Well-known member
I get your point, but with all this red pilling, I would hope for just one second people would take it upon themselves to see whats going on around them. I know nobody wants to hear it from a blow hard on the internet but for the chance that it spurs some self knowledge, it's worth harassing them.You can warn him but the reality is even if you were 100 percent right, people will make their own decisions and they are often not ones we consider good. Most people learn by experience and so warnings and "I'm telling you you're wrong" never work anyways, and often create strife. Wisdom vs knowledge. Knowledge is great but useless without wisdom, which is the application of knowledge. Here: you pulled your cash out the bank but you are not orthodox so you'll hopefully protect your worldly finances but you definitely aren't protecting your eternal soul with holy orthodoxy. Are you going to go become orthodox now? I doubt it but just remember, "I told you so". So tell me, as the reader, was it worth me warning you?
And when I insult, it angers them and produces a reaction. For some people this is necessary. Kind of like the way a drill Sargent abuses you. There now I given away my technique, are you happy now.