Guitar Center, Las Vegas Nevada.
I was on vacation in like '04 & stopped in to check it out & they had an Einstein & a Herbert. I grabbed a Historic Les Paul that was similiar to mine plugged into the Herbert & the rest is history..........well kinda............First of all, the typical GC dude that was trying to sell me the amp used the "ego stroke" move and told me that "my playing" was the best that the amp has ever sounded! "Gee thanks dude!" was my reply.

He finally left me alone for a little bit to actually mess with the rig & in hindsight, I remember thinking, "Well maybe my little pentatonic riff did sound o.k. simply for the fact that before I struck a note I dialed "back" all the gain knobs which were maxed, raised the "mid" knobs and basically set everything to the "Noon" position with the exception of the "master" volume. Hmmmmm

(Any of you other old school farts like me will know what I'm talking about. If not, just go into any GC or similiar Walmart of music stores & look at the "usual" layout dialed in on a Rectifier

Anyway, to somewhat summarize what could even be a longer story, (I was in Vegas remember

) ...................................
It would be three or so more years before I became an actual owner. Mainly due to the fact that for whatever reason, the GC dude wouldn't ship it instore to the GC in my hometown

& I didn't want to take it with me on the Airplane. Though I fell In love, I walked out of the store empty handed & talked myself out of it by the time I was home from vacation. My actual purchase is a long-winded story in and of itself involving a wife out of town, a bottle of whiskey & a new credit card that the Mrs. wasn't aware of.......................................
Too be continued.................................