Guitar Forum Sins

  • Thread starter Thread starter VonBonfire
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Wow, I guess my dreams about writing a book on men's sexual health isn't so far fetched, after all.
Now I know what I'm doing with my downtime on my vacation. :ROFLMAO:

Chapter 1: You'll shoot your eye out

You’re over thinking this one…

The book on men’s sexual health really won’t need words if we’re being honest

It’s a picture book :hys:
Is that the same dude that said 20W amps are all everyone needs and that they sounded as big or bigger than 100W+ amps?

And proceeded to lecture everyone that a 20w amp sounds EXACTLY the same as the 100w counterparts - IE the marshall studio series, etc

I actually think those sound pretty good, but that was absolutely ridiculous how smarmy he was about his unknowledgeable opinion
Honestly I think @japetus could do it himself
Real amp builders don't just drop everything at 5:30 to eat dinner though. He's too "food first" to pull it off. There'd be corn and taters caught in the circuitry.

Paging @Fusionbear or @FourT6and2. They could do a better job at that than I could.

Both said no. But I understand.

I don't remember being asked. But I can do it no problem if you really want to pay me to build a stock Bassman.

Plenty of kits out there and you can just get one built from the kit makers themselves. I'd rather build a modded Marshall. 50 or 100 watts, custom iron, 3, 4, or 5 gain stages, diodes or not, blah blah blah. But hey, it's fun to build this stuff so if you're seriously interested in having me build a Bassman, PM me.
I don't think I ever saw it, but The Tone Dig was my favorite - I still have his stirring rendition of Paradise City

I still to this day use it as an example to my students of bad vibrato, not keeping time, slurring notes instead of playing them clearly, and trying to cover up your bad playing with assloads of delay and verb

In all honesty if you didn't literally type the words Paradise City it would have taken a moment to figure out wtf he was trying to play.....and I probably would have stopped listening before the 3 second mark anyway.
“Nobody needs that much gain.“

“I had literally the best tone I will ever have in my life, but I sold that rig for one that was 15 lbs lighter.”

…or alternate…

“I had the best core tone I will ever have in my life, but I wanted an amp that could do TWO perfect tones so I sold that rig. Yes, I’m still looking for an amp that will do two perfect tones, or even just one single tone as good as the amp I sold. I’ve only been through about 40 amps so far looking for it but I’m gonna find it any day now I just know it.”

edit: I just read through the whole thread and oh man I forgot about that guy who insisted 20 watt amps were IDENTICAL to their 100w counterparts with just a little EQ. It felt like every single member of this forum was trying to set that guy on the right path but the longer the discussion went on, the more he dug his heels in and told every one of us how wrong we were about the amazing 20 watt amps he owned.

And christ almighty that Paradise City clip. Especially after everything that came before it. Man. Good times.
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Chris Impellitteri is one of my main idols. Maybe the tone I chase will make more sense referencing this old vid.

There’s nothing wrong with effects if they bring the vibe you need to make good music.

Unbelievable player. The speed!… didn’t think twice about anything, no bend at first, just attack . He was the John Holmes of late 80- early 90s. Might not have made the splash that others did but everyone know he had a hammer.