Expensive Instrument Cable Snake Oil

There's definitely a difference with higher quality cables. One of my friends locally has quite a few various cables he showed me from brands a lot more expensive than Mogami Platinum. I don’t have currently any high end instrument cables actually, will get some later, but some of my friend’s were a higher level in improvement than Mogami platinum IME. Mogami is good IME, but quite a few better brands that my friend has. One of them he did have to assemble himself and still it cost him ~$500, but it was the best sounding one to me of what he showed me

What I do have is a very high end speaker cable and power chord from Audience that I bought from Tim Schroeder. I won’t mention prices since it’ll offend guys here, but I’ll just say the powerchord I got from him has made the biggest difference of any of these types of items I’ve tried so far and as a nice bonus it also slightly lowers the noise floor. When I go back to my other powerchords and speaker cables (some of which are also high end) it’s like the sound is wimpier/less robust and lacks some information. Your loss if you think it’s snake oil
There is nothing wrong with buying high quality equipment. Dont feel embarrassed that others try to make you feel bad. I bought mogami because i got sick of tracing down random cables causing an issue in the pedalboard.

I dont believe fairies make them better. It is high quality cable made by people that give a shit. It is the same reason people pay a lot more for me to work on their house than the bargain guy that fucks it up, or the reason i buy high quality german hand tools vs chinese shit.

It is also the same reason i wire up my guitars vs trusting the wiring bitch at the luthier shop. The thing that makes me laugh is guys will say that a cheap cable will do the same thing. And it will until it wont. If you can find a cheap cable that beats mogami, no one is mad. Im just not going through 50 cheapies to find the gem when i can buy one that works indefinitely
This exactly. You’d think on a gear forum of all places guys would be eager to learn about the very best stuff in all categories even if the improvements are subtle. This way of writing stuff off as snake oil or doesn’t matter in the bigger picture to me is lazy and somewhat of a loser mentality to what should be more about passion and excitement
Post a clip.
Honestly don't have a clip or did recordings comparing any and as said this is just IME overall. I don't record or play for a living but it's just something I've noticed and taken note off playing for my enjoyment and practice.

ImE simply put different cables sound different you may prefer one over the other based on sound and character but in the end what's important aside from that is that it be low noise floor and durable.

Ultimately the simple things are what's most important and it's less about price and capacitance and that is good sound, Low noise floor and durability and you can find that in expensive or low cost cables and if you got low noise floor and a durable cable all you want from there is a cable your happy with sound wise and that's about it IME and IMO.
Honestly don't have a clip or did recordings comparing any and as said this is just IME overall.

ImE simply put different cables sound different you may prefer one over the other based on sound and character but in the end what's important aside from that is that it be low noise floor and durable.

Ultimately the simple things are what's most important and it's less about price and capacitance and that is good sound, Low noise floor and durability and you can find that in expensive or low cost cables and if you got low noise floor and a durable cable all you want from there is a cable your happy with sound wise and that's about it IME and IMO.
IME and IMO, you should post a clip.
IME and IMO, you should post a clip.
Right on, I don't record or have equipment to do so aside from a phone to be honest but IME while capacitance matters all you want are cables that have low noise floor, are durable and offer a sound your happy with.

Not sure what part of posting a clip can explain that any better but as said it's just about the simple things like that which matter most when picking a cable for use IMO.

Mainly just pointing out that some things like capacitance do matter of course but they are just one factor and one consideration amongst others that result in a cables tone. Low capacitance isn't always necessarily brighter and high capacitance isn't always necessarily warmer and well other things such as attack, tracing and tracking and how the cable handles overall matter as much or more in some cases than simply going after a warmer or brighter cable.
Right on, I don't record or have equipment to do so aside from a phone to be honest but IME while capacitance matters all you want are cables that have low noise floor, are durable and offer a sound your happy with.

Not sure what part of posting a clip can explain that any better but as said it's just about the simple things like that which matter most when picking a cable for use.

Do you have any clips?

Do you have any clips?
No as said I don't record, neither do I have equipment to do so.

Not sure how posting a clip can explain how low noise floor or durability matter and that you find a cable you feel sounds good will explain that any better but essentially that's what I'm saying.

In any case cables do matter otherwise may as well just use Radio Shack cables right and be happy. All I'm saying is where it matters are those three things low noise floor, durability and sound and that's about it. If your happy with those three things your set.

Going further keeping all your patches one brand and keeping your guitar cables one brand helps offer consistency as well IME and for trouble shooting or any issues that may arise and offers more uniformity tone wise from that perspective as well.

If you don't believe so and are fine using whatever or a mix of different cables and what knot or anything that produces sound coming out of it that is fine but in general at the least I look for those three things when checking out cables for my use...... Low noise floor, durability and good sound that's it and it's all one should want or need.
No as said I don't record, neither do I have equipment to do so.

Not sure how posting a clip can explain how low noise floor or durability matter and that you find a cable you feel sounds good will explain that any better but essentially that's what I'm saying.

In any case cables do matter otherwise may as well just use Radio Shack cables right and be happy. All I'm saying is where it matters are those three things low noise floor, durability and sound and that's about it. If your happy with those three things your set.

Going further keeping all your patches one brand and keeping your guitar cables one brand helps offer consistency as well IME and for trouble shooting or any issues that may arise and offers more uniformity tone wise from that perspective as well.

If you don't believe so and are fine using whatever or a mix of different cables and what knot or anything that produces sound coming out of it that is fine but in general at the least I look for those three things when checking out cables for my use...... Low noise floor, durability and good sound that's it and it's all one should want or need.

Don't care about cables or cable comparisons, just a guitar clip or whatever.
Phone, interface, smoke signals, potato, doesn't matter to me.
Don't care about cables or cable comparisons, just a guitar clip or whatever.
Phone, interface, smoke signals, potato, doesn't matter to me.
Lol...... okay...... here's one from a while back when I got my 2nd 59 Epi using a Boss Katana Artist straight in no pedals or nothing :dunno:

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Also another clip with my fave guitar and Burgundy Mist San Dimas HH into a Princeton Reverb straight in ^_^

There is nothing wrong with buying high quality equipment. Dont feel embarrassed that others try to make you feel bad. I bought mogami because i got sick of tracing down random cables causing an issue in the pedalboard.

I dont believe fairies make them better. It is high quality cable made by people that give a shit. It is the same reason people pay a lot more for me to work on their house than the bargain guy that fucks it up, or the reason i buy high quality german hand tools vs chinese shit.

It is also the same reason i wire up my guitars vs trusting the wiring bitch at the luthier shop. The thing that makes me laugh is guys will say that a cheap cable will do the same thing. And it will until it wont. If you can find a cheap cable that beats mogami, no one is mad. Im just not going through 50 cheapies to find the gem when i can buy one that works indefinitely
This and what comes with using the same patch brand for example too is it's just easier to narrow down trouble issues if they occur.

It helps narrow down noise issue or any problems that may come with a pedal, board in general, amp, guitar, PSU, etc etc etc or the cables themselves.

Mainly for me it's just that issues with the signal are cut down, you can trace down issues to a loose jack or a problem or finicky pedal etc etc and you also get a sense of a nominal noise floor as a baseline and you know said noise floor is normal with said brand and your rig and when anything is out of whack as a result it becomes apparant and you can adjust or fix the issue accordingly.

I mean it's the simple things like that and the foundations of the rig and for that and other things a solid cable matters.
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Everyone knows there is a correlation between expensive cables and tone. Unless you buy the most expensive cables you can never truly achieve good tone. When I hear someone who says they have mastered epic tones, and I hear what they play, within a split second I know it’s their cheap cables. There is a Tesla cable coming out designed by a powerful tone AI. It has to be specially built in a particle accelerator to achieve True Tone. The atoms are smashed as the signal hits the cable delivering powerful and
Complex tones, overtones, harmonics and pure glory: I’m told everyone that’s heard it has broken down as they were so overwhelmed by the sheet majesty of the guitar tones they heard. It’s fairly expensive at $67,000 per foot but TOTALLY worth it. Doesn’t even matter what you play, the second a note sounds all around throw themselves to the ground and shriek that you are the greatest to ever do it. The correlation between price, cables and tone is truth.

P(2)/C(lxg)•{Tx(A/C/S} = the truth