Bob Savage":9f924 said:sah5150":9f924 said:Crap... I got started late so I won't have time to finish mine today... I got bass and rhythms done, but no leads yet... gonna have to wait... I'll finish it during the week..
Come on now, I played my lead all the way through, one time, and then just cut some stuff out so there were rhythm gaps.My buddy Mike was over as I recorded and after the lead I said "O.K., that's good enough. Let's get another beer" and Mike's response was something like "oh, really? O.K."
Geez... I'm really getting put through the wringer on this one... I ran out of time to play even ONE lead all the way through and then mix 'cause I had to work yesterday.... AM I CLEAR!

Hey now I have something to do this week...