Its official, USA has become a Banana republic



The cult is out in full force. They're picking on my orange god and he didn't do nuffin wong.
It REALLY is true.............if Trump personally cured Cancer you'd still want him dead.........

How can you speak, let alone reason, with a mental defect unit such as yourself.

If YOU knew so much why didn't you blow the whistle on him to the're sprouting like YOU know ALL the detail.

You're a mental help as TDS has crippled you and no doubt made you impotent.
Of all the dumb shit retards that post on this forum, you take the cake FAG man. Even Pedo Picuntso might have 1 more brain cell than your foreign Putin dick sucking self.
Now go watch Putin speeches WHILST jerking off, you dumb foreign cunt.
Of all the dumb shit retards that post on this forum, you take the cake FAG man. Even Pedo Picuntso might have 1 more brain cell than your foreign Putin dick sucking self.
Now go watch Putin speeches WHILST jerking off, you dumb foreign cunt.
Good to see you soft cock............have you learned how to play 'Hit Me With Your Soft Cock' yet?

You're fucking useless and you know fuck all about gear AND guitar playing.

Russia? When are you going so you can actually see it and ONLY then know what the fuck you're talking about.

You say you were a soldier? Thank fuck you're out as there's way to many faggots in there today without adding your battered and bruised asshole.
You wouldn't even get a look in today as you're broken................bitch.
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You’re a fucking moron. Fuck off with all this shit dumbass. Trump was indicted by a fucking grand jury dipshit, NOT Biden or the DOJ. Goddamn you guys are fucking dumb. A jury of his peers indicted him. Jesus Christ.
TRUMP 2024
You’re a fucking moron. Fuck off with all this shit dumbass. Trump was indicted by a fucking grand jury dipshit, NOT Biden or the DOJ. Goddamn you guys are fucking dumb. A jury of his peers indicted him. Jesus Christ.
You're gonna blow a gasket.....................

Read it AND weep Fella.

"Jack Smith Didn't Tell The Grand Jury About Clinton Socks Case or Presidential Records Act"