Iran attacks Israel...

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When Israel needed planes, they sent spies out, stole planes, reverse engineered them and built their own fleet. When they needed Nukes, they made them. If the US wants to give Israel free shit, I'm sure they'll take it, but that isn't the same as needing it to defeat Iran. I mean, they're rich jews right ? They didn't get rich by not taking free shit right ?
The US gives Israel billions of US taxpayer dollars every year; expect that to be higher now
The US gives Israel billions of US taxpayer dollars every year; expect that to be higher now
The US gives almost every country on earth shit tons of money every year. More to our allies. It's retarded. Cocksuckers took $1000 in federal taxes out of my check Friday. They'll launder it back to themselves I'm sure. Those maggots didn't become multi millionaires by dumb luck.
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You may not have noticed, Russia is a little busy at the moment. And Pakistan and Turkey ? Oh no, whatever shall we do ?
Nukes bro. Pakistani and Russian. Turkey has probably the most capable conventional force in the region. Iran would beat Israel in a conventional war.
According to the link I found (CFR LOL) we have given them about 300 billion bucks since 1946. Don't know if that includes the M16's, Bravos, Saws, bullets, and other sweet aerial hardware. And never mind the loans.....
How much have we given Ukraine in the last 4 years ?
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Israel’s military capability is way over blown. Look, they just lost 400-500 servicemen by guys on go-kart parachutes.
The US gives almost every country on earth shit tons of money every year. More to our allies. It's retarded. Cocksuckers took $1000 in federal taxes out of my check Friday. They'll launder it back to themselves I'm sure. Those maggots didn't become multi millionaires by dumb luck.
Well not us! Nor would I want it.
And no one is using any nukes, trust me.
It just takes one old deranged leader who doesn't care because they are dying or old to not give a toss and have the attitude they'll take everyone else down before they go.
Well not us! Nor would I want it.
Maybe not directly but we spend billions in the Indo-Pacific region which benefits Australia.

Contrary to your underlying animous to the US, we are in fact allies.

By the way, the knife attack in Sydney is big news here right now. I hope they killed the bastard.
Floyd has it ever occurred to you that Russia and Iran (China too) are the bogeyman because they represent an actual threat to US power, not just cartoon take over the world schemes?
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It just takes one old deranged leader who doesn't care because they are dying or old to not give a toss and have the attitude they'll take everyone else down before they go.
Regardless, God is in control. No one takes another breath without his express consent. That's a good feeling.
Contrary to your underlying animous to the US, we are in fact allies.
There is a difference between being critical and animous. You are wrong about that. No matter what I say I don't hate the US. They just piss me off in certain areas.
Has it ever occurred to you that Russia and Iran (China too) are the bogeyman because they represent an actual threat to US power, not just cartoon take over the world schemes?
Being American, I don't like threats to US power dude. Especially from countries that all severely oppress their own people and threaten and attack their neighbors.
It's billions and billions brother.
I'm not into giving aid to other countries in dollars. Food for nations in famine I have a soft sport there. The problem is negative elements use it for building their armies and the UN enforcement is corrupt and ineffective. We have hungry people here first anyways. Only the Lord is going to solve all these problems. The future is ultimately bright so I have great hope.