Friedman Amp Pic Thread

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:) Thanks.... I am partial to the white ones.
But I gotta whole lotta black ones..... :yes:
Hollywood":12q8taix said:
:) Thanks.... I am partial to the white ones.
But I gotta whole lotta black ones..... :yes:
Welll.... Let's see the black ones, too!
Bump for some new pictures...

Bought this one off AndyK recently (thanks again :thumbsup: )


Need to get a picture of the back, but it's a 1989 JCM 800 1987/50 watt with BE and a two way SAT switch. (on/off/on). I think one is voiced brighter, and one slightly darker and more compressed with even more gain...?

I've still got my '75 50 watt in for some sink, SAT, FAT, and 6 way high end cut switch. Hopefully that will be done sometime soon, but I think this will keep me busy :rock:
this is my Reinhardt kitchen sink (sold to a member of this forum) and my Roccaforte with the BE and C45....have a 67 metro clone at Daves now and a Jcm 800 reissue waiting to go next....when I get the cash!
lespaul6":22y6a1vt said:
this is my Reinhardt kitchen sink (sold to a member of this forum) and my Roccaforte with the BE and C45....have a 67 metro clone at Daves now and a Jcm 800 reissue waiting to go next....when I get the cash!
Nice lookin' rig! Except for the labels on the front panel, it's a 'sleeper' KS mod! I love having no detectable mods on the front of my JMP and then all the guys come up and say "Is that a stock Marshall?" Of course, I lie and say yes. :lol: :LOL:

What made you decide on the Reinhardt, say, vs. a Marshall for the KS mod?
lespaul6":1o6mjucu said:
almost undetectable on the rocca...
Is that a C45 or SAT switch on the Rocca back panel? Fuck, ya can't (almost) even see it! I thought it was a screw or something. Dave sure does killer work. It's no wonder he's so busy and in demand. :D
The Reinhardt was PTP with mil spec components for the same price as a pcb marshall so I went for it...the Rocca has the BE and C45 switch on back. Yeah he sure is busy these days...I had these done back when the wait was only about a month!
lespaul6":3bled0we said:
The Reinhardt was PTP with mil spec components for the same price as a pcb marshall so I went for it...the Rocca has the BE and C45 switch on back. Yeah he sure is busy these days...I had these done back when the wait was only about a month!
Wow! I didn't know the Reinhardts were so affordable! That's killer! It sure is a looker! :rock:
Not new...I bought it used!! how would you compare your cameron to the friedman?
I should have some pics to add next week. I'm expecting my latest mod to arrive form Dave. :thumbsup:
lespaul6":14y3uarl said:
Not new...I bought it used!! how would you compare your cameron to the friedman?
Well, that would take up a lot of space and time to describe the differences btwn the two. The Brown Eye mod has that easy to play/good feel that my LG "Jose" 50 watter has, but it's a little more tight & full in the low and low mids and cleans-up a little better with the volume pot. It does that insanely well.

The BE/HBE/C45 has a little more 'modern' tone/edge and the Jose is a little more vintage sound, but it has the most awesome greasy/smeared mids of any amp I have ever played thru. Very 'plexi' but with a twist; more aggresive. The Jose also has a slight 'clip' to it until ya open the master around 1/3 - 1/2 way. The BE doesn't have that effect even at bedroom volumes. But the Jose is not buzzy or fizzy (unless the treble and presence are too high).

The BE likes single coils a little more than the Jose, but the Jose likes OD/boost pedals more than the BE. They both do leads and rhythm almost equally well, but the BE is tighter, ya gotta watch the low end so it's not too high on the Jose (I think since it's only a 50 watter and is the Low Gain version). I really only use the BE mode and am happy with it: Gain: 1:00; Master 3:00; Treble 12:00; Middle 10:00; Bass 9:00 and Presence 1:00 or close. It's got a 60/100 switch and I usually leave it in 60 watt mode.

I could go on and on and will probably get the :banhim: replies if I don't shut up. I used the Jose at a gig last night and fuck, it's hard to tell which amp I like better... But the Jose doesn't have the gain the BE does!! I'd like to play thru both!! :lol: :LOL:

Lp Freak":341r88co said:
I should have some pics to add next week. I'm expecting my latest mod to arrive form Dave. :thumbsup:
Hey! You're gettin' in the way of my work at Dave's!! :gethim:

:lol: :LOL:

Is it that Silvertone you just picked up?? :D
Shit, trust me I waited in the long line. Yep Silvertone. :thumbsup:
I have been lurking Rig Talk for awhile. Great info here! Here is my Marsha, with fat/sat/c45.fx loop...absolutely the best amplifier I have ever owned.
mikehickey":2lxtpak3 said:
I have been lurking Rig Talk for awhile. Great info here! Here is my Marsha, with fat/sat/c45.fx loop...absolutely the best amplifier I have ever owned.
Is the poor dog dead from the Marsha amp??

tubebury51":11r0eirs said:
mikehickey":11r0eirs said:
I have been lurking Rig Talk for awhile. Great info here! Here is my Marsha, with fat/sat/c45.fx loop...absolutely the best amplifier I have ever owned.
Is the poor dog dead from the Marsha amp??

:aww: Poor little guy. :lol: :LOL: