Guess the amp..Marshall JMP 2203 vs Mesa Boogie Mark 2C++ vs Mesa Boogie Mark 2C+ clips Guess the amp..

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I agree, they say the devil is in the details, but to me the differences in clarity, detail around the notes & responsiveness/feel AB’ed with a Mark IV was pretty substantial. The Mark IV’s IME are more homogenous sounding and the notes don’t connect on leads in as organic/vocal of a way or have as much weight/substance to the individual notes on faster note passages on leads, but I guess one would probably need a pretty hi-fi recording to be able to show those differences outside of in-person. Seems that recordings show more the overall flavor and the 2 amps are more similar there than different there (clementines vs tangerines maybe lol). Also, I’m fwiw referring more to the HRG version I’ve got (still gotta try a SRG/SG). The simul ones I didn’t like as much. Too smooth, compressed, less raw or detailed. I don’t care that Metallica used them
I totally agree. The 2C+ has more clarity and different response than the mark iv. I have yet to try the DRG versions but I feel my SRGX is somehow faster and definitely crunchier than my HRGX, with the latter being ballsier.
I totally agree. The 2C+ has more clarity and different response than the mark iv. I have yet to try the DRG versions but I feel my SRGX is somehow faster and definitely crunchier than my HRGX, with the latter being ballsier.
“Different” as in a polite way to say better lol. Sorta similar differences with things like a ktr vs Centaur or ‘60’s Alnico blues vs silver, but it seems like maybe some don’t hear it or just don’t care about the differences and that’s fine too. That’s what I’ve heard others too say about SRG’s vs HRG’s. I find those differences you describe are often the case with lower vs higher wattage counterparts of the same amp types. Similar differences to when comparing to my coliseum counterparts also
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I’ve got a Mark IVB right next to my IIC++. It’s very solid but when you A/B them you instantly can tell who’s Daddy. The ++ is more raw and feels like it wants to explode or something, YET holds together completely. It’s freaking weird and cool as shit. Immediate and in your face and melting down simultaneously. I think I captured it in this clip. The IV is more refined and album ready so to speak.
The palm mutes are tight AF but the held power chords at the end are still so harmonically rich and thick sounding almost like Channel 3 on a VH4. Wicked.
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I’ve got a Mark IVB right next to my IIC++. It’s very solid but when you A/B them you instantly can tell who’s Daddy. The ++ is more raw and feels like it wants to explode or something, YET holds together completely. It’s freaking weird and cool as shit. Immediate and in your face and melting down simultaneously. The IV is refined and album ready so to speak. I think I captured it in this clip.
The palm mutes are tight AF but the held power chords at the end are still so harmonically rich and thick sounding almost like Channel 3 on a VH4. Wicked.
Yeah the mark iv excels at recording!
I’ve got a Mark IVB right next to my IIC++. It’s very solid but when you A/B them you instantly can tell who’s Daddy. The ++ is more raw and feels like it wants to explode or something, YET holds together completely. It’s freaking weird and cool as shit. Immediate and in your face and melting down simultaneously. The IV is refined and album ready so to speak. I think I captured it in this clip.
The palm mutes are tight AF but the held power chords at the end are still so harmonically rich and thick sounding almost like Channel 3 on a VH4. Wicked.
Yes they are more raw and that crunch & clarity in the uppermids (like in your clip) just aren’t in the cards for the Mark IV’s
The mark iv is far more versatile than the 2C+ . The 1st version is more raw and in your face than the 2nd one which is more modern / compressed and has more gain. Personally, as much as I enjoyed all the 5 mark iv amps that I had in the past, I still prefer my mark 2C+ amps. There is indeed sth amazing going on with the complex harmonics thing that cannot be described. Only if you A B them closely will you be able to understand and hear the nuances. But it goes without saying the mark IV is one of the best amps money can buy (at least when the price is fair lol)
I compared a rev A Mark IV with my rev B and to be honest I couldn't really tell a difference between the two, they both sounded like mark IV's to me... maybe it's because I have an earlier rev B, i'm not sure?? if there was a difference it was VERY subtle. Even the compression level seemed the same to me. Anyways I'm not doubting that the IIC+ is a superior amp for that sound, but the Mark IV is more of a chamelion so to speak as it's got a lot more tones in it and it's capable of more modern tones as well. Also, the best lead tone i have ever heard was John Petrucci with his band Liquid Tension Experiment and he was using a Mark IV. It was just pure awesomeness. He used them at a pretty loud volume too, like 3 on both masters and I think that's when the amp really delivers the goods.
Yes they are more raw and that crunch & clarity in the uppermids (like in your clip) just aren’t in the cards for the Mark IV’s
Pull the presence on a IV and it gets that crunch and clarity in the upper mids, definitely not as raw though. More refined.

I got the chance to play a IIC+ once in my life and it did sound awesome. It sounded like a smoother version of the Mark III I had at the time.
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Sotiris you know I like you- and now I'm going to point out the elephant in the room. The reason these clips sound so close to each other is the damn IRs. The digital stuff has its place- and there are good things about it including consistency of good tone- however they also neuter what makes individual amps / guitars / pickups special. Does anyone pay attention to Glenn Fricker's current lambasting of how wood / pups / guitars / amps / flavor of the week makes 0 difference to tone? Guess what. He's using IRs. (...although a gained out 5150 has a similar effect.)

Now go re-do everything you've just done with a well mic'd cab & we'll talk.

While not a direct comparison, this demo I did puts a point on it.
Also, I’m fwiw referring more to the HRG version I’ve got (still gotta try a SRG/SG). The simul ones I didn’t like as much. Too smooth, compressed, less raw or detailed. I don’t care that Metallica used them
Even though I'm a die hard K guy, I still maintain that the S have the best Mark II/III tone. Those little fuckers rip hard. I miss mine.

I think the Simuls might win for the best lead tone but I still don't care for Triode. I also don't care who used them.

The H power sections are my least favorite of the bunch. YMMV.

I'm working on a deal to get my first NMV Marshall hopefully in a couple weeks, look forward to experiencing what Sotiris is seeing here. JMP 1959 vs. IIC+ KRG vs IIB+ KRG. Fight to the death!
While I do LOVE the Mark IV, the C+ is on another level for all the reasons these guys stated. It’s much more raw, open, liquid, harmonically complex, and the feel is one of the best of all time.
Pull the presence on a IV and it gets that crunch and clarity in the upper mids, definitely not as raw though. More refined.

I got the chance to play a IIC+ once in my life and it did sound awesome. It sounded like a smoother version of the Mark III I had at the time.
Yeah I did like it pulled out, but still doesn’t have the clarity, crunch or complexity in the upper midrange of the c+‘s, just not in the cards for it, but I remember the iv’s sounding fatter, which I liked. I think when guys say refined they often mean less raw, more homogenous sounding, but to me that’s not what refined really is. To me, refined is more about nuance/detail, complexity of tone, hi-fi, and so that’s why I easily consider the c+ the more refined sounding amp. I don’t like that guys use that word as a euphemism for less raw or ballsy. In my background, more in classical guitar, we use the word refined more in the way I use it and only mean positive things by it
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Yes it does. There are times where I think I should have kept my IVb for recording the album rhythms.
I’d think if it’s a good enough quality recording with legit mics (like you said before) there wouldn’t be much use for a iv over c+ anymore, but I don’t know enough about recording to be too confident about it
Even though I'm a die hard K guy, I still maintain that the S have the best Mark II/III tone. Those little fuckers rip hard. I miss mine.

I think the Simuls might win for the best lead tone but I still don't care for Triode. I also don't care who used them.

The H power sections are my least favorite of the bunch. YMMV.

I'm working on a deal to get my first NMV Marshall hopefully in a couple weeks, look forward to experiencing what Sotiris is seeing here. JMP 1959 vs. IIC+ KRG vs IIB+ KRG. Fight to the death!
Yeah I’m sure I’d like them a lot. There are a bunch of amp types where I prefer the lower wattage versions. I did try years ago a SR C+ that sounded great, but of course didn’t get that metal sounding without the GEQ

I can see why some may prefer simul’s for leads, but I still prefer my hrg for leads. I find it has a more raw, open and complex, textured tone, so for leads I can coax more nuance and expressive playing out of it vs the Simuls, especially with milky vibratos, the way I try to pull out overtones with them on those vibratos. They don’t come out as much on the Simuls IME. I love my coli’s too and maybe the S’s would be my favorites, but until I try one the H’s have been best for my taste so far. The D’s/Simuls I don’t enjoy as much

The old NMV’s Marshall’s are great! I’ve got a stock 1972 SuperLead 100 myself. It’s a bit of a different flavor than Sotiris’s 2203. If you get that amp, it should have more punch/push and clarity, but not as much hair or growl on powerchords. I’m a big fan of those ‘70’s & ‘60’s Marshall’s. Totally different beasts than the boogies
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Yeah I did like it pulled out, but still doesn’t have the clarity, crunch or complexity in the upper midrange of the c+‘s, just not in the cards for it, but I remember the iv’s sounding fatter, which I liked. I think when guys say refined they often mean less raw, more homogenous sounding, but to me that’s not what refined really is. To me, refined is more about nuance/detail, complexity of tone, hi-fi, and so that’s why I easily consider the c+ the more refined sounding amp. I don’t like that guys use that word as a euphemism for less raw or ballsy. In my background, more in classical, we use the word refined more in the way I use it and only mean positive things by it
Well to my ears the Mark IV does sound more refined, at least my definition of the word. The IIC+ is more raw and vintage sounding, while a IV sounds more polished, more produced. That's how it sounds to my ears anyways. I disagree that a IIC+ sounds more hi-fi. Doesn't mean a IV's better, it's not, just different in those subtle ways. Also, the IV has more low end to it... not that that means much, but if you're into modern metal it's a bonus.

In the harmonics setting If you pull the presence, keep the pull fat and pull bright pushed in (works as a low pass filter almost) on a Mark IV it is incredibly clear, crunchy and defined sounding, not as rich as a IIC+ but it has that clarity and bite that a IIC+ has when dialed like that.
Well to my ears the Mark IV does sound more refined, at least my definition of the word. The IIC+ is more raw and vintage sounding, while a IV sounds more polished, more produced. That's how it sounds to my ears anyways. Doesn't mean it's better, it's not, just different in those subtle ways. Also, the IV has more low end to it.

In the harmonics setting If you pull the presence, keep the pull fat and pull bright pushed in (works as a low pass filter almost) on a Mark IV it is incredibly clear, crunchy and defined sounding, not as rich as a IIC+ but it has that clarity and bite that a IIC+ has when dialed like that.
Yeah I think the IV’s had more low end or low mids maybe and that’s why I said I remember them being fatter. Rather than polished or produced, I’d phrase it as more uniform/even/homogenous sounding and I’m not a fan of that direction in sound nor in recordings either. I generally prefer a more dynamic sound that allows for more expressive playing and nuances to come through. I don’t really consider either amp too vintage or dated sounding despite their age. I think if hypothetically the c+ never existed until today I wouldn’t necessarily hear it as being too old school or dated, but others may feel differently

I agree those settings get it closer, but still not on the level of detail around the notes or complexity like the hrg c+’s. Vs the Simuls maybe more similar
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I’d think if it’s a good enough quality recording with legit mics (like you said before) there wouldn’t be much use for a iv over c+ anymore, but I don’t know enough about recording to be too confident about it
Did you hear that clip that ultimatemetalguitartones made comparing the IIC+, the IVa and the IVb recorded? They sounded so similar you'd have a hell of a time deciding which one was the IIC+. To my ears the IVb had just a little more presence to it than the other two. Also, if you look at the wav files, the dynamic range was very similar as well, it's not like the IIC+ is way less compressed than a IV with high gain settings, it's not.
Did you hear that clip that ultimatemetalguitartones made comparing the IIC+, the IVa and the IVb recorded? They sounded so similar you'd have a hell of a time deciding which one was the IIC+. To my ears the IVb had just a little more presence to it than the other two. Also, if you look at the wav files, the dynamic range was very similar as well, it's not like the IIC+ is way less compressed than a IV with high gain settings, it's not.
I did not, I will give it a listen for fun, but I’ve done the comparisons myself numerous times in person, so that’s what I care about. I believe the recordings are also with IR’s rather than real mics (someone correct me if I’m mistaken)

Also, despite me being a newb with recording myself, even with my limited skills I find when I hear 2 different gear pieces compared that are even more similar to each other than a iv & c+, I hear bigger differences than I did in person probably since the mic on the cab is kinda in some ways like having an ear with better range than a human ear right up against the speaker. I also try prioritize clarity over all in recordings even if it makes the sound less pleasant, but I’m still learning and hopefully can find a better balance later on when I have time to experiment more. Zen records in a way that I think would probably highlight the comparisons of amps well

I think also, on a side note, it seems a lot of guys here try find ways to justify why they don’t need something, but until hearing it in person and compared none of us really know. That’s why I still wanna try a 60w C+ for myself compared to the HRG I’ve had for 9 years now. Should be very interesting
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I’d think if it’s a good enough quality recording with legit mics (like you said before) there wouldn’t be much use for a iv over c+ anymore, but I don’t know enough about recording to be too confident about it
The IVb does this one thing with chest crushing metallic rhythm PM chunking that no other Mark I've had can do quite as well. See here. Aside from this, I agree the IIC+ is much more complex & enjoyable to play.

The IVb does this one thing with chest crushing metallic rhythm PM chunking that no other Mark I've had can do quite as well. See here. Aside from this, I agree the IIC+ is much more complex & enjoyable to play.

Agreed, that’s part of what I meant with the extra fatness of the IV’s, maybe some extra oomph/presence on them somewhere in the low mids or lows. I think for that kinda chug though the following amps in some ways do that even better: Hermansson mods, Megalith Beta & Original Version Uberschall

I equate that extra complexity to a more refined/sophisticated sound. Maybe it’s just a pet peeve of mine, but I don’t think a more bland, smoother or darker sound should equate at all to a more “refined” tone aka Friedman, mk iv vs c+, etc.
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