Hagen-Proto Review - first video and audio clip inside

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MrNixon":u5njlu5i said:
i love how neat his laboratory is!
Yeah, Peter is a "knee-driller" (internal joke) par exellence - thats part of the company's success I'd say :D
Peter Diezel":1htrq9tg said:
No problem Uncle Steve. Just stop by and
take the chain saw.

:lol: :LOL:

I'll be up there in your neighborhood this summer :thumbsup:
duesentrieb":3jwzuz3b said:
MrNixon":3jwzuz3b said:
i love how neat his laboratory is!
Yeah, Peter is a "knee-driller" (internal joke) par exellence - thats part of the company's success I'd say :D

Spotless in there. Hell, he could rent the place out for outpatient surgery on the weekends! But, it's like everything in Germany - neat and orderly.

:salute: :salute: :salute:
I know I'm going to have to order one of these at some point this year. My bank account is crying. :doh:
DEWD":2ermxzvs said:
I know I'm going to have to order one of these at some point this year. My bank account is crying. :doh:

Yup...Me Too :cry:
angelspade":39irgnfi said:
Ventura":39irgnfi said:
This makes me SO happy to read... I was JUST thinkinng today, having never really HEARD my soon-to-be Hagen, what does this thing sound like?? I was looking at the channels and their labels, I thought:

Ch.1: No idea, maybe mre sparkle and punch, a bit more glassier feel to it. Sounds as though reality is beyond my expectation, dude, Fender cleans?? Lookout. And lemme guess, same Diezel percussiveness?? So sweet.

Ch.2: I thought maybe along the lines of the Tex mode Einstein. I'm very pleased with my VH4's Ch.2 as it's the last frontier in Diezeland tone, SO much stuff in there. Pleased to read this.

Ch.3: I thought it was the same as the V's Ch.3 but with a little more looseness to it. Sounds to me as though this is the business. Sounds to me as though this is CATS ASS PAJAMAS!!!! Whoa. A new signature tone, SAY IT AIN'T SO!!!!!

Ch.4: Liquid lead. I think I was expecting exactly what you had written, thinking maybe it was the flavor of the Herbert's mid cut high gain style tone.

I was JUST informed this morning that my Hagen is coming very soon. THANK YOU Peter, and man, you've got a GREAT guy here in Canada rep'ing your products (Andy Cherna). Thank you Nilz for the update and review. I think I've made the right choice here to try something a little more grinding and chewy. I've been hoping for this new style of sonic pallete from Diezel, with the Diezel tone, of course. Very exciting.

Awesome review...!! :rock: :rock: :rock:


Please know that you will be held accountable for a full detailed review within 24 hours of recieving said Diezel Hagen...Inquiring minds want to know.
This is a given :salute:

I don't think Peter soldered inside, he just dialed the amp/pots the way he does. And this is interesting for a player to see how the designer dials in an amp.
Rezamatix":1webp929 said:
When you say Peter tuned it "for" you, does that mean it's not the way the production models will sound? And if that's the case is your review only pertain to "your amp" and not all of them!?

No! As far as Peter told me, he is going to do the same modification of the clean channel as well as the hotter-biased-poweramp (probably equipped with EL34BG) also in the regular Hagens (which are going to be crafted in the next weeks).

Furthermore Peter was surprised how successfull that little clean channel modification was and so he asked me if I'd like to try the same tuning with the Herbert mk.II and the Schmidt.

...sure we tried it and smiled as it worked out really good on all three amp's clean channels.
From now on the Hagen, Herbert mk.II and the Schmidt can have a little more "top-end-overtones-ringing-bells-like-fender-blackface-amps" in their first channels. :D

The EL34BG wich are now in the poweramp section of my Hagen are new tubes from Ruby and as far as I know, Peter ordered a batch of these amazing sounding EL34s to see how they sound and how long they last.

When Peter heard them the first time, his initial impression must have been somewhat like: "they sound thin", but when he gave them a second chance while I test-played the Hagen and after he biased them a lot hotter than he does usually with the EL34 BHT, those tubes really shined.
They have a very clear and articulated voicing and will really help the Hagen to cut through in a band situation. :rock: :rock: :rock:

I do not know if Peter is going to take the El34 BG as the standard production poweramp tube of choice, but if I was him, I'd do it ;-)
duesentrieb":d7vcwrln said:
I don't think Peter soldered inside, he just dialed the amp/pots the way he does. And this is interesting for a player to see how the designer dials in an amp.

...Du kennst doch Peter viel besser als ich, wie kommst Du denn zu dieser Fehleinschätzung? :D
Natürlich hat der auf'm Board gelötet wie'n Weltmeister - so wie's im Buche steht:

Ich so: "Huddelhuddel - gniedel - quietsch!" mit der siebensaitigen PRS und er so "Lööööööhhhhht - zisch - knister-krach-brumm..." und dann ich wieder so "fiedel-diedel-daddel-du" und er wieder so "kniiirsch-dampf - grins-über-beide-Ohren" und ich dann so: "FETTES-FETTES-GRINSEN!!!!!!" ;)
Schon klar, aber damit machst Du alle Leute bekloppt, insbesondere die in Übersee, weil die diesen Service nicht bekommen können ;)
...naja, dann übersetze ich den letzten Beitrag halt nicht ;-)

Scherz beiseite: Den Ball spiel' ich dann mal flacher demnächst - wusste nicht, dass das so geheim gehalten werden soll, dass Peter hier so entspannt mit seinen Endverbrauchern etc. umgeht - für "uns" ist das ja schon normal...
Nein, nein, der Service ist ja bekannt, nur Neid kommt halt schnell auf.
Berichte, was Du für berichtenswert erachtest.
Zensur gibts nur ganz selten :D

just before the email account will explode :scared:

Your clean channel is fine, you DON`T need any modification.

Your EL34BHT power tubes are good, You DON`T have to switch to the EL34BG.


I will check out the new EL34BG for a while. It´s an improved EL34BHT
with more articulation and a bit less bass. I will let You know asap if we are
going to use this tube.

Papa :rock:
Peter Diezel":1lu1ld0x said:

just before the email account will explode :scared:

Your clean channel is fine, you DON`T need any modification.

Your EL34BHT power tubes are good, You DON`T have to switch to the EL34BG.


I will check out the new EL34BG for a while. It´s an improved EL34BHT
with more articulation and a bit less bass. I will let You know asap if we are
going to use this tube.

Papa :rock:

All of the above is true, but you DO have to buy the Hagen, since it is amazing. my02 :D
And I'll add that anything that states "it will offer a bit LESS bass" I tend to steer clear of, just sayin'.

You've got all of us very, very excited Poppa. Can't wait - I'm super stoked :D
