How Democrats Will Steal / Postpone / Cancel the Midterm Elections?

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Ok, anal leach. Explain where Joe injured you? :ROFLMAO: Try to use your own thoughts, and words. Not the ones your far right fringe media told you to use.

Is it the same old tired hits?

2. He maDe da Gas Mer Spinsiver?

2. No, that was a result of Russia, it was global, not just in the US so please dont go to the brainwashed he took our energy independence away :ROFLMAO:
Haha, you brainwashed cunt ?

Just curious, how much inflation do you think was caused by Trump printing all that COVID relief money? I bet you won't even answer this. :ROFLMAO:
Who knows. How much inflation from Biden sending billions to Ukraine every other day?
4. He Ferked up the eConermy?


4. No, that was Covid, and it started under Orange Jesus. You must have forgotten about all the money Trump printed, all the job losses, the stock market crash under Trump.

Anything else?
Covid? More deaths under Biden and that's with a vaxscene. But hey the pandemic is over says the corpse. Just shows how dumb it all was.
Haha, you brainwashed cunt ?

Just curious, how much inflation do you think was caused by Trump printing all that COVID relief money? I bet you won't even answer this. :ROFLMAO:
There’s that deflection again. You just keep proving my point. Over and over and over and over…..
I’m gonna leave you alone now. It’s really not nice to fuck with the intellectually challenged all the time. Perhaps you would have benefited from more summer school :dunno:

There Are NO Blue States​

By Lex Greene|October 27th, 2021
By Lex Greene
Most Americans think we are headed into some form of “civil war” between BLUE and RED states, as the nation is divided, angry, and motivated to fight, more than at any point in our history. But the simple truth is, there are no BLUE states in the USA. There are only a handful of BLUE cities, all of them run and controlled by democratic socialists, and all of them on the verge of total collapse from gross mismanagement.
If we did have a “civil war” today, that war would be 84% (RED) counties in this country verses 16% (BLUE), at best. Including the most massive election fraud in the history of mankind, Biden still only won 477 counties in 2020, 396 counties LESS than Obama won (873) in 2008.

By comparison, Trump won 2,497 counties in 2020, or 84% of the country, by county. Biden allegedly had the support of only 16% of the country, but mysteriously, claims to have received 12-million more votes than Obama, and 6-million more votes than Trump, who received 11-million more votes for his re-election, than his 2016 victory over Hillary Clinton.

The fact is…that Biden victory is mathematically impossible, and there are no BLUE states in the USA. There are only BLUE socialist cities, and only a handful of them even matter, the worst cities in our country, by any method of measure. Do they really think BLUE city folks are going to move out into this RED country and take it over?

Washington D.C. (democrat controlled)
New York City (democrat controlled)
Chicago (democrat controlled)
Baltimore (democrat controlled)
Philadelphia (democrat controlled)
Los Angeles (democrat controlled)
San Francisco (democrat controlled)
Portland (democrat controlled)
Seattle (democrat controlled)
Boston (democrat controlled)
There are others, all of them a disaster zone and all of them “democrat controlled.”
Of course, these are also some of the most densely populated cities in our country.

What we are experiencing as a nation is what a friend at labeled “urban nullification,”wherein the views and interests of 84% of America is being controlled by the 16% major urban city populations, due to densely populated areas of the country, all of which have severe problems.
10 MOST DANGEROUS CITIES 2021 (per capita)
  1. Louis, Missouri
  2. Detroit, Michigan
  3. Baltimore, Maryland
  4. Memphis, Tennessee
  5. Little Rock, Arkansas
  6. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  7. Rockford, Illinois
  8. Cleveland, Ohio
  9. Stockton, California
  10. Albuquerque, New Mexico
Again, these are all heavily democratic socialist cities and most, if not all, have the toughest anti-gun laws in the nation. Still, these cities largely occupied by America-hating Marxists are being entirely destroyed by gross mismanagement under democrat politicians. The safest place to commit a violent crime of any kind, is a “gun-free zone.”
This 2020 County Election Map proves the point…

The BLUE specs on this otherwise all RED national map are the problem areas of our country. This is where most of the anti-American democratic-socialists live and vote, millions of them, illegally. These are the left-wing extremist zones that are responsible for driving our entire country into total ruin. These are the urban areas currently cancelling (nullifying) 84% of the nation.
Thanks to nine months of Obama’s puppet regime and their mismanagement on the national level, Biden and Harris have done more to convert Citizens into diehard Trump fans than another four years of Trump ever could have. More importantly, Biden and Harris are converting young public classroom educated socialists into future conservatives, thanks to their heavy-handed tyrannical insanity.
A “civil war” wouldn’t be much of a war, especially since all that RED territory is littered with Bible-reading gun-toting hunters and veterans, just about fed up with the tyrannical nature of those “tolerant liberals” busy trying to “cancel” everyone who isn’t just like them.

A second civil war? No…

But a collective uprising of all pro-American Citizens tired of being dictated to by mental midgets and public servants? YES! These BLUE cities are responsible for 90% of the election fraud in our country. Do we need a war to stop them from stealing elections in the future? Or do we just need to disqualify their districts due to their massive voting irregularities and election law violations?
Do we need to go to war to prove that no one has any right or authority to jab anyone with anything against their will? Or do we simply need to stand up together in mass and say “NO, not here!”

A war between the states? Why would we? There isn’t a single BLUE state anywhere in the country. They are all RED, except a handful of problem cities. How long could it take for RED BLOODED AMERICA to isolate these BLUE cities and let them collapse from the weight of their own decisions? Maybe that’s where we need walls…

If those BLUE specs on the map think they can cancel the rest of us, I issue this caution… Think hard, real hard, before you take that step. 84% of this country will not play with you. We’ve had it with Biden, Harris, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, and all of you responsible for them. Chatter all you want but watch your step… FREEDOM is no game!

The conservative Right may hope and pray for peace, but the insane Left has declared war on 84% of America, like it or not. Personally, I like our odds… Evil makes war against Good, no matter how good people feel about it. Evil can only prevail, where good people do nothing to stop it!
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. ”These are famous words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a Lutheran Pastor who was killed by the Nazis for resisting the regime.

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If the vitriol is a cathartic release and truly helps the spewers of it long be it.

There are no totally honest politicians. Never has been, nor will there ever be.

The eternal and incessant battle perpetuated by grift, greed, but mostly envy to control the masses and their available resouces is as old as time itself. Ahem.......such is politics. History bears it all out. And even then, you just had to be there to know for sure since the victors write the history books, and then subsequently and maybe not always subtly revise it to suit their current agendas.

Sometimes things all line up favorably and humanity manages to create a more pleasant and equitable society. But it never lasts......It never does......It never has..........IT NEVER WILL!!!

We are all often our own worst enemies. A victim of our own emotions as they distort our perception of reality though the fickle prism of life experience.

In the mean time, normally reasonable and good people allow themselves to played, used as tools, to be fomented over things they truly don't understand.

Humanity just keeps beating themselves over the head in endless circular debates and debacles.

Actually nothing new to see.

Fight the good fight as best you can.......carry on!
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It must really be deflating for you to wake up every morning, look in the mirror and say "here it is, another day for me, the world's biggest douchebag, and most hated person the RT"..........
Wait a fucking minute, I'M the most hated person on RT, at least in the OT, get it right shitwit !!!