Its official, USA has become a Banana republic

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And Trump would have been fine too had he not Obstructed. His brazen ego caught up with him, he tried to keep the documents, and lied about them being ALL returned. That's the short of it.

If you're watching right wing media (or hearing it from your buddy, or face book memes) they are purposely leaving out that part.
YOU actually know 100% it's true what you're saying above?

Even if I agree with you how can a career criminal such as Biden direct the DOJ to Trump?
It was clear to me early on, that he didn't actually care about his followers/voters. I picked up the signs quick. He was just tossing shit out there to see what would get the largest reaction, and went with that. I even considered the guy, but It was too fishy.

You ever have a buddy where his wife, or GF is cheating on him. You try to tell him, but he's in such denial it's not getting through, and he makes up every ridiculous excuse possible to explain it away? That's the definition of a Trump supporter.
YOU actually know 100% it's true what you're saying above?
YOU actually know 100% it's true what you're saying above?
He will have his day in court, then we shall see right?

Let me fix "allegedly obstructed"

Even if I agree with you how can a career criminal such as Biden direct the DOJ to Trump?
To call someone a "Career criminal" you need some criminal convictions to back that up. So where are they?
Also who told you "Biden Directed" the DOJ to Trump?
He will have his day in court, then we shall see right?

Let me fix "allegedly obstructed"

To call someone a "Career criminal" you need some criminal convictions to back that up. So where are they?
Also who told you "Biden Directed" the DOJ to Trump?
You really are asking this? Seriously, YOU know better.
Yes, I am really asking this. What has he been convicted of, or even easier, what has he been charged with?
You DON'T have to be charged to be a career criminal........YOU know that.

Where did ALL of his money come from given he's been a politician all his life?

If any normal working person had his money the IRS would be all over them.............

His son's dealings in Ukraine alone tell you plenty..........YOU know that.

Why are you being defensive of Biden?

Are you just being contrary because you need attention?
You DON'T have to be charged to be a career criminal........YOU know that.

If you're an actual criminal, it will catch up with you eventually. So I say if they find something on the guy, then fantastic, charge the MF'er

Where did ALL of his money come from given he's been a politician all his life?

If any normal working person had his money the IRS would be all over them.............

His son's dealings in Ukraine alone tell you plenty..........YOU know that.

These are political talking points that I don't put much into. Let's see some DOJ, or State investigations. Then I'll start paying attention.

Why are you being defensive of Biden?

I'm just stating how it is.

Are you just being contrary because you need attention?

I do need someone to lick my balls, but that's bout it :ROFLMAO:
And Trump would have been fine too had he not Obstructed. His brazen ego caught up with him, he tried to keep the documents, and lied about them being ALL returned. That's the short of it.

If you're watching right wing media (or hearing it from your buddy, or face book memes) they are purposely leaving out that part.
Thank goodness the progressive mass media keeps the people objectively informed about everything.
He will have his day in court, then we shall see right?

Let me fix "allegedly obstructed"

To call someone a "Career criminal" you need some criminal convictions to back that up. So where are they?
Also who told you "Biden Directed" the DOJ to Trump?
Joe Biden is the POTUS - he appoints the AG which runs the DOJ - the DOJ is part of the Executive (as opposed to the Judicial and Legislative) - one of Biden's many comments about Trump and documents:
He's not actually involved in the investigation - LOL meaning he's not on the search warrants - but don't think for a moment that the DOJ is doing anything contrary to clown Biden's wishes.
Joe Biden is the POTUS - he appoints the AG which runs the DOJ - the DOJ is part of the Executive (as opposed to the Judicial and Legislative) - one of Biden's many comments about Trump and documents:

He appoints the AG, yes. The AG runs the DOJ, yes. That's the extent. Unless you have records of Biden telling the AG how to do his job, then you have no basis to claim Biden is directing the DOJ. Make's a nice talking point, that's it.
He's not actually involved in the investigation - LOL meaning he's not on the search warrants - but don't think for a moment that the DOJ is doing anything contrary to clown Biden's wishes.

Everyone is entitled to an Opinion. Again find some evidence Biden is directing the DOJ, and we'll talk.
He appoints the AG, yes. The AG runs the DOJ, yes. That's the extent. Unless you have records of Biden telling the AG how to do his job, then you have no basis to claim Biden is directing the DOJ. Make's a nice talking point, that's it.

Everyone is entitled to an Opinion. Again find some evidence Biden is directing the DOJ, and we'll talk.
So, let me understand..........when you say something you state it as a fact BUT, when someone does, it's opinion.................correct?
He appoints the AG, yes. The AG runs the DOJ, yes. That's the extent. Unless you have records of Biden telling the AG how to do his job, then you have no basis to claim Biden is directing the DOJ. Make's a nice talking point, that's it.

Everyone is entitled to an Opinion. Again find some evidence Biden is directing the DOJ, and we'll talk.

It's in an email on a laptop so we know from well respected former intelligence agents and the NYT that it has all the earmarks of Russian disinformation and so cannot be believed ....

But seriously - did he send an email to the DOJ to get Trump? Unlikely so I guess there's nothing to see here....
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You guy's are coping I understand. I'm not try to fuck with you.

It's in an email on a laptop so we know from well respected former intelligence agents and the NYT that it has all the earmarks of Russian disinformation and so cannot be believed ....
But seriously - did he send an email to the DOJ to get Trump? Unlikely so I guess there's nothing to see here....
I agree
You guy's are coping I understand. I'm not try to fuck with you.



I agree
You missed

the joke

the sarcasm

which explains more than you realize.

And as for coping - I have zero fucks to give about Trump - my issue is the gang of fools with dumb and dumber - Biden and Harris - in the lead that are running this country off a cliff. If you like a nation with no border, among other derelictions, you might be happy. Me, not so much.