Sorry, had to reply to this post!!!
ttosh":78b30 said:
Down the centuries people have invented numerous gods and religions. But what is the point of bowing down to lifeless statues, like the great stone beetles which were often used in the ancient east? What is the point? Why do people do it? For if we make gods ourselves, we know that they have no life, and any divine aura around them is merely projected from superstitious imaginations.
People project human faces on to things that they experience, or don't understand. The weather is a prime example - the lack of, or excess of, rain could be construed by someone who desn't know better as the displeasure of a being that controls the rain. I mean, on a different level, most of us who have pets talk to them as if they were human. That's projection too!
ttosh":78b30 said:
In regards to knowing which one is the right one? I will break this down from some writings that make sense to me.
First, the non-existence of God cannot be proven. One cannot prove a universal negative. Alternatively, the existence of God is provable.
Existence of god(s) is NOT provable by any measure. Conversely, watertight proof of the non-existence of god(s) is also not possible.
Most arguments for the existence of God can be disproved. All the first cause stuff, Thomist philosophy, and so on has real problems when logical argument is applied. We also have major problems with the actual God of Christianity and what his attributes are suppsoed to be, but that's picking holes in an individual case.
The regularity of nature is a major battleground for these questions. Theists say that nature can be arbitrarily changed without a physical cause, atheists say that this is impossible.
Please remember this: by claiming that God exists YOU are the one making a positive claim. You need to back it up!
ttosh":78b30 said:
The concept, design, and intricate details of our world necessitate an intelligent designer.
Wrong, unfortunately. Regularity and adapation should NOT be mistaken as design.
There's things that are not understood (mainly revolving around the start of life) but the blind progression of life is very well documented...
ttosh":78b30 said:
Both direct and indirect evidence for God’s existence are well known and well documented. Nothing in history is better known or better documented than the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We even use the year of His birth as the basis for our calendar. He perfectly matched the over 100 unique Messianic prophecies in the Old Testament regarding His birth, life, death, and resurrection. The laws of probability cannot give us a reasonable explanation for either the Messianic predictions or the resurrection, let alone both by the same person.
Most of the documentation is not of an independant type. The use of BC and AD is cultural due to church domination of Europe for a millenia and should NOT be taken as truth by it's very existence (as the church took great care in wiping out dissent of ALL types). The Jews have their own calendar. Is theirs wrong?
The prophetic OT references are questionable, to be honest. You are aware that there have been fundamental mistranslations in the Bible (young woman to virgin in one instance - don't have the ref with me but it's in relation to prophecy) and it's unfortunately relatively easy to fit the result from a prophecy if it's vague enough.
FWIW I'm grinding through the OT at the moment but at my current rate it'll be years before I have any details to add! I just argue over fundamentals!
ttosh":78b30 said:
Jesus’ miracles were witnessed by many and were documented redundantly for additional corroboration. He was seen by at least 500 people after His resurrection. He was seen ascending into heaven. His transfiguration was seen by Peter, James, and John. His wisdom in dealing with many circumstances was astounding. He never promoted Himself or His miracles. C. S. Lewis stated that He couldn’t have just been a good teacher. He was either a liar, lunatic, or Lord. He didn’t even come close to meeting the profile of a liar or lunatic, so He had to be God.
Again, proof. I wouldn't take P, J & J as independent. Not sure about the resurrection, but that's another matter.
JC may have been a good teacher. In fact, it's reasonably certain that he had some sort of Rabbinical training as he was well aware of Jewish scripture. Problem: You couldn't undergo Rabbinical training unless you're married. Interesting..!!
On the other hand, he may have been the combination of a real man with legendary aspects (virgin birth, resurrection and so-on were not new concepts). I'm not going down that path, but personally I have no idea whether he existed or not. If he did, then he was probably a trained Rabbi who lead a mystic sect (Essene teaching have a lot in common with Jesus's actions, so him being a mystic of this nature is historically possible. It could also explain his crucifixion for crimes against Rome if he was preaching pacifism, monotheism, and the fact that a 'Kingdom of Heaven' would be more important then the Empire of Rome. That wouldn't have gone down too well, believe you me!).
ttosh":78b30 said:
Jesus Christ also supported the truth of the Old Testament and quoted it many times. Consequently, with Jesus Christ, we have an eyewitness to the truth of the Old Testament. This gives credibility to the creation account and God’s interaction with man. The entire Old Testament account is about how God is trying to have a relationship with man while man is separating himself from God by sin. It tells how God is long-suffering and merciful and ultimately how God sent His Son to die for our sins so God could ultimately have a relationship with us.
As I mentioned, someone who'd trained as a Rabbi would know the scripture backwards.
As for God suffering... Well, he didn't seem to suffer too much in the OT. His 'good' guys lied, cheated, stole, and commited genocide in his name so I have no idea what his problem was.

Genesis is a really messed up story, I'm afraid!
ttosh":78b30 said:
God’s interaction with man in the Old Testament was often and powerful. Some of the main interactions included Adam, Cain, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, the Israelites, the prophets, and the kings. In addition to Jesus’ testimony to the truth of the Old Testament, ancient manuscripts, archaeology, and internal consistency also testify to its truth. Consequently, much direct evidence including eyewitness accounts and indirect evidence corroborate the existence of God and the truth of the Bible.
Again, how do we know that any of this is correct? Are the tales form, say, Genesis LITERALLY true?*
If not, then what IS the truth. If they are correct then, well, we'd all better go back to living in tents because we can't trust the world to stay the way that it is now!
*I agree that chunks of archiological evidence are in the right ballpark. However, the same could be said about Troy but does that mean that Greek mythic heros battled it out too?
ttosh":78b30 said:
Now does that mean everyone here will read that and believe now. Definitely not, depending on the calvinist or armenian approach you may not have the choice. God may decide for you and your free will may mean nothing in regards to this. Or you may have free will but since God is all knowing then your decision is already understood and known by God.
Aha, good pickupon the whole predestination thing. In fact, if God was omniscient, I'd have to agree with their approach.
Philosophical question: an the Christian God suprise himself?
ttosh":78b30 said:
Yes as you can see I am a believer and think there are plenty of reasons to believe in Christ as our redeemer. I honestly do not think anybody is getting saved based on this post or any posts on these forums. I see people say that you find God when your sick, on your death bed, etc.. but it is quite obvious a lot of healthy individuals find Christ because of Gods irresistable Grace, and at a time when it is revealed they accept. Each of you will have true opportunities to accept, some will some will not that is just a fact of this life. I hope each one of you make the best decision when the time comes. Be it today or later in life.
You are who you are.

For me to 'find God' would involve fundamental changes to how my brain works. Maybe it's why I prefer computers and guitar to people most of the time. I see the universe as a huge mechanical toy. If this toy had a creator it will forever be outside the box in which this toy sits. The lack of an afterlife to look forwards makes me appreciate now more. It's not depressing, it just means that you don't have any second chances...
ttosh":78b30 said:
Everyone enjoy their day and pick up your guitar and play for at least 2 hours today.
I wish I could get 2 hours a day in!