JTyson":2xtamri0 said:
sah5150":2xtamri0 said:
JTyson":2xtamri0 said:
Been swamped, just getting a chance to check 'em out
I hear a slight difference in the clip, the ti block seems to have a little more emphasis on certain strings, where the st block sounds more "even" if that makes any sense? Almost a similar effect of compression without being compressed (what?)
I like what I'm hearing out of it, I would imagine if I played it and it resonates much better through the body as you described I would really like that as well.
So is it better? I dont hear the difference that was discribed by the st guy, but I do hear one. The difference in feel would be an added bonus for me, but does not translate in the clip.
Thanks for doing this Steve

I appreciate your willingness to put in the effort to cut through the bullshit and serve up some pudding
I love pudding..
Cool and I agree with your assessment... The volume difference I had to adjust for was major though...
Are we talking guitar volume as in output to the amp? I may not be following you here, please clarify
If so, that would possibly account for the difference in gain when I thought he had changed the amp settings. I may owe him an apoligy?
I would certainly give him one if owed, but is that what we're talking about?
The guitar is louder in two ways:
1.) Acoustcally. Sitting in the room, the guitar is way louder with this block than the Ti block when it is not plugged in. It is louder than my guitar that has the big brass block as well.
2.) Electrically. When the guitar is plugged in, with the amp settings the same, the output of the amp is louder. When I mic'd the tracks into my DAW, you could see the waveforms were larger and the tracks hit higher on the meter with the Stone block and NO changes to the amp settings or anything else at all. When I was mixing, in order to match the output volume of the previous clip, I had to bring the faders down a significant amount on the newly recorded tracks with the Stone block.
So, because the guitar is louder acoustically with the Stone block, the pickups are generating more output, driving the amp harder (more input to the amp), resulting in more volume output from the amp for the same settings. More input to the mic, mic pre and tracks with no changes to the settings on the amp. So, yeah, more guitar volume output to the amp...
Does that make sense?