Iran attacks Israel...

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How many people have we tortured at black sites? Oh yeah, we're the beacon of free-dumb....
Why you keep throwing up strawman arguments? Who gives a fuck what the US has done. We're talking about Israel and Iran.
Ha ha. Sounds exactly like the Koran. Never heard that one before. Sounds like some anti semitic bullshit to me.
Have you read or studied the talmud at all? There is some pretty revolting stuff in there about non-jews my man. Rabbincial judaism is garbage religion and you are not on equal footing with a jewish person who sees the world through tha lens of that Talmud.
Why you keep throwing up strawman arguments? Who gives a fuck what the US has done. We're talking about Israel and Iran.
Yes, rules for thee but not for me. My country, right or wrong. The thumbpicker approach. Believe the meeeeeedia.
Ukraine is another example of US meddling in another country's internal affairs, on the other side of the world. The Minsk accords were a ruse by the West to buy time for Ukraine to prepare for conflict with Russia, former leaders of Germany and France publicly admitted it, and played Putin for a fool, because Putin actually wanted peace with the West.

Up until the start of the Russian special military operation and after, Russia tried to negotiate a peaceful resolution which the US, EU and NATO all ignored; it's well known that Ukraine and Russia had the start of a peace agreement in Turkey until Johnson met with Zelensky and Ukraine backed out of the negotiations.

Even at the start, Russia moved slowly in Ukraine, it wasn't shock and awe, it was meant to bring Ukraine to negotiations. Only after the West made it clear that they would not accept any negotiations with Russia that Putin started to take and keep territory.

The US and its' allies gave Russia only one option to preserve it's national defense, so it's the only option Russia had, and Russia took it. And when it's over, what's left of Ukraine is going to be much smaller and insignificant that it was before the conflict.
You act like I think we should be getting involved in Russian foreign policy ? I don't. You think the US would tolerate Russia forming a military alliance with Mexico or Canada ? Fuck no. The west in their infinite stupidity souped that Ukranian idiot up with dreams of joining NATO. That's why Russia is taking over. Ukraine has been part of Russia for the vast majority of recorded history. Russia began in Kiev. A large percent of Ukranians identify as Russians. So render unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's.
Yes, rules for thee but not for me. My country, right or wrong. The thumbpicker approach. Believe the meeeeeedia.
Rules favor those who can enforce them. Period. Has nothing to do with the media. I absorb zero media.
Rules favor those who can enforce them. Period. Has nothing to do with the media. I absorb zero media.
Yes but you have been primed with protestant nonsense about how great Israel is. If this was paraguay we wouldn't be having the conversation. I know this because I was a rabid defender of Israel for a long time and it took a long time to extricate my brain from the same protestant pro Israel lies you are repeating. A lot of which is the same sort of stuff I used to say.
Have you read or studied the talmud at all? There is some pretty revolting stuff in there about non-jews my man. Rabbincial judaism is garbage religion and you are not on equal footing with a jewish person who sees the world through tha lens of that Talmud.
Yeah dude. And A) you are severely distorting it and B) all religions are garbage religions.
How many airplanes full of civilians has Israel and the US blown up ? How many civilian hostages have they taken?
You may want to ask the people of the Philippines about the US takeover from Spain, and the people of Micronesia, the Marshall Islands, etc. after WW2 as they were used as test subjects for nuclear weapons by the US...

When you, the most powerful and wealthiest country and your allies, back a country into a corner and continuously punish them because they don't submit and obey you, and then you continue to squeeze the economic life out of them, you will find they will retaliate in the only ways they can, anyway they can.
Why you keep throwing up strawman arguments? Who gives a fuck what the US has done. We're talking about Israel and Iran.
Because what the US has done in the past has been a key factor in creating the current situation. US chickens are coming home to roost.
Yeah dude. And A) you are severely distorting it and B) all religions are garbage religions.
You have no religion therefore nothing to base what you are claiming is right and wrong so how can you even make a judgment call except to set yourself up as God and make your own rules? That's what you are doing, the ultimate garbage religion.
Yes but you have been primed with protestant nonsense about how great Israel is. If this was paraguay we wouldn't be having the conversation. I know this because I was a rabid defender of Israel for a long time and it took a long time to extricate my brain from the same protestant pro Israel lies you are repeating. A lot of which is the same sort of stuff I used to say.
I don't think Israel is some great thing. And I don't think Protestants think that either. I think ( modern) Israel is pretty good at taking care of themselves. And my opinions on Israel are formed strictly on shit that has happened since 1948. I don't believe Judaism any more than I believe any of the shit any of you guys believe. I think it's all ridiculous, man made tripe designed to control people. And you guys fell for it.
How many airplanes full of civilians has Israel and the US blown up ? How many civilian hostages have they taken?
God only knows. I think you underestimate the death and destruction the US has inflicted around the world.

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Because what the US has done in the past has been a key factor in creating the current situation. US chickens are coming home to roost.
We can keep going in circles dude. I can talk us all right back to the Norman invasion if you want. NONE OF THAT MATTERS TODAY.
I don't think Israel is some great thing. And I don't think Protestants think that either. I think ( modern) Israel is pretty good at taking care of themselves. And my opinions on Israel are formed strictly on shit that has happened since 1948. I don't believe Judaism any more than I believe any of the shit any of you guys believe. I think it's all ridiculous, man made tripe designed to control people. And you guys fell for it.
How would you know what protestants think? You just called all religions garbage? Israel has never "taken care of themselves" my man, you're being delusional on that one. Every nail you've ever pounded has a portion of the profits thereof going right into their pockets.
God only knows. I think you underestimate the death and destruction the US has inflicted around the world.

No, I don't see it as any different than the death and destruction The British Empire, the Ottoman Empire, The Roman Empire, The Huns, The Mongols or any other group of humans has inflicted around the world. None of which means a damn thing to this conversation. Here's the facts. For WHATEVER REASON, Israel is hated by Iran and other Arabs. I posit that it is their Muslim bullshit "Garbage religion" shit. But whatever. Now Iran has attacked Israel directly for the first time and whether you like it or Biden likes it or Qatar likes it or Jesus comes down from the heavens and condemns it, Israel is fixing to do serious damage to Iran. And I think it's about time someone did it.
How would you know what protestants think? You just called all religions garbage? Israel has never "taken care of themselves" my man, you're being delusional on that one. Every nail you've ever pounded has a portion of the profits thereof going right into their pockets.
I'm pretty sure Christians for the most part aren't champions of Jews. And dude, I went to parochial schools until I was thrown out in the 8th grade and I almost guarantee I know the bible better than you do. It doesn't mean I believe it.
The Ottoman empire was a very comfortable place for your feet to be.

When a Turk does something good you just say atta turk!
For WHATEVER REASON, Israel is hated by Iran and other Arabs.
They rejected Christ and disobeyed the Torah commands they were sworn to uphold and now are hated among the nations. It's in the bible, every single curse God promised them has befallen them. Even some of the more free thinking rabbis have grasped that concept.