never did that's shady. Then saying his gf is holding the money lol. Grow some balls dude
Like I said I 100 percent admit to backing out due to funds and made him wait awhile bf pulling out of deal. But for me to compensate him 150 and him saying he'll said 300 that night and never did that's shady. Then saying his gf is holding the money lol. Grow some balls dude
I’m not the dumbass that’s out $500 so who’s laughing now dumbfuck?

You shouldn’t have been able to access the classifieds or PM anyone. You circumvented the forum rules and at the same time can’t complete a coherent sentence.

Clearly both of you have some work to do but if you sent funds using Zelle you’re not entitled to get anything back. They straight up tell you it’s final no questions asked. If you sent it PayPal you may be able to file a claim and work it from that angle if he won’t work with you at all.

Filing a police report when he hasn’t even replied to the thread and you’re the one that backed out of the deal is cringe worthy. Clearly you don’t trust the guy so why did you even send the money in the first place?
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Like I said I 100 percent admit to backing out due to funds and made him wait awhile bf pulling out of deal. But for me to compensate him 150 and him saying he'll said 300 that night and never did that's shady. Then saying his gf is holding the money lol. Grow some balls dude
Do you think it's fair that:
-You agreed to a deal
-You self admittedly drug your feet on completing the deal
-You decided (for whatever reason) you wanted to cancel the deal
-You admitted you were in the wrong
-He couldn't immedately refund you the money (for whatever reason)
-You jump to threatening legal action before you have any facts or even gain contact

You know, you aren't even SUPPOSED to be making deals here yet. I guess you BOTH decided to cirumvent board rules because, ya know, why not? There are actually reasons these rules were put into place...but that is besides the point now.

Hopefully you and Chugg can get this all ironed out but please realize, none of this is really anyone elses problem but yours.
Way to hide behind your gf man. And other fake accounts. Now everyone can see how big of a piece of shit your are and let your wife take the fall. Big man talking shit in ur 1 bedroom piece of shit

I’m not that asshat either. You’re the one that’s in the wrong and although chugg owes you money back, you also don’t get to go piss in everyone else’s bucket in the first 50 otherwise you’re at risk of getting banned. That’s how that works.
He said his rep is everything so I'm destroying his rep. He wouldn't contact me. Until I did. Now he says his wife won't give him the money to send. He said he would refund 300 5 days ago. Then send rest. I was cool with that even giving him 150 for loss of time ect. But ghosted me for 5 days now come on
He said his rep is everything so I'm destroying his rep. He wouldn't contact me. Until I did. Now he says his wife won't give him the money to send. He said he would refund 300 5 days ago. Then send rest. I was cool with that even giving him 150 for loss of time ect. But ghosted me for 5 days now come on
Are you currently in contact with Chugg, or have a way to contact him outside of this forum? Do you feel like you are both going to be able to come to an agreement?
I’m not that asshat either. You’re the one that’s in the wrong and although chugg owes you money back, you also don’t get to go piss in everyone else’s bucket in the first 50 otherwise you’re at risk of getting banned. That’s how that works.
I kno I'm in the wrong I literally say that and apologized even gonna give him cash. But then to say ok I'll send 300 then never do. Then not contact me when I kno he's online bc I've had people reach out about his post for his diezel and he replies everytime. It coulda been solved so much easier but now reports are filed ect
I drink a bunch of this and play guitar all day.


I heard the reason you don't chugg is because the shell on the World Turtle would crack open and we'll all get sucked into the aether.
Also, what's that pedal you're using in that one song with the shimmering sounding space thing?
Are you currently in contact with Chugg, or have a way to contact him outside of this forum? Do you feel like you are both going to be able to come to an agreement?
We had this resolved I thought. Until it came time for him to send 300 he said he would the next day. 5 days later nothing. Now he's still on some bs bout this and that. Just always the round around. So I got tired of dealing with it and filed claims and police reports. I tried to be fair. If he would just say hey I spent it or communicate other than hey wife has it She's mad not sending.
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