Iran attacks Israel...

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I'm pretty sure Christians for the most part aren't champions of Jews. And dude, I went to parochial schools until I was thrown out in the 8th grade and I almost guarantee I know the bible better than you do. It doesn't mean I believe it.
You don't understand protestantism and their obsession with Israel. I seriously doubt you "know the bible better than me", but maybe. Pretty obvious you ain't read Deuteronomy though. And if you do know more than me, you have less excuse on judgement day.
They rejected Christ and disobeyed the Torah commands they were sworn to uphold and now are hated among the nations. It's in the bible, every single curse God promised them has befallen them. Even some of the more free thinking rabbis have grasped that concept.
Some of them will be saved in the end according to Revelation.
And if you do know more than me, you have less excuse on judgement day.
I don't know you have unprecedented access to know more so if you deliberately don't study it I'm sure that excuse won't wash.
They rejected Christ and disobeyed the Torah commands they were sworn to uphold and now are hated among the nations. It's in the bible, every single curse God promised them has befallen them. Even some of the more free thinking rabbis have grasped that concept.
Yeah, so....
You don't understand protestantism and their obsession with Israel. I seriously doubt you "know the bible better than me", but maybe. Pretty obvious you ain't read Deuteronomy though. And if you do know more than me, you have less excuse on judgement day.
I won't be making excuses. According your books, the word of god, I will not be risen on judgement day. My hell will be separation from god for eternity. Oh, no. Leave me alone harder baby.
Agreed. Many of them have found Christ already. But as a nation they are no longer chosen, special, etc.
Yes I guess but the do sort of get singled out for special treatment in the end... so they obviously still kind of are... but I know exactly what you mean of course.
You realize that 98% of all the bullshit and wars and death on their earth is due to you guys and your man made religions.
Can we get back to the important things like the song "bomb Iran" and the naked gun Ayatollah scene!
I won't be making excuses. According your books, the word of god, I will not be risen on judgement day. My hell will be separation from god for eternity. Oh, no. Leave me alone harder baby.
I suppose it's funny to you for now.
You realize that 98% of all the bullshit and wars and death on their earth is due to you guys and your man made religions.
Actually more people have been killed in the secular 20th century wars than all past wars. So.....wrong again.
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Yes I guess but the do sort of get singled out for special treatment in the end... so they obviously still kind of are... but I know exactly what you mean of course.
That's a protestant reading of the bible. They are not special as a nation now. They are not chosen as a nation of people. They can accept Christ and the natural branch will be grafted back in. That's it.
That's a protestant reading of the bible. They are not special as a nation now. They are not chosen as a nation of people. They can accept Christ and the natural branch will be grafted back in. That's it.
You can say that but they still get singled out as a separate nation for special treatment if you will. So you can say what you like. I agree that whole point of the new covenant was to save people of all nations. They are don't get special treatment in that sense... but God hasn't forgotten about them as a separate nation either.
We can keep going in circles dude. I can talk us all right back to the Norman invasion if you want. NONE OF THAT MATTERS TODAY.
It does matter today, we're seeing the results of the US actions of the past today; i.e., karma, reaping what we sow.

Iran didn't just decide to attack Israel today; it's been building for decades because of Israel's actions and the support it gets from US and others.
You can say that but they still get singled out as a separate nation for special treatment if you will. So you can say what you like
God doesn't recognize them as a nation anymore. That's the point. They are just another heathen people who don't believe in Christ (by and large).

Taking a break, back in ten....
I suppose it's funny to you for now.
I find it ridiculous. It hurts nothing to believe I suppose and I fully support your right to believe as you wish. And honestly I don't mean to poke fun of your beliefs Von. The whole thing really just doesn't interest me is all.

Go look at my fucking new knife in the other forum god dammit. It's sweet as fuck.
Actually more people have been killed in the secular 20th century wars than all past wars. So.....wrong again.
Well that doesn't jive at all with what you said earlier. I mean if I'm a protestant and don't know it, it's pretty ridiculous to believe that any of the wars in the 20th century were secular.