Well-known member
Makes you wonder why he didn't just make it go Yooooow in the first place. Thing that kills me with Fractal is the fact you spend
big bucks for a new unit and then within weeks you start getting updates that have notes like:
[improves this]
[fixes errors with that]
[eliminates problems with this]
And then this keeps going on every couple of weeks for the life of the product.
And now Cygnus is being touted as a major paradigm shift in Fractal performance.
And yet, like @ZEN Amps said above, 10 years ago they were marketing them as already 100% accurate.
You can put that spin on a ton of gear. How many different Dual Recs has Mesa released? How many variants of the 5150 have their been between Peavey and EVH? All were meant to be an improvement on the previous version. Technology is always improving and Cliff doesn’t stop working. Shit, I listen to mixes I did years ago when I first started recording and wished I still had the sessions available to re-mix because I’ve learned a LOT since then. Same thing with pretty much everything I’ve ever built with my own hands.
I don’t get into the whole “realer” thing. How closely the AxeFX replicates an actual amp isn’t a factor for me and I cringe a bit whenever I see someone make the “it’s more real“ comment. It’s just silly. That “realer” hype more often than not comes from the users, not the company.