Its official, USA has become a Banana republic

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You lack of substance in your replies is again more revealing than maybe you intend. Thank you.

Didn't Hilary Clinton mishandle all those emails? Didn't Biden have classified documents at his house recently? I'm not from the USA but this is a dangerous precedent.

Not that it’s really a good thing, but I think pretty much every high powered politician has a bunch of scandalous shit to their name.

The difference being that Trump was overly cocky about it and now he is getting nailed for it. He might as well have called a press conference and said “I dare you pussies to come after me.”

And now he is where he is.

Personally I hope this does set a precedent and more politicians get what they deserve. It will be a hot mess for a while but it’s probably the only real way to ever get our system out do the hole it’s been digging itself for so long
The irony is Trump didn't go after her because it seems he had a shred of decency and probably was aware of the precedent it would set. The Democrats are dumber than a box of rocks. Very short sighted of them.
What?!?! He definitely went after her. He publicly ridiculed her for years and then publicly fired James Comey because the FBI didn't indict her. I would call that lack of power to do something and not lack of desire. You are delusional if you call that decency.
Boy's I know this is hard to accept. Trump IS NOT A POLITICAL THREAT to Biden :hys:

Jesus Christ, now Ron Desanktimoniously IS. It would make 10000% more sense for Biden to direct DOJ to Ron. If thats what he was doing.

Trump is washed up, the MIDTERM RESULTS were proof of that.
“As hard as these people are going after Trump, they must be really afraid of something. I can't remember anyone getting chased around like Trump has. Anyone. I think he struck at the heart of the obvious malfunction in our federal government, and it looks like the left is very afraid now.”
“As hard as these people are going after Trump, they must be really afraid of something. I can't remember anyone getting chased around like Trump has. Anyone.
I already told you. They're afraid of him making America a dictatorship.
The world or your world? For some of us, threats to the world are withdrawing from nuclear talks, backing out of climate agreements, enabling dictators, having news organizations habitually lie, or worrying about politicians actually overthrowing our government. But you know, you feel less safe because social media tells you to be afraid so it can make money off clickbait propaganda ads.
From the Wall Street Journal today:

Whether you love or hate Donald Trump, his indictment by President Biden’s Justice Department is a fraught moment for American democracy. For the first time in U.S. history, the prosecutorial power of the federal government has been used against a former President who is also running against the sitting President. This is far graver than the previous indictment by a rogue New York prosecutor, and it will roil the 2024 election and U.S. politics for years to come.
From the Wall Street Journal today:

Whether you love or hate Donald Trump, his indictment by President Biden’s Justice Department is a fraught moment for American democracy. For the first time in U.S. history, the prosecutorial power of the federal government has been used against a former President who is also running against the sitting President. This is far graver than the previous indictment by a rogue New York prosecutor, and it will roil the 2024 election and U.S. politics for years to come.
Disingenuous to post this opinion piece and try to pass it off as journalistic.
Disingenuous to post this opinion piece and try to pass it off as journalistic.
Who tried to pass off anything?
It says OPINION in the link as the very first word of the directly quoted source - unlike most memes and other baloney posted on this forum.

You are the one exposed as disingenuous.

A classic self-own.

Who tried to pass off anything?
I directly quoted the source - unlike most memes and other baloney posted on this forum.
Yes. You did. Kudos.

It’s still an opinion piece. Written by someone who didn’t have the balls to put their name on the byline.
Yes. You did. Kudos.

It’s still an opinion piece. Written by someone who didn’t have the balls to put their name on the byline.
Its called an editorial - by the WSJ Editorial Board - clearly labeled as such. That's how it works.

You, however, accused me of attempting to disingenuously pass off a clearly labeled Opinion piece as something other than as it was clearly labeled.

Its called an editorial - by the WSJ Editorial Board - clearly labeled as such. That's how it works.

You, however, accused me of attempting to disingenuously pass off a clearly labeled Opinion piece as something other than as it was clearly labeled.


That’s what you did. You thought you were slick and now you’re backpedaling and making rationalizations after getting called out on it.

You’re generally better than the doofuses here.
Don’t be like them.
That’s what you did. You thought you were slick and now you’re backpedaling and making rationalizations after getting called out on it.

You’re generally better than the doofuses here.
Don’t be like them.
Thought I was slick? Backpedaling? Rationalizations?

You are busted - as disingenuous to use your word - and don't have the integrity to admit it - and instead double down - either that, or you lack reading comprehension on a fundamental level.
Or willfully argue in bad faith.
Either way, exposed.
All clearly on display in this exchange.