Guess the amp..Marshall JMP 2203 vs Mesa Boogie Mark 2C++ vs Mesa Boogie Mark 2C+ clips Guess the amp..

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Yes they are more raw and that crunch & clarity in the uppermids (like in your clip) just aren’t in the cards for the Mark IV’s
Here's a clip that kinda demonstrates what i was talking about with the Mark IV. That crunch and clarity you can get with them is right on par with a IIC+ IMO, this guy has lots of good Mark IV clips and gets a very unique tone with them. They're not exactly huge sounding tones, they're very defined and tight though, and this one has some excellent upper mids clarity. BTW he's high pass filtering the tone at 90hz or something...

Here's a clip that kinda demonstrates what i was talking about with the Mark IV. That crunch and clarity you can get with them is right on par with a IIC+ IMO, this guy has lots of good Mark IV clips and gets a very unique tone with them. They're not exactly huge sounding tones, they're very defined and tight though, and this one has some excellent upper mids clarity. BTW he's high pass filtering the tone at 90hz or something...

Clips can be posted till one is blue in the face, but if you can eventually just compare in-person a IV to a non-simul C+ (H o S) it’ll put everything to rest for the answer of what you like better. I gotta do the same myself with my HRG vs a 60w c+. I’m not convincing myself I don’t need one. No need to skirt around it further. Some guys prefer the IV, some even prefer the III’s, I prefer the c+ mostly for the extra tonal complexity/nuance (maybe it’s overtones?), the way notes connect on leads and it’s response/feel over other marks (which clips don’t really show). I’ve already done my comparisons/homework (in-person) and sold off years ago my other various mark amps. If anything, an isolated clip like this one just makes me wonder what the guy coulda done with a c+ or other cool amps in his hands. It was a great sounding clip though, not arguing that, very similar to what I remember the Iv’s sounding like in my experience as well. I don’t form any opinions myself until I do my necessary comparisons and can never feel confident describing anything being remotely “spot on” to another piece without the comparisons. No uncalibrated guesswork for me, real answers. I could even say many thing in the clip I hear as being unmistakably the IV sound and not c+-like, but again there’s no direct basis for comparison in the clip, so I’ll just hold off
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Here's another really cool clip of the IV doing the black album tone. This is what I mean about sounding more refined than a IIC+. It's almost as if the IV has more 5 - 6K frequencies going on... a little more gloss to the tone.

Here's another really cool clip of the IV doing the black album tone. This is what I mean about sounding more refined than a IIC+. It's almost as if the IV has more 5 - 6K frequencies going on... a little more gloss to the tone.

That sounds EXACTLY like a Mark IV. However, my IIC++ has much nicer and more prominent upper mids than that clip or any other IV clip I've heard. IMO, it makes the IV slightly boring in relation.
That sounds EXACTLY like a Mark IV. However, my IIC++ has much nicer and more prominent upper mids than that clip or any other IV clip I've heard. IMO, it makes the IV slightly boring in relation.
Yes exactly, this isn’t just applicable to just iic+‘s vs iv’s, but in any scenario when amps have an advantage over others with things like rawness, tonal complexity and detail they make other amps come off boring/bland/homogeneous when AB’ed (similar with Friedman’s vs Marshall’s). Clips in isolation don’t show this. The direct comparisons are what exposes these holes in tone. Those kinds of amps also I feel allow the player to be much more expressive/soulful. Sometimes these “little” differences can go a long way depending on context
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Here's another really cool clip of the IV doing the black album tone. This is what I mean about sounding more refined than a IIC+. It's almost as if the IV has more 5 - 6K frequencies going on... a little more gloss to the tone.

The other Mark IV clip posted yesterday sounded better to me and more like how I remember hearing that amp in person, but that one was pretty good too. I consider that smoother/less detailed/less textured sound to be the opposite of refined or sophisticated tone, but this is also why I avoid using those terms in describing sound
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The other Mark IV clip posted yesterday sounded better to me and more like how I remember hearing that amp in person, but that one was pretty good too. I consider that smoother/less detailed/less textured sound to be the opposite of refined or sophisticated tone, but this is also why I avoid using those terms in describing sound
OK you don't like that one, but check this one out, absolutely killer IMO:
