Just 0.3% of Scientists agree Humanity is causing Climate Change; NOT 97% as falsely spread by the UN

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Any that don't denounce the sick shit going on should certainly be in that group.
I reckon it is nearly impossible to find unbiased data, but I'd be willing do bet there is not a large delta between political parties and sexual deviances
I reckon it is nearly impossible to find unbiased data, but I'd be willing do bet there is not a large delta between political parties and sexual deviances
I'm pretty sure you're not gonna find a whole lot of conservative voters in the alphabet gang. There are a few, but not many.
This green new deal is not about the climate at all , it never was it's about control . This article came out in 2019 and explains what going green is really about .

It's part of the "Great reset"

Green New Deal Reveals The Naked Truth Of Agenda 21​

By Tom DeWeese|February 28th, 2019

For twenty years I have been labeled a conspiracy theorist, scaremonger, extremist, dangerous, nut case. I’ve been denied access to stages, major news programs, and awarded tin foil hats. All because I have worked to expose Agenda 21 and its policy of sustainable development as a danger to our property rights, economic system, and culture of freedom.

From its inception in 1992 at the United Nation’s Earth Summit, 50,000 delegates, heads of state, diplomats and Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) hailed Agenda 21 as the “comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society.” The 350-page, 40 chapter, Agenda 21 document was quite detailed and explicit in its purpose and goals. They warned us that the reorganization would be dictated through all-encompassing policies affecting every aspect of our lives, using environmental protection simply as the excuse to pull at our emotions and get us to voluntarily surrender our liberties.

Section I details “Social and Economic Dimensions” of the plan, including redistribution of wealth to eradicate poverty, maintain health through vaccinations and modern medicine, and population control.

Take a good look, those of you who have heard my warnings about Agenda 21 over the years. Do you see the plan I have warned about being fully in place in this Green New Deal?

I warned that Agenda 21 would control every aspect of our lives, including how and were we live, the jobs we have, the mode of transportation available to us, and even what we eat. The Green New Deal is a tax on everything we do, make, wear, eat, drink, drive, import, export and even breathe.

In opposing Smart Growth plans in your local community, I said the main goal was to eliminate cars, to be replaced with bikes, walking, and light rail trains. The Green New Deal calls for the elimination of the internal combustion engine. Stay alert. The next step will be to put a ban on the sale of new combustion engines by a specific date and then limiting the number of new vehicles to be sold. Bans on commercial truck shipping will follow. Then they will turn to airplanes, reducing their use. Always higher and higher taxes will be used to get the public to “voluntarily” reduce their use of such personal transportation choices. That’s how it works, slowly but steadily towards the goal.

I warned that under Smart Growth programs now taking over every city in the nation that single-family homes are a target for elimination, to be replaced by high-rise stack and pack apartments in the name of reducing energy use. That will include curfews on carbon heating systems, mandating they be turned off during certain hours. Heating oil devises will become illegal. Gradually, energy use of any kind will be continually reduced. The Green New Deal calls for government control of every single home, office and factory to tear down or retrofit them to comply with massive environmental energy regulations.

I warned that Agenda 21 Sustainable policy sought to drive those in rural areas off the farms and into the cities where they could be better controlled. Those in the cities will be ordered to convert their gardens into food producers. Most recently I warned that the beef industry is a direct target for elimination. It will start with mandatory decreases in meat consumption until it disappears form our daily diet. The consumption of dairy will follow. Since the revelation of the Green New Deal the national debate is now over cattle emissions of methane and the drive to eliminate them from the planet. Controlling what we eat is a major part of the Green New Deal.

I warned that part of the plan for Agenda 2030 was “Zero Economic Growth.” The Green New Deal calls for a massive welfare plan where no one earns more than anyone else. Incentive to get ahead is dead. New inventions would disrupt their plan for a well-organized, controlled society. So, where will jobs come from after we have banned most manufacturing, shut down most stores, stopped single-family home construction, closed the airline industry, and severely regulated farms and the entire food industry? This is their answer to the hated free markets and individual choice.

The Green New Deal will destroy the very concept of our Constitutional Republic, eliminating private property, locally elected representative government, free markets and individual freedom. All decisions in our lives will be made for us by the government – just to protect the environment of course. They haven’t forgotten how well that scheme works to keep the masses under control.

Much more below:
Rock dude. That’s why they use geologists. Oil, and especially NG ( which is usually a byproduct of oil drilling) does not hang out in soil. And soil conditions tell you absolutely nothing about the likelihood of oil being present.
I should have realized my audience and just said “earth”. Lol
There’s that @Can’tfindmybone wit we’ve all groan accustomed to. Lol

Whooooaaaa!!! And again! Some morons never learn. While you’re not the smartest, @Can’tFindMyBone . . . You’re still smarter than @SQUAREHEADROUNDHOLE . Lol
I should have realized my audience and just said “earth”. Lol
Or known what you were actually talking about and said rock. Because it's literally rock. Sedimentary rock to be specific. And oil company geologists are not the people who do environmental impact studies.
¡Klown Kucks Klansman numero dos! Pobre chico. Lol
Poor-Boy 🤡Baiter🤡 the White Guilt Klown.

Desperately Baiting and Trolling fresh into the second shift of the day, 😂👌
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