Harley-Davidson goes woke

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I’m thankful for something new today, that I don’t think like you do. What a way to go through life.
It's actually a better way to go through life because it's reality and not deluded. When we die nothing we do will be remembered and even if some of it is remembered because it's somehow remarkable it'll just be for a few generations. However, even if some aspect of your life is remembered it won't matter to you - you'll be dead. Nothing we do for ourselves is worth anything - it's all meaningless. There is only one thing that matters in life and that's your relationship with God and salvation through Jesus. Find meaning through that - because that's the meaning of life mate. God put you on this Earth and the only thing you need to do is learn the truth of that, repent and have faith in that Jesus died for your sins so that you can be made acceptable to God. Believe and be saved.
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It's actually a better way to go through life because it's reality and not deluded. When we die nothing we do will be remembered and even if some of it is remembered because it's somehow remarkable it'll just be for a few generations. However, even if some aspect of your life is remembered it won't matter to you - you'll be dead. Nothing we do for ourselves is worth anything - it's all meaningless. There is only one thing that matters in life and that's your relationship with God and salvation through Jesus. Find meaning through that - because that's the meaning of life mate. God put you on this Earth and the only thing you need to do is learn the truth of that, repent and have faith in that Jesus died for your sins so that you can be made acceptable to God. Believe and be saved.
I had a feeling that's where you were going with that. It's why I kept my mouth shut. Guess I'll just have to go through eternity knowing my life didn't mean shit. Oh wait, I won't care because I'll be dead.
I had a feeling that's where you were going with that. It's why I kept my mouth shut. Guess I'll just have to go through eternity knowing my life didn't mean shit. Oh wait, I won't care because I'll be dead.
Pretty much lol
I had a feeling that's where you were going with that. It's why I kept my mouth shut. Guess I'll just have to go through eternity knowing my life didn't mean shit. Oh wait, I won't care because I'll be dead.
Your life does have value and meaning though.
It's actually a better way to go through life because it's reality and not deluded. When we die nothing we do will be remembered and even if some of it is remembered because it's somehow remarkable it'll just be for a few generations. However, even if some aspect of your life is remembered it won't matter to you - you'll be dead. Nothing we do for ourselves is worth anything - it's all meaningless. There is only one thing that matters in life and that's your relationship with God and salvation through Jesus. Find meaning through that - because that's the meaning of life mate. God put you on this Earth and the only thing you need to do is learn the truth of that, repent and have faith in that Jesus died for your sins so that you can be made acceptable to God. Believe and be saved.
Using Christian religion to support that dour uninspiring lifestyle borders on sacrilegious. Again, glad I’m not you.
Using Christian religion to support that dour uninspiring lifestyle borders on sacrilegious. Again, glad I’m not you.
I don't think he was endorsing despondency. Despondency is a sin. I think @Thumbpicker was mostly noting that majority of the crap people hold in high regard in this life is material junk that doesn't really satisfy a man's inner being and is not eternal.
I don't think he was endorsing despondency. Despondency is a sin. I think @Thumbpicker was mostly noting that majority of the crap people hold in high regard in this life is material junk that doesn't really satisfy a man's inner being and is not eternal.
Key word “material”, I agree with that. My point would be that it isn’t what you buy, it’s what you make. Like 400 YO symphonies that are still played today.
Key word “material”, I agree with that. My point would be that it isn’t what you buy, it’s what you make. Like 400 YO symphonies that are still played today.
Even those symphonies will one day be forgotten. 400 years is just a flash in terms of time. I believe in aiming for excellence because ultimately the work you do is serving the Lord (assuming it's legitimate, legal work) but even if you achieve it it is still part of the material realm and mostly meaningless. I would agree there is a certain level of fulfillment in creating something awesome, it's just that people with that success often get the wrong idea a lot of times because it feeds the ego and skews your worldview leaving you thinking you are more important than you are. Everyone is important, but to consider yourself so is kind of the height of arrogance. I've known many rich people who equated their wealth with their own intelligence when often as not it was just something attained by being at the right place at the right time.
Even those symphonies will one day be forgotten. 400 years is just a flash in terms of time. I believe in aiming for excellence because ultimately the work you do is serving the Lord (assuming it's legitimate, legal work) but even if you achieve it it is still part of the material realm and mostly meaningless. I would agree there is a certain level of fulfillment in creating something awesome, it's just that people with that success often get the wrong idea a lot of times because it feeds the ego and skews your worldview leaving you thinking you are more important than you are. Everyone is important, but to consider yourself so is kind of the height of arrogance. I've known many rich people who equated their wealth with their own intelligence when often as not it was just something attained by being at the right place at the right time.
I think the point I wanted to make was in this world of constant turmoil, arguments and assaults on your very soul, take comfort in your accomplishments to (somewhat) offset the overwhelming negativity that surrounds us.
Don’t become immersed in your “greatness” , just enjoy a moment here or there that makes you feel better about the world we have to live in.
It's actually a better way to go through life because it's reality and not deluded. When we die nothing we do will be remembered and even if some of it is remembered because it's somehow remarkable it'll just be for a few generations. However, even if some aspect of your life is remembered it won't matter to you - you'll be dead. Nothing we do for ourselves is worth anything - it's all meaningless. There is only one thing that matters in life and that's your relationship with God and salvation through Jesus. Find meaning through that - because that's the meaning of life mate. God put you on this Earth and the only thing you need to do is learn the truth of that, repent and have faith in that Jesus died for your sins so that you can be made acceptable to God. Believe and be saved.

JHFC you say? I accepted him as my saviour and nothing happened. I went to church and saw all these people with their arms raised, swaying to the gospel. They got something that I don't. I'm too grounded in the physical for that crap. I asked for a sign, got nothing, so if JHFC does exist, he can go pound fucking sand.

Sick little game they got going where interdimensional communication is prohibited. But if JHFC intervened, then there goes free will, out the window. Here's a hint, Christ either does not exist, never existed, or simply does not give a fuck. I say yes to all 3.

I call Jesus, the selective savior. Save some but not others. "Jesus healed me." But he didn't heal that guy? Maybe he wasn't saved. Ok, I accept Christ as my savior. Cancer gone? Nope..... LOL

I've read nearly every book on near death experiences and some people, not all Christians, some non religious, have met this so called Jesus H Fucking Christ character.

What's odd, is the common message and questions these people are asked. The overall message is that the last thing Christ wants is to be worshipped. What does Christ care about most? So often people are asked "What did you do to help someone at their worst time?" "Who did you help in your life?" "what have you done to promote peace on the planet?" "Can you learn to love, instead of hate?"

I keep these thoughts in the back of my head at all times, even though I am the most hateful person on the planet. That's my struggle, my deep seeded hatred for humans, including every one of you fucks :D But, I'd split my last piece of bread with every one of you.

One guy was so enthralled with meeting Jesus H Fucking Christ that he told Christ, if you send me back, I'm going to build a church. Christ said, "Don't you think there's enough churches already? Go do something good in service of your fellow man instead, the building does not matter, nor does the man at the altar who as well has lost the message."
JHFC you say? I accepted him as my saviour and nothing happened. I went to church and saw all these people with their arms raised, swaying to the gospel. They got something that I don't.

I call Jesus, the selective savior. Save some but not others. "Jesus healed me." But he didn't heal that guy? Maybe he wasn't saved. Ok, I accept Christ as my savior. Cancer gone? Nope..... LOL

I've read nearly every book on near death experiences and some people, not all Christians, some non religious, have met this so called Jesus H Fucking Christ character.

What's odd, is the common message and questions these people are asked. The overall message is that the last thing Christ wants is to be worshipped. What does Christ care about most? So often people are asked "What did you do to help someone at their worst time?" "Who did you help in your life?" "what have you done to promote peace on the planet?" "Can you learn to love, instead of hate?"

I keep these thoughts in the back of my head at all times, even though I am the most hateful person on the planet. That's my struggle, my deep seeded hatred for humans, including every one of you fucks :D But, I'd split my last piece of bread with every one of you.

One guy was so enthralled with meeting Jesus H Fucking Christ that he told Christ, if you send me back, I'm going to build a church. Christ said, "Don't you think there's enough churches already? Go do something good in service of your fellow man instead, the building does not matter, nor does the man at the altar who as well has lost the message."
Very timely; watching a tv program today on the magnificent cathedrals of Europe and the thought came to mind “is this what Jesus had in mind?”
I think the point I wanted to make was in this world of constant turmoil, arguments and assaults on your very soul, take comfort in your accomplishments to (somewhat) offset the overwhelming negativity that surrounds us.
Don’t become immersed in your “greatness” , just enjoy a moment here or there that makes you feel better about the world we have to live in.
Absolutely. Part of living right is setting goals and working towards them.

I accepted him as my saviour and nothing happened.
I've asked you many times what exactly you expected to happen and you never answer me. You seem like you're expecting some miraculous life change but what did you do in conjunction with accepting the Lord to work towards that? You don't get a gold star for waking up christian in the morning, in fact, more often the opposite is true. Like right now I'm listening to you run his name through the mud with foul language. Why should God grant someone with that "you didn't do anything for me" mindset anything?

Ok, I accept Christ as my savior. Cancer gone? Nope..... LOL
Sometimes the doctor prescribes bitter medicine for our ailments. You don't like the taste at the time, but it brings healing. Disease can be the bitter medicine because we realize out fallible nature and are more inclined to trust in God. It's easy to be proud when you are healthy, strong, fit. You can rely on your own strength. Strip that away and you become more humble.
Very timely; watching a tv program today on the magnificent cathedrals of Europe and the thought came to mind “is this what Jesus had in mind?”
It's wrong to build a building that inspires awe for the Lord? Weren't we just talking about aiming for excellence? Would a pole barn be more suitable for son of God?
Absolutely. Part of living right is setting goals and working towards them.

I've asked you many times what exactly you expected to happen and you never answer me. You seem like you're expecting some miraculous life change but what did you do in conjunction with accepting the Lord to work towards that? You don't get a gold star for waking up christian in the morning, in fact, more often the opposite is true.

Sometimes the doctor prescribes bitter medicine for our ailments. You don't like the taste at the time, but it brings healing. Disease can be the bitter medicine because we realize out fallible nature and are more inclined to trust in God. It's easy to be proud when you are healthy, strong, fit. You can rely on your own strength. Strip that away and you become more humble.
Well I don't know what I expected to happen. Maybe be happy? LOL. But it's too late for that. I hate life and hate the planet. But I do see a certain glow among Jesus people. So there's something there. But my family lineage has this dark energy that has transgressed through generations and there's no Jesus character that is going to rectify it.

So I've left it at that and just assume that I'm responsible for how I feel and nothing external to me, like Christ, is going to change that. Believe me, I'd love nothing more than if it was true, the whole heaven bit, but I'm afraid it's a big fat lie, my opinion of course. I base my logic on the immense pain and suffering I've seen in my life. The time old tale of "why would a loving God allow this....." etc.....

So this Christen has given up and prefers to operate in the realm of logic.
It's wrong to build a building that inspires awe for the Lord? Weren't we just talking about aiming for excellence? Would a pole barn be more suitable for son of God?
It think the issue is that if there was a Jesus Christ, he would rather the focus be on his message, rather than an extravagant building, built for and funded by politicians in robes.
It's wrong to build a building that inspires awe for the Lord? Weren't we just talking about aiming for excellence? Would a pole barn be more suitable for son of God?
Basing your religion on the grandeur and size of your church isn’t worshiping anything but architecture. Relying on practical experience, the smallest and most humble of churches provided the most rewarding experience for me.
Well I don't know what I expected to happen. Maybe be happy? LOL.
Happiness is a temporary state of being that does not really help us work out our salvation. In fact it often works against us because like the the strong man, when life is good, we are disinclined to reach out to the Lord because we think we have all we need.

I hate life and hate the planet. But I do see a certain glow among Jesus people. So there's something there. But my family lineage has this dark energy that has transgressed through generabtions and there's no Jesus character that is going to rectify it.
Maybe it's time to wake up in the morning and give thanks for all you do have instead of bitching about what you don't. A person with many life compaints who is constantly bitching will not attain heaven because he or she would be dissatisfied there anyways.

So this Christen has given up and prefers to operate in the realm of logic.
Logic stands in opposition to God.
It think the issue is that if there was a Jesus Christ, he would rather the focus be on his message, rather than an extravagant building, built for and funded by politicians in robes.
The focus is divine liturgy, the body and blood of christ, My parish is working towards a larger building since we are basically at max capacity in a small business building. No politician is helping fund our church, it's all through donations from the congregation. I think protestantism has corrupted your view of christianity, which is 100 percent understandable because it is confusion. See if you can detect any differences in this short video:
