Mailman1971":9luki72b said:
Dick Butter Nuts":9luki72b said:
errrrrl":9luki72b said:
Dick Butter Nuts":9luki72b said:
I had a Krull video game cartridge for my Atari 2600.
It sucked a big fat rod.
Hahaha... I remember the first time playing Combat on a 2600... man that was the shit

For me though, hands down the best game to come from the Atari 2600 was Pitfall!
The Activision shit was next level. I probably spent more time playing River Raid than any other game.
Diaper up bitches!
Definitely. Pitfall was so next level.
Played the shit out that game.
I stilll have my original system with about 50 games in a box stored.
...the dragster game would absolutely wear your ass out...blistered hands an'all... after a while though, the joystick would loosen up a bit and you could go through gears like butt'a
I remember when i got pitfall....stayed up all night long playing it. i'd a been like 10-11 morning looked like a damn strung-out coke head or something.

can still hear that crazy little Indy'Jones (ish) tune when doing the rope/swamp thing... good times.
when pac-man came out...holy shit.... all the kids built a camp at my house. even got a pac-man T-shirt