I vote you give it to @dainbramage0 I know he would use it more than anyone i could think of. I doubt i would even be able to figure out how to turn it on. I would probably try to swap tubes in it...
If you let me have it, I'll pass it on to another member after using it for a month in hopes that they in turn do the same thing so everyone who was curious about one of these but couldn't afford it to take the plunge. I would have the right amount of time to fall in love with it or say it actually isn't my style. At least I could add it the amps I've owned.
Dude, if they send it to me I’m gonna find every shitty amp from the 80s and profile them so those of us that suffered through them can take a stroll down memory laneI like the idea of passing the Kemper around and then everyone has to profile their favorite amp and leave the preset in the unit. Then we can have a shootout of the best RigTalk profile. ?
Think of all the guys selling guitars that are "the absolute best guitar I've ever seen or played" or amps that are "the best I've ever heard"....seems like they want to share too, right ??I mean, Larry might kill me, but when you're in love you wanna share with the world right?
Exactly!Profile this.
Second on the list? I just had my 1974 Marshall modded by Dave at New Religion with his Axis mod. I also have a quality Boogie rig that smokes all hell. The profiles would be something else as I have few (11) cabinets also.It’s going to Dan
It’s going to Dan
I want your problems. Broke enough to hire someone to sing? I want your problems.problems and missing work have put me in a shitty financial spot
I hired a vocalist off Fiverr and he's quite good.
I want your problems. Broke enough to hire someone to sing? I want your problems.