I must be going off the deep end...


yeah. About Nickelback, my .02...

I don't like them much, but I find that "Rock Star" tune amusing and entertaining. Otherwise, I change the station when it comes on the radio.

And yeah Kage, as much as I don't really want to listen to them, their tunes do sound kinda fun to play.
STEEL KAGE":0dbc3 said:
Because I absolutely love 2 songs that I heard from Nickelback; Animals and Never Again... I was looking at set lists from various cover bands and came across these 2 songs on many of them so I downloaded them to check them out and I couldnt believe how much I liked them, especially Animals!!! Its got an awesome groove IMO and sounds like it would be an absolute blast to play live...

Sure, How you remind me is as tired as you can get but I remember thinkiing that it wasnt half bad when I first heard it.There seems to be alot of hate for these guys and Im thinking that theyre not so bad as far as writing radio friendly hard rock..

Am I nuts or what?

Kage, check out Hollywood from Silver Side Up. IMO, with a heavier interpretation (especially with respect to vocals - I don't like the vocal patterns), it can be made into a killer song. It's a groovy track, with powerful vocals it would be great.
They're a generic straightforward rock band. But last time i checked being a rock band that sells millions of albums and touring the world ain't too bad. Nothing wrong with that.

Hey, their new song actually has a solo on it.
tweed":57d5a said:

It is the cat. Punk which got wet and obtains that ディック for the first time. With impressive. When it is attached well and the tooth of the festering crack her who is hit hard do to give it needs the cause of approval of the partner of punkass where you are small with slut, simultaneously like you that always you must express, it seems that? It can impress me truly. But inside that, it is the husband of new nagger where the mother it meets and the girl actual must be found.

Whoa. Is my browser acting weird, or did you write in Katakana? 日本語がわかりますか? ディックは何ですか? Just curious.

BTW, this thread is hilarious. :)

Edit: Oh, and who's going to get the award of the year? Carl or Shawn?

hmmm...carly? or nickelback?...or kage?

kage, cool...carly, gay...nickelback, carl's soundtrack.
