Well-known member
I don't care one bit about the historical significance (of which there is very little outside of Rig-Talk). Hell, if my favorite guitarist of my favorite band offered to sign my guitar I would tell him no. I just don't give a crap about this kind of thing. I care about the actual item itself. Do I think a Superlead is worth $20K? No. I don't care if it was signed by all of AC/DC, VH, Elvis, and Babe Ruth... and jointly built by Mike Soldano, Mark Cameron, Jose, and Colonel Sanders.
That said, if I had one and could sell it at a huge profit, would I? You bet.
i dont care about autographs or any of that either, but an autograph or an amp built by another company or person isnt exactly the same historically as a real jose marshall? wasnt a whole industry basically started and still going strong now almost 50 years later off what he started, the same basic way Shelby did with performance parts?? i dont know anyone that would say an original Cobra built by Shelby himself isnt worth $500k, or call the seller greedy because a better clone can be built for 10% of that, i think most everyone understands a car built by a pioneer in an industry which there are very few of isnt just another cobra or mustang, just like to me this isnt just another superlead, and is gonna draw big bucks. i dont see how this amp is much different than that cobra

i dont think Jose is exactly a household name, but i think hes a little bigger than just a rigtalk name like mark cameron, ive been seeing his name in magazines since i been reading them, hes always associated with eddie and bob rock, every big youtuber has gone over who he is now. i just hope it goes to a big name producer or studio somewhere where it will be used