Harley-Davidson goes woke

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Basing your religion on the grandeur and size of your church isn’t worshiping anything but architecture. Relying on practical experience, the smallest and most humble of churches provided the most rewarding experience for me.
I would agree. But traditionally cathedrals and monasteries are designed in such a way as to encourage awe for the Lord. I mean, if you have a large parish, you'll need a large building to hold the congregation. If your congregation is small then more humble trappings are just fine. In any case would you rather a building intended to house farm animals or one intended to inspire thoughts of heavenly places?
JHFC you say? I accepted him as my saviour and nothing happened. I went to church and saw all these people with their arms raised, swaying to the gospel. They got something that I don't. I'm too grounded in the physical for that crap. I asked for a sign, got nothing, so if JHFC does exist, he can go pound fucking sand.

Sick little game they got going where interdimensional communication is prohibited. But if JHFC intervened, then there goes free will, out the window. Here's a hint, Christ either does not exist, never existed, or simply does not give a fuck. I say yes to all 3.

I call Jesus, the selective savior. Save some but not others. "Jesus healed me." But he didn't heal that guy? Maybe he wasn't saved. Ok, I accept Christ as my savior. Cancer gone? Nope..... LOL

I've read nearly every book on near death experiences and some people, not all Christians, some non religious, have met this so called Jesus H Fucking Christ character.

What's odd, is the common message and questions these people are asked. The overall message is that the last thing Christ wants is to be worshipped. What does Christ care about most? So often people are asked "What did you do to help someone at their worst time?" "Who did you help in your life?" "what have you done to promote peace on the planet?" "Can you learn to love, instead of hate?"

I keep these thoughts in the back of my head at all times, even though I am the most hateful person on the planet. That's my struggle, my deep seeded hatred for humans, including every one of you fucks :D But, I'd split my last piece of bread with every one of you.

One guy was so enthralled with meeting Jesus H Fucking Christ that he told Christ, if you send me back, I'm going to build a church. Christ said, "Don't you think there's enough churches already? Go do something good in service of your fellow man instead, the building does not matter, nor does the man at the altar who as well has lost the message."

I'm not a religious person, but I don't think it works like that.
I would agree. But traditionally cathedrals and monasteries are designed in such a way as to encourage awe for the Lord. I mean, if you have a large parish, you'll need a large building to hold the congregation. If your congregation is small then more humble trappings are just fine. In any case would you rather a building intended to house farm animals or one intended to inspire thoughts of heavenly places?
That’s an odd comparison.
Large enough to accommodate the throng, yes.
Steeples stretching to the sky and built with slave labor, no.
That’s an odd comparison.
Large enough to accommodate the throng, yes.
Steeples stretching to the sky and built with slave labor, no.
How is it odd? Most larger churches are either one of those two types of buildings. The convention center look does fit the protestant church well with it's pastors who dress in business attire while they sell you on their brand of faith as the real deal. I'm thankful that God isn't strictly utilitarian. Holy places should be different in design and construction from the place I keep farm animals.
And who cares about gay Harley owners? Nobody… who cares about these stupid corporations trying to jam their unethical socialist policies and agendas down every person’s throat? This guy right here…
The only Harley I have ever been interested in was a buell….does that count?
Nope; HD cancelled Buell years ago; Erik Buell bought back his name, and has been building mostly race, and some street bikes ever since. Much better since he wasn't restricted to using HD shortster motors. He has custom motor designs.


I've been looking at used choppers with either S&S or RevTech motors, etc., no HD parts
Nope; HD cancelled Buell years ago; Erik Buell bought back his name, and has been building mostly race, and some street bikes ever since. Much better since he wasn't restricted to using HD shortster motors. He has custom motor designs.


I've been looking at used choppers with either S&S or RevTech motors, etc., no HD parts
I owned a 2003 Big Dog with a 107 S&S, I sold it and picked up a 2007 Buell Lighting Low, both were great bikes obviously for different reasons.

I don't have any pics of my Mastiff but mine was just like this one without any flames mine was just silver, ran great no issues. Luckily I sold before the prostreet/chopper market crashed.


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I've been looking at used choppers with either S&S or RevTech motors, etc., no HD parts
I'd go S&S. Revtech and Ultima are Korean I think and I know Revttech has some part designs in their motor that aren't compatible with any HD OEM or normal aftermarket parts i.e they are slightly proprietary.
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I'd go S&S. Revtech and Ultima are Korean I think and I know Revttech has some part designs in their motor that aren't compatible with any HD OEM or normal aftermarket parts i.e they are slightly proprietary.
I’m thinking of using Alpha Performance Engines
I'd go S&S. Revtech and Ultima are Korean I think and I know Revttech has some part designs in their motor that aren't compatible with any HD OEM or normal aftermarket parts i.e they are slightly proprietary.
yes, that's why Revtech is inexpensive. If I found the right bike with a Revtech at a good price, could still be worth it...maybe. Replacing a motor, transmission, etc. costs as much or more than many bikes
yes, that's why Revtech is inexpensive. If I found the right bike with a Revtech at a good price, could still be worth it...maybe. Replacing a motor, transmission, etc. costs as much or more than many bikes
I think some of the earlier motors were grenades and that things are better now but I have not heard great things about parts availability should you need internals. Some guys have had great luck with them but I don't like proprietary designs that lock you out of most of the aftermarket.
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I think stuff like this is done to purposefully destroy the company, it's not to push 'leftwing agenda.'
Everyone is going bankrupt, these companies cannot sustain the salary of union workers. So they orchestrate an implosion and bring in a scapegoat (wokeness) to make the restructuring as easy as possible (and so they don't get in any trouble legally).

It's ironic that all these recucklicans like Benny Johnson whine endlessly about communism/socialism of a class of people that have more money than God and are hypercapitalists, but it's the wages of the unionized workers, something which is text book socialism that is a major cause of why these companies are struggling.
I'm not blaming the workers here, just stating one large cause of why companies are struggling, being destroyed.

It's not communism that got us into this mess, it's capitalism. It's people and institutions that leveraged cheap labor/manufacturing in foreign nations against the working class/middle class populations of their own countries. That's not communism, that is pure distilled capitalism.
But these recucklicans will never talk about that, because the people that pay them are all making money doing the same shit as these 'woke' WEF fucks, they are just less successful at it.
I think stuff like this is done to purposefully destroy the company, it's not to push 'leftwing agenda.'
Everyone is going bankrupt, these companies cannot sustain the salary of union workers. So they orchestrate an implosion and bring in a scapegoat (wokeness) to make the restructuring as easy as possible (and so they don't get in any trouble legally).

It's ironic that all these recucklicans like Benny Johnson whine endlessly about communism/socialism of a class of people that have more money than God and are hypercapitalists, but it's the wages of the unionized workers, something which is text book socialism that is a major cause of why these companies are struggling.
I'm not blaming the workers here, just stating one large cause of why companies are struggling, being destroyed.

It's not communism that got us into this mess, it's capitalism. It's people and institutions that leveraged cheap labor/manufacturing in foreign nations against the working class/middle class populations of their own countries. That's not communism, that is pure distilled capitalism.
But these recucklicans will never talk about that, because the people that pay them are all making money doing the same shit as these 'woke' WEF fucks, they are just less successful at it.
The CEO of HD is very clearly a socialist/communist/DEI/green proponent - he said it himself. His goals are not profit / fiduciary to shareholders or customers, it's his woke agenda, and he's using the company's profit to fund his agenda even if the majority of employees and customers are against it.

maybe if you're a company that panders to the woke left as investors, customers and employees this would work. It would be similar to putting right-wing executive management team, board of directors, and policies that use profits to fund and promote conservative values at say Starbucks.

If I was a shareholder, I'd prefer profits to be shared as dividends, or reinvested in developing new products, product enhancements, cost cutting, etc. instead of any political or social charity of any kind. Build great bikes, make profits, share the profits with shareholders, employees and customers (better quality @ same price, same quality @ lower price,...)
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The CEO of HD is very clearly a socialist/communist/DEI/green proponent - he said it himself. His goals are not profit / fiduciary to shareholders or customers, it's his woke agenda, and he's using the company's profit to fund his agenda even if the majority of employees and customers are against it.

maybe if you're a company that panders to the woke left as investors, customers and employees this would work. It would be similar to putting right-wing executive management team, board of directors, and policies that use profits to fund and promote conservative values at say Starbucks.

If I was a shareholder, I'd prefer profits to be shared as dividends, or reinvested in developing new products, product enhancements, cost cutting, etc. instead of any political or social charity of any kind. Build great bikes, make profits, share the profits with shareholders, employees and customers (better quality @ same price, same quality @ lower price,...)
The 'agenda' is bullshit, it doesn't exist. These people do not care about the environment or diversity or any of that shit. They care about money, and wokeness is a tool for making more money. These people are the anti-thesis of communists or socialists, they are pure capitalist. Wokeness/diversity is a tool to lessen wages and standard of living of people in the west for capitalistic purposes, not communistic ones.
The ENTIRE reason behind DEI is to crush the possibility of unions forming. Diverse workforces or political entities do not unionize or coalesce into a body of people that have some influence on their own positions/wages/work conditions.

A company like Harley Davidson cannot just 'make better bikes' to make money. Bud light cannot just 'make better beer' or whatever. Manufacturing in the West is so fucked people have no clue. These people have to dismantle businesses to restructure them at lower wages so they don't completely implode, they do this at the same time of heavily investing in places like China to make money there as well. It's globalism.
Shit will not get any better until wages in the West are on par with China, or a trade war with China is enacted. The latter is highly unlikely. When I say better, I mean more as in downward slope of wages to COL, standard of living will stabilize. But even if that happens in 10 years or so, these same people will just get the ball rolling for this same economic model in other places with lower wages than China.
This shit is basically the entire cause for WW1 and WW2, just at a much bigger scale. The people in control are trying to overt this but at the same time are profiting through the mechanisms that cause this tension in the first place. Complete schizo policy being hammered through by unimaginative, one dimensional psychopaths. This is why nationalism is paramount to stability. They are anti-nationalist by prioritizing capitalism above all else, and it's causing the destruction of the Western economy for everyone but themselves.
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"As of June 10, 2024, Vanguard Group Inc. owned 10.18% of Harley-Davidson, Inc. (HOG) stock, which is 13,690,804 shares. This makes Vanguard the largest shareholder of Harley-Davidson.
Other major shareholders of Harley-Davidson include:
BlackRock, Inc.
Beutel Goodman & Company Ltd.
Boston Partners Global Investors, Inc.
State Street Global Advisors, Inc.
Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc.
D. E. Shaw & Co., L.P.
Institutional investors own about 50.77% of Harley-Davidson stock, while retail investors own about 15.51%."
Blackrock, Vangaurd, etc are US Government agencies on the downlow. They are setup to artificially inflate the US GDP and hide the fact that the US has been in a recession for about 15 years.
These companies are given management of public pension funds, which is trillions of dollars to play with. The main thing they are doing is creating a real estate bubble with all these funds to prop up the fake GDP. All the illegal immigration is done largely to support this house of cards in attempt to legitimize it/create demand (and create a larger powerbase for the people running this idiocy).
The 'agenda' is bullshit, it doesn't exist. These people do not care about the environment or diversity or any of that shit. They care about money, and wokeness is a tool for making more money. These people are the anti-thesis of communists or socialists, they are pure capitalist. Wokeness/diversity is a tool to lessen wages and standard of living of people in the west for capitalistic purposes, not communistic ones.

A company like Harley Davidson cannot just 'make better bikes' to make money. Bud light cannot just 'make better beer' or whatever. Manufacturing in the West is so fucked people have no clue. These people have to dismantle businesses to restructure them at lower wages so they don't completely implode, they do this at the same time of heavily investing in places like China to make money there as well. It's globalism.
Shit will not get any better until wages in the West are on par with China, or a trade war with China is enacted. The latter is highly unlikely. When I say better, I mean more as in downward slope of wages to COL, standard of living will stabilize. But even if that happens in 10 years or so, these same people will just get the ball rolling for this same economic model in other places with lower wages than China.
This shit is basically the entire cause for WW1 and WW2, just at a much bigger scale. The people in control are trying to overt this but at the same time are profiting through the mechanisms that cause this tension in the first place. Complete schizo policy being hammered through by unimaginative, one dimensional psychopaths. This is why nationalism is paramount to stability. They are anti-nationalist by prioritizing capitalism above all else, and it's causing the destruction of the Western economy for everyone but themselves.

Getting back on topic of HD going woke...

did you watch the video and listen to what the current CEO said? He already has money, now he's on a mission, a crusade, to use HD's money to push his agenda. He's stated he is not a capitalist, and has a higher purpose... many of these woke idiots do, and it's what happens when you combine totalitarian tyrannical people in leadership positions (public or private) with millions+ in capital to use however they want...and the HD board is on board.

Yes, HD can make better bikes that people want; go look for a used Harley V-Rod, or worse, a LiveWire electric bike...there are still a few from 2020 or 2022 brand new... They can always improve quality; I got my new 1990 Softail Custom in 1990, kept in my parents garage, and within weeks the chrome on the heads was flaking off - I brought it back to the dealer for warranty and they basically said it was covered, it's not a recall, so fuck off.

The profits HD is spending on woke causes could be used on other things as I said previously; that's what a CEO, BoD, and senior executives would do, higher profits, increasing sales, lowering costs, etc. means more money for everyone.