ive gotten almost laughed out of a couple situations before i even plugged in rolling in with my Crate and VH140c. years ago someone i knew set me up with these dudes i didnt know who had a "metal" project going, i hadnt even heard them but i was told they had a bunch of killer gear and i should check them out.. ok

i show up, dudes had some nice gear, the guitar player had a dual rec in a sweet case with a rack, a couple nice les pauls, recto 4x12, bass player and drummer had nice shit, none of them would shut the fuck up about how much they spent.. i go out and roll my vh140c in on my crate BV 4x12, and the three of them are laughing their asses off asking me why im using a "bass head" and how thats not gonna work with this band, which i still havent heard a note of yet

im like i wasnt aware this was a "try out", but i said why dont you dudes play a song as im setting up and we'll see whats up.. these dudes thought they were Trapt or Papa Roach or some shit, dude didnt have a boost and his flubby recto is getting buried by the bass player, none of them were very good, i start playing and the laughing turned to a confused look of shock as they are running to the back to see what kind of tubes the bass amp had, only to see his recto was getting stomped out by a SS amp and crate cab, they asked if i wanted to hear more songs and i said nah im cool and dipped lol