Does anybody have a REALLY good heavy sounding dino clip?
Disclaimer, I am to say it gently indifferent to iced earth's tone, I listen to some euro/power metal, and never EVER liked what he was doing sound wise for various reasons. I may not know tone, but I know what I don't like lol. Gamma ray and helloween as well, could be any distortion box to a small amp for all I care. Live, helloween sucked and gamma ray NOT when I saw them, but I think they had engl with them but it is what is. Both didn't blew a fucking candle to annihilator live 2019 tone, not even close and when I found out what jeff waters and co brought...oh fuck the irony lol. Not an amp of the parties involved by the way.
I don't like almost any fortin clip so much. Hollow honk is a new term for fortin. That ok, may apply here. And killertone's tone...Not bad not something really inspiring for me.
I do like fear factory and I always though tone wise that it was the elan metalhead that distinguished it and that larry either lifted or gave elan the pre eq without diving into it (never cared for pre distortion eq so much). And, that the larry dino model is a direct refference to dino cazares. And yet they use fortin now lol or kemper fortin profiles.
So yeah, if there is any similarity/relationship between all of these products I couldn't hear it. Surely I wouldn't have guessed it.
I want to hear a jaw dropping larry dino heavy clip if anybody has one to hear what all the fuss is about by the way!