Iran attacks Israel...

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It does matter today, we're seeing the results of the US actions of the past today; i.e., karma, reaping what we sow.

Iran didn't just decide to attack Israel today; it's been building for decades because of Israel's actions and the support it gets from US and others.
It matters exactly as much as The Battle of Hastings. Or Thermoplyae.
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God doesn't recognize them as a nation anymore. That's the point.
I don't exactly agree... they get a special mention as an entity in terms of end time prophecy. If they are persona non grata to God they wouldn't rate a mention.

Their path to salvation is no different than anyone else however.
Well that doesn't jive at all with what you said earlier. I mean if I'm a protestant and don't know it, it's pretty ridiculous to believe that any of the wars in the 20th century were secular.
Well Hitler's war wasn't exactly religious was it... Nor was Stalin.

WW1 was about assassinating the Arch Duke etc kicking off the festivities... not exactly a religious crusade either,
Neither of those created the government of Iran since the '70s; the US, UK and more recently, Israel have
No but they were instrumental in creating the British Empire and western civilization. Which has about as much relevance to the current situation.
I find it ridiculous. It hurts nothing to believe I suppose and I fully support your right to believe as you wish. And honestly I don't mean to poke fun of your beliefs Von. The whole thing really just doesn't interest me is all.

Go look at my fucking new knife in the other forum god dammit. It's sweet as fuck.
The torments a person is put through for their faith bring a greater reward. I would be ok with you putting a gun to my head, telling me to deny Christ, and then pulling the trigger when I don't, sending me to a great glory. I will still love you and forgive you even then. I'm staying the course. My hope is in the father, my refuge is in the son, my protection is the holy spirit. It's great, all the stupid worries about dumb stuff in this world, and death, are evaporating and it gives me peace so why would I be angry? Insults are cause for thanksgiving.
none of whom want a direct confrontation with the US; so we'll have another ukrain-like proxy war
That's probably true, but I very seriously doubt Turkey or Pakistan will commit troops to fight in defense of Iran either way.
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The torments a person is put through for their faith bring a greater reward. I would be ok with you putting a gun to my head, telling me to deny Christ, and then pulling the trigger when I don't, sending me to a great glory. I will still love you and forgive you even then. I'm staying the course. My hope is in the father, my refuge is in the son, my protection is the holy spirit. It's great, all the stupid worries about dumb stuff in this world, and death, are evaporating and it gives me peace so why would I be angry? Insults are cause for thanksgiving.
Hey, if You're happy I'm happy dude. I'm glad you found your peace and purpose.
funding, food, weapons,...whatever Israel needs
When Israel needed planes, they sent spies out, stole planes, reverse engineered them and built their own fleet. When they needed Nukes, they made them. If the US wants to give Israel free shit, I'm sure they'll take it, but that isn't the same as needing it to defeat Iran. I mean, they're rich jews right ? They didn't get rich by not taking free shit right ?
Hey, if You're happy I'm happy dude. I'm glad you found your peace and purpose.
I pray that you find it too. I really do. Because it is the greatest treasure that doesn't rust or corrode. It's changing me for the better.. And don't get me wrong, I have had a heart for jewish people. My own heritage includes a small amount of hebraic roots. On a faith level though, Christians are the wild olive branch grafted in while the natural branches of the original jewish nation were torn out and scattered for their unbelief.
When Israel needed planes, they sent spies out, stole planes, reverse engineered them and built their own fleet. When they needed Nukes, they made them. If the US wants to give Israel free shit, I'm sure they'll take it, but that isn't the same as needing it to defeat Iran. I mean, they're rich jews right ? They didn't get rich by not taking free shit right ?
According to the link I found (CFR LOL) we have given them about 300 billion bucks since 1946. Don't know if that includes the M16's, Bravos, Saws, bullets, and other sweet aerial hardware. And never mind the loans.....