Israel announces plan to strike Iran is ready within the next three weeks.........

Whaaat? Think of the features:
>about a mile from Riverfront fun
>diverse population
>gun enthusiasts dream
>10 min to downtown activities!
...From a simple and prejudiced perspective where Palestinians have no right to their stolen land or to seek justice for decades of mistreatment. Or do you think they hate the Israelis "For their freedoms" just like Bush said? 🤣

But it's not Palestinian land. By going back home, the Jewish people are DEcolonizing that land.

Aaaaaaaaaand the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock are sitting on the Temple Mount. The Second Temple. History.

The Jews were there first and they finally returned to their home. I can't fault them for that after 2,000 years of diaspora.

Oh, and if you're thinking of bringing up genetics, don't waste your time.
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You haven't substantiated anything brother. You are simply justifying terrorism and then crying foul when the obviously bigger and more powerful victim responds with exponentially more force. The difference is Palestinians purposely target civilians. From positions within their own civilian population so they can get the UN and world liberals to stop Israel.

When Hamas and Hezbollah are not holding palestine hostage, they will have peace.

standing ovation well said.jpg
Tell ya what, I won't complain about Palestinians firing rockets into Israeli civilian populations, from Palestinian civilian populations, if you don't complain about Israel responding with exponentially greater force.
They're not at all equivalent in scope or mortality.
Prior to October 7 Israel wasn't an occupying force. Hamas was in control of Gaza and The West Bank
That's not true.
Hezbollah effectively took over Lebanon and on October 8 started firing rockets into Israel and haven't stopped. Was Israel an occupying force in Lebanon ? You have Iranian backed terrorists who have taken over Yemen, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories and all of them have right in their charter the extinction of Israel. They all routinely attack Israel and you're complaining about the Israeli response ? In my view it has been restrained.
There's so much to get into here. For one, Lebanon is home to the most Palestinian refugees anywhere outside of Israel. What you miss is that all of the conflict in the region stems from the creation of Israel and the Arab expulsion. It's like you think it's irrelevant and then get confused why anyone is upset or why these battles are happening.
How do you come to believe that not all Palestinians can be equated with Hamas, supporting what happened on Oct. 7 and supporting continually attacking Israel and yet you believe that all Israeli citizens are supporting ethnic cleansing in Palestine ? And before you say you don't think all Israeli citizens support ethnic cleansing in Palestine, remember, YOU called it ethnic cleansing and remember that Israeli citizens, even the ones who hate Netenyahu, overwhelmingly are supporting him right now.
I'm not sure what you're asking. I think the majority in Israel are supportive of the ethnic cleansing and probably the majority of Palestinians are supportive, at least in principle, of Hamas.
I can be onboard with live and let live as far as tolerating countries with Muslim governments, providing they do not force their citizens to remain in them, but the second they begin projecting outward they need to be hammered into submission and left to rebuild their own shit.
Where exactly are you seeing this Muslim imperialism? Where are you seeing any threats of it? I feel like you formed your views about everything in the Middle East during the bush war years. It's like you believed everything they said and haven't ever stopped to re-examine those views ever since.
Floyd it's pointless to argue this stuff because you are totally given to Western propaganda about anything to do with this issue. There are two sides to any conflict but you only know one and have made up your mind accordingly.