I must be going off the deep end...

Telephant":dc9fb said:

Well to me at least, its just generic hard rock where every single song sounds the same because its based on a certain formula. Its about as watered down as it gets IMO. :o

nothing wrong with liking them, but for me, the mere sound of them makes me cringe. :D


Not my thing, I don't get it. :)
Aside from the formulaic songs (which I don't hate formulas, per se), I think Kroeger writes some of the dumbest lyrics. They are almost never poetic and too blatant. Nothing memorable at all, IMO.

Like that song about the woman who is abused or whatever...Too blatant and the lyrics are retarded. And that song with "I like your pants around your legs" or ankles or whatever is beyond stupid, too.

Ican get past the formula if the lyrics weren't the worst in mainstream rock.
carlygtr56":a244f said:

You never come back with any decent example backing up your vagina mouth.
Don't worry so much who I hang out with...worry that you can't back your rectum mouth up, faggot.

and who gives a fuck what YOU think about me? i certainly don't.
i'm waiting to hear you play. you ran your gaped mouth, now start putting up, you yellow braying bitch.

Just keep diggin' that hole... :lol:
MitchSchaft":bc93e said:
He dug it as deep as it'll go, dude :lol:.

I love how he doesnt mind that everyone thinks he's fuckin' nuts because after all, its not him thats the mental gimp, its all of us. :lol:
carlygtr56":951a9 said:

There a little of what you can't do, bitch.
Take a shot. Stop flappin your bitch fag face.
Nothing but a gutless, yellow, jellyfish, punkass bitch


Go for it bitch :lol:

You just HAD to bring invertebrates into it, didn't you, you bastard!
carlygtr56":67a78 said:

There a little of what you can't do, bitch.
Take a shot. Stop flappin your bitch fag face.
Nothing but a gutless, yellow, jellyfish, punkass bitch

Go for it bitch :lol:

Yes we understand you're a wanker with no real identity of your own and the only thing you can do is play others people music because the crack head whore for a mom you had shit out a mental midget who the lacks the creative know how to do so.

Here is a challenge for you, post a clip of an actual song YOU wrote. :idea:

Thanks for backing my point up for me. This shit gets easier by the post. :lol:
carlygtr56":b0cb0 said:

Writing and played originals before you were born, punk.

Mom? you're reaching little man. Go practice. One day you'll reach beginner level

You need the "site manager" ....you can't fight me alone, punk yellow fucking retarded piece of shit.

Fucking suckass punk bitch. Post some guitar bitch. You whelped dog mother fucker bean pole cock sucker.
Come on with a clip, pansy ass cunt face

Just when I thought you couldnt make yourself look any worse, you up and did it. :lol:

At least you're giving the forum someone to point and laugh at. :thumbsup:
I use "Rockstar" as a ring tone for the other guys in my band because I think the song is hi-larious... Otherwise, I'm kinda ehh about Nickleback - it's OK, but I don't get really excited about it.