Great review of the new BE 50

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splatter":18g3naic said:
maddnotez":18g3naic said:
Bad deal, I can imagine it is frustrating for sure BUT...Like mostly everyone is saying, figure out what the problem is first before giving a "review" or posting a video.

Dave is a stand up guy from what I have seen and is also a genius. I have never even bought a new Friedman product but he has still gone out of his way to help me on the forums with issues I was having with other products.

Dude is cool and makes killer products. Have to respect that, I am sure he would sort out your issues if there were in fact any at all. You probably need new tubes like everyone else has said, the video makes the amp look bad with the QC and that may not be the case at all.

the problem with sending tubers not installed is the people are stupid . We tend to give others way to much credit when it comes to doing simple task . You start sending amps without the tubes installed and you gonna get alot of returns with the tube forced into the socket with pins bent out and broke off .

Sad but true.

I did bubble wrap and label each tube in order plus discussed it with the buyer first BUT I do see your point and there are a lot know.
LP Freak":2d0pg7u1 said:
Rig Talk has become Shit Talk
Which is real bummer, I like hanging here and am generally interested in hearing what others have to say, share etc... but as mentioned I trip out on the amount of effort put in on some post to tear people a new one. :confused:
marshall2553":22sqvgnc said:
LP Freak":22sqvgnc said:
Rig Talk has become Shit Talk
Only maybe 3-4 members really shitting the site up. Doesn't take too many to make a shit hole out of anything. Mods should clean them up. It is out of hand.
glip22":2yjauynt said:
marshall2553":2yjauynt said:
LP Freak":2yjauynt said:
Rig Talk has become Shit Talk
Only maybe 3-4 members really shitting the site up. Doesn't take too many to make a shit hole out of anything. Mods should clean them up. It is out of hand.
I couldn’t agree more. We don’t need Mods like TGP but there needs to be someone here cracking the whip on a regular basis to keep things from getting out of hand. To be honest, if it weren’t for Dave Friedman posting here regularly I probably wouldn’t bother clicking on this site anymore.
LP Freak":3oxqx70m said:
glip22":3oxqx70m said:
marshall2553":3oxqx70m said:
LP Freak":3oxqx70m said:
Rig Talk has become Shit Talk
Only maybe 3-4 members really shitting the site up. Doesn't take too many to make a shit hole out of anything. Mods should clean them up. It is out of hand.
I couldn’t agree more. We don’t need Mods like TGP but there needs to be someone here cracking the whip on a regular basis to keep things from getting out of hand. To be honest, if it weren’t for Dave Friedman posting here regularly I probably wouldn’t bother clicking on this site anymore.
Yep, the Friedman sub-forum and the fact that Dave posts here are pretty much the only reasons I still check in here. I like that it's not a uptight as TGP but the drama and hostility from a few people is getting ridiculous.
SavageRiffer":26xd4b1w said:
snowflake meltdown

A wise man once wrote: "brevity is the soul of wit." What does this say about your rambling meltdowns? I've honestly never seen someone say so little with so many words. It's cute that you're concerned about my employment status, but I think it would be for the best if you took some time away from building broken strats and went back to school to learn how to communicate properly. I feel measurably dumber after having the misfortune of reading any post you make.

Thanks for proving my point about being an unstable snowflake, by the way. I reckon your days of filling this forum with your hateful drivel are numbered.
RACKSYSTEMS":v1z3hnqx said:
Look guys really 99% of all,repairs are tubes.. JJ power tubes I will never use again nor any Chinese power tubes.. not reliable at all.. using eh tubes now they seem great.. I have been trying to eliminate any and all problems we have ever encountered to make a very reliable amp.. meaning bad brands of parts or tubes etc. In this videos case it is for sure just the V1 preamp tube.

Back to topic, this is so true. I’ve gone through my share of different tubes and new tubes arrive broken. Are there any American companies that manufacture tubes? I don’t think there are, but seems like there would be a niche, but pretty good market for this. I don’t mean rebranded Chinese tubes, but actually made in the US. Seems like there would be a good demand for high quality, more reliable tubes.
Of course maybe it’s just a function of tube design itself and there’s not a whole lot of efficiency, improvement or attention to detail that could make things any better than the current failure rate.

To be honest, I’ve not had too many issues, but I’ve had a few. I’m 100% sure this is the bane of every amp builder though.
stratjacket":1dhqydj6 said:
RACKSYSTEMS":1dhqydj6 said:
Look guys really 99% of all,repairs are tubes.. JJ power tubes I will never use again nor any Chinese power tubes.. not reliable at all.. using eh tubes now they seem great.. I have been trying to eliminate any and all problems we have ever encountered to make a very reliable amp.. meaning bad brands of parts or tubes etc. In this videos case it is for sure just the V1 preamp tube.

Back to topic, this is so true. I’ve gone through my share of different tubes and new tubes arrive broken. Are there any American companies that manufacture tubes? I don’t think there are, but seems like there would be a niche, but pretty good market for this. I don’t mean rebranded Chinese tubes, but actually made in the US. Seems like there would be a good demand for high quality, more reliable tubes.
Of course maybe it’s just a function of tube design itself and there’s not a whole lot of efficiency, improvement or attention to detail that could make things any better than the current failure rate.

To be honest, I’ve not had too many issues, but I’ve had a few. I’m 100% sure this is the bane of every amp builder though.
It would make for an interesting discussion. The old tubes from Mullard, Siemens, Tesla, Valvo, etc.,etc., were so much better. I was under the impression that to match the old quality today would violate many federal regulations for manufacturing, so it is not viable. I have always heard once the old tooling went bad they were not replaced. I imagine it would be very cost prohibitive.
I have always been interested in the tube business and what the perspective on it now is. A few years back I think some were looking at the possibility of startup boutique tube manufacturing in the US, but I believe it was found to not be feasible.
I envision a US tube manufacturer making a quality product but it seems it's not going to happen. We always hear about "tubes are a dying technology. In many cases they are. It appears there is a lot of amp manufacturing happening today but how big is it really...

There's about 4 members here that could really use a professionally managed peer interaction/conflict resolution group.
Anger management 1 & 2 wouldn't hurt either.
the real question is why isn't savageshitter banned for life?
stratjacket":1o42d0cr said:
RACKSYSTEMS":1o42d0cr said:
Look guys really 99% of all,repairs are tubes.. JJ power tubes I will never use again nor any Chinese power tubes.. not reliable at all.. using eh tubes now they seem great.. I have been trying to eliminate any and all problems we have ever encountered to make a very reliable amp.. meaning bad brands of parts or tubes etc. In this videos case it is for sure just the V1 preamp tube.

Back to topic, this is so true. I’ve gone through my share of different tubes and new tubes arrive broken. Are there any American companies that manufacture tubes? I don’t think there are, but seems like there would be a niche, but pretty good market for this. I don’t mean rebranded Chinese tubes, but actually made in the US. Seems like there would be a good demand for high quality, more reliable tubes.
Of course maybe it’s just a function of tube design itself and there’s not a whole lot of efficiency, improvement or attention to detail that could make things any better than the current failure rate.

To be honest, I’ve not had too many issues, but I’ve had a few. I’m 100% sure this is the bane of every amp builder though.

I haven't had many issues myself, either. But I can say, the majority of them have been JJ ECC83's, next would be Tungsol reissue 12AX7' and Ruby 12AX7's, (Chinese). Power tube-wise, also JJ. But, to be fair, 99.9% of the time, JJ power amp tubes are my first choice, based on what they offer in tone. This said, I won't stop buying them, the failure rate in my case has been minimal. Minimal, meaning I may have tossed maybe 3 or 4 JJ ECC83S's in the past couple years, through dozens of amps.
I had an issue with one of the Tugsol EL34’s arching when I first got my BE100 but I never considered starting a thread to complain about it let alone make a video. All I did was contact Dave and he shipped me out a new pair. I popped them in and all was good.
LP Freak":1eyreiso said:
psychodave":1eyreiso said:
RACKSYSTEMS":1eyreiso said:
Thanks for your great coment Dave always helpful.. Ill bet 100% that its a bad jj first input tube. V1 its a JJ every so often they just die.. has nothing to do with shipping or anything. The fact that both channels do it tell me its V1. Which is why the pop.. who is it and where do we send you some?

Although I may take a shot across your bow every one in a while, I do respect that you chime in and help often. :thumbsup:
Dave’s a great guy, so why do you feel it’s necessary to take shots period?

Because he's a prick that coddles the balls of a thief.
LP Freak":29152s7h said:
I had an issue with one of the Tugsol EL34’s arching when I first got my BE100 but I never considered starting a thread to complain about it let alone make a video. All I did was contact Dave and he shipped me out a new pair. I popped them in and all was good.

The guy in the video obviously isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. Any seasoned tube amp owner/buyer would have pulled the back off and checked preamp tubes, first thing. Had he, and had a stash of tubes like most of us do, the video would likely be showing how great it sounds! It does sound damn good from some other clips I've heard!
Well, I had to search a little bit to see for myself how they are made. Found this youtube on how tubes are made from the Science Channel. Seems a lot of glass working skill in this video, but I didn't really see any industrial equipment that may not be found in the US. But perhaps these handmade tubes are made different than they would be if manufactured on a large scale. Interesting to watch though.

controlled_voltage":hx9mwmkn said:
the real question is why isn't savageshitter banned for life?
Because he'll just come back under a different URL and new name. Ubermetaldouche = Savagevictim = ?????
Well consider me out of here as well.
I can’t control men that act out of control. I got guys crying and bitching to me from all over in PMS.
Like tryin to break up 2 fifth graders in a fight. With 12 mother fuckers with their arms crossed telling me what I am doing or not doing right or wrong.
I work a shit load of hours every week. I don’t read every god damn thread. I don’t get caught up in these troll wars.
Thank you gents. Been real.
steve_k":1v7jgyoq said:
Some people should not own tube amps.

ProTip: keep a stash of tubes handy. Shit happens.
Truer words never spoken.

Tip #2: Be willing to spend 30-60 per tube and find some used but strong vintage pre and power tubes. Build up your stash over time and you will be set for life. I would bet that my vintage power tubes even as used as they are still have more life left in them than any new production tube out of the box. Plus they sound better.
Mailman1971":3fpxrx1f said:
Well consider me out of here as well.
I can’t control men that act out of control. I got guys crying and bitching to me from all over in PMS.
Like tryin to break up 2 fifth graders in a fight. With 12 mother fuckers with their arms crossed telling me what I am doing or not doing right or wrong.
I work a shit load of hours every week. I don’t read every god damn thread. I don’t get caught up in these troll wars.
Thank you gents. Been real.
?? Just ignore these idiots. Only way to go.

But, if you are out, good luck to you....and dammit now I have to find someone else to sell my smiley skull guitar to...