Kemper give away….fuck it ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tone Monster
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My toilet without a seat should impress you. My wife was really mad at me because after I took the pic, I forgot to put it back on and she fell in during the night. ?

If you let me have it, I'll pass it on to another member after using it for a month in hopes that they in turn do the same thing so everyone who was curious about one of these but couldn't afford it to take the plunge. I would have the right amount of time to fall in love with it or say it actually isn't my style. At least I could add it the amps I've owned.
Good idea.

I'll get on the list second and pass it on after 1 month.

No shit pinky swear. That's all the amount of time I would need/want.

Edit: I see I'm late. Congrats Dan! Best idea yet. You deserve it brother.
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Also if the Kemper comes my way, there are a LOT of amps/speakers I could model for you guys. Rocker 30, Rockerverb MKIII, Guytron GT-100 F/V, Marshall Studio 15, Mesa Roadster, and could probably have a fun day at my friend James Burke's Blues City Music, with all the Mezzabarbas and other fantastic toys he has in his bat cave. He has a tree stand with like 10 Gnaggs for crying out loud!
I already have a Kemper but with 2 I could profile a profile of a profile. Think about it. :ROFLMAO:
Xhibit stylee!

“Yo dawg I hear you like profiles so I profiled your profile in a profile” etc.

OG V30 from an 80’s Marshall combo, Tone Tubby 40/40 and Alnico Red, Fanes, EV SRO, JBL D120, Eminence ET-65 and Zinky custom, Mesa T4335 from ‘03, list goes on!
Impress you? I taught you everything you know on guitar. I taught that Ed Van Halen guy as well.