Good Morning Monkey Man

I was busy stealing memes.

I'm not a big movie guy but that movie cracked me up lol.
Might not be the coolest but I have a 13" TV/VCR combo as a last resort. Probably no good for duck hunt but for the old cartridge games, the graphics look better on any CRT than the new flat screens. Unless there's some sort of converter I don't know about. I'd love to know.
Me too. They look like garbage on my flat screen lol.
Of course it's me. You said it the day you banned me - I can't hide behind an ALT cause I need the attention.
Listen, I'm sorry for choosing you to be the cop to pull the trigger last month. You called it right after the fact anyway.

So listen EVERYONE. For the last month I've only been looking in the windows here. I did not have any ALTS.

@Bagel and Creamcheese @Stripped Rights @New Guy @Nevets @Tonelover , et. al. are REAL PEOPLE.

You guys piss and moan about how much you hate me being here. Then when I'm gone all you do is talk about me.
You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Of course you couldn’t have been bothered to include me in the list of people who are not you

You anal warts got your feelings hurt by me pointing out antisemitic cartoons and rhetoric posted here, and like fucking 6 year olds, you respond by calling me antisemitic.

You goddamned lead paint eating morons.
Stop being a JEW hater................and projecting onto others.

You are the BIGGEST user of the Jewish plight to obtain your sick needs on here.

You should be jailed you JEW hater.