Ever fall out of love playing guitar?

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so I've been playing for decades now and never learned any of those popular boomer blues licks...so I jumped into that tonight, the old I iv v iv I vii improv jam. I suck at it. But with more training, I fancy myself like Jack Butler walking into my local open mic night & shredding the stage

gotta have new challenges!
I just kinda shifted my free time back to reading and Arcade machines / Pinball machines.
Funny that passion was there prior to playing guitar. The new smart tv with Netflix vudu Hulu
Ju jitsu.... 😂
I keep getting sucked in these shows so many good ones out there. But I still got a good rig.
Used to buy gear like a mad man That always had me chomping at the bit to play.
Even my best bud who played drums with me hasn’t touched his kit over a year.
Maybe one day it might roll back around.
I'm headin' "home", Detroit for the holidays.
I have a fantastic solution for your dry spell. ?
I'm bringing my drum set and guitar.
Time to rattle that wood paneling!
We ain't goin' postal, we're goin' mobile!
I plan on "skeeching" all around your neighborhood btw,
( grabbing onto the back of car bumpers
while they drive down the snow & slush),
until you come home from delivering
the mail all day.
I can't wait to hear the max output those Lynch
cabs can put out & hold together!
Lmk, what you want & how you want it.
Yeah all those "influencers" and ther raiding
of Area 51?
Me you Mailman, we're raiding BOBBLO Island
"Bring that shit back".
I played like a mad man. From 1982 to 1990.
Would skip school to play. Joined the navy. Got married. Had kids. I stopped for bout 10 years.
Came home after serving 20. Had my best bud bring his drum kit over and we jammed like rock stars. Like 8-10 hours every Saturday. We made videos. Posted. It was super fun!
But being honest it got burned out. Jams became less frequent. I think I played guitar 3 times in 2 years. Zero desire. He took his drums home 2 years ago as well.
Was wondering if anyone else went thru this? I’ve had tons of kick ass amps. Guitars.
Just walk by them. Rather watch South Park. Haha

Thoughts? I hope to respark the flame. Still got some cool gear left. Sold most.
I had a women say it's me or the guitar. I helped her move out. I hope the best for her.
I'm headin' "home", Detroit for the holidays.
I have a fantastic solution for your dry spell. ?
I'm bringing my drum set and guitar.
Time to rattle that wood paneling!
We ain't goin' postal, we're goin' mobile!
I plan on "skeeching" all around your neighborhood btw,
( grabbing onto the back of car bumpers
while they drive down the snow & slush),
until you come home from delivering
the mail all day.
I can't wait to hear the max output those Lynch
cabs can put out & hold together!
Lmk, what you want & how you want it.
Yeah all those "influencers" and ther raiding
of Area 51?
Me you Mailman, we're raiding BOBBLO Island
"Bring that shit back".
Hey fellas, I’d be down for some therapeutic sonic mayhem🤘 Bout a hour away or so from you mailman. I second the idea of hearing those lynch cabs roar!
I have, but it never lasted too long. Maybe a few days tops.
I played like a mad man. From 1982 to 1990.
Would skip school to play. Joined the navy. Got married. Had kids. I stopped for bout 10 years.
Came home after serving 20. Had my best bud bring his drum kit over and we jammed like rock stars. Like 8-10 hours every Saturday. We made videos. Posted. It was super fun!
But being honest it got burned out. Jams became less frequent. I think I played guitar 3 times in 2 years. Zero desire. He took his drums home 2 years ago as well.
Was wondering if anyone else went thru this? I’ve had tons of kick ass amps. Guitars.
Just walk by them. Rather watch South Park. Haha

Thoughts? I hope to respark the flame. Still got some cool gear left. Sold most.
I'm going through that right now it sucks
Life can be busy or you lose interest. Everyone experiences these waves. I'm playing 3 to 8 hours daily lately. I need to take days off to let my hands recover. I'm using way less gain and into poweramp overdrive and dynamics lately. Trying to see how little of gain I can get away with and use various playing techniques.
I got my first guitar for Xmas in 1974 when I was 6. Played semi regularly until becoming obsessed in Jr high. Barring vacations, injuries, and family emergencies I've not gone a week without playing ever since.
Currently out of love with it now. I haven't played seriously in probably two months
My RedPlate Magica is finished, and I'll receive it this week. I put Keith through the ringer, though, and sent him two sets of NOS/ANOS glass for him to try. So I was all hot to get playing again...then all these orders came in, 400 frames are arriving this week, and my 69 Firebird is finally heading off to paint.

Something tells me it will be the weekend before I get to do any serious riff mangling or fluffed runs! LOL
Last 2 years has been the biggest guitar drought for me since I started playing in '96. Pretty much switched hobbies from guitars to firearms (started shooting 11-12 years ago). Then realized how much money I was spending in ammo alone, so I shelved that hobby for the time being haha. Started playing again a few months ago after I got a Bogner 3534.
In 2017 I got a divorce after 25 years of marriage, then my daughter's best friend committed suicide, my daughter became a drug addict, and then her other friend died of an overdose. That was all in a year while I was working a steady job and keeping all of this from all but a handful of folks. I dove into guitar, bought an electronic drumkit, a bass and a microphone and started creating.

For the next four years I struggled to figure life out. I was kind of seeing someone long distance but was real. My guitar playing kept me sane. Then COVID hit and I had to dig deeper into music. It kept my mind clear and gave me something to move me.

Last year I got remarried and am in a band with friends. My daughter plays bass in a band and is doing gigs and my Stepson is in several bands. My new wife loves my guitar playing and encourages me. I wrote three songs in a month. At 51, I'm playing more than ever and want to keep creating. Even if I play 10 minutes in a week, it is exciting and fun.

Keep finding that thing to push you!
Never have. There’s always more to learn, always a new form of expression. I have gotten burned out trying to make certain material or projects or bands happen, but not with music itself or guitar.

I have had a lot of periods in the last decade or so where I just didn’t have the time available that I would have liked to advance as a player or work on finishing material, so maybe that’s part of it.
I've just started this journey so hopefully this never happens to me :D

You guys have some great stories though and kudos to those that are getting back into it :yes: